The EQuity Lab is exploring racial and gender inequalities by investigating the “leaky and broken” pipelines that exist in academic biomedical career pathways. The EQuity lab, led by Dr Sarah Essilfie-Quaye, will be the first evidence-generating exercise of this kind within the Faculty of Medicine. The insights from this research can help inform future equality policies and develop new approaches aimed at helping to prevent the falling diversity within biomedical research and academia.

Sarah Essilfie-Quaye

Group Leader- EQuity Lab
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Research Fellow 
Faculty of Medicine & Wellcome Institutional Strategic Support Fund (ISSF) Fellowship

My research focuses on gender and racial inequalities in academic careers in biomedical research, and the effects of this on under-served groups in clinical research.

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Mary Adeturinmo

Design Researcher

Mary works as a user experience researcher at the EQuity lab, where she specializes in facilitating qualitative focus groups. Her role involves supporting collaborative health equity research with the Imperial Sickle Cell Group, to address the needs of underserved communities in clinical research.

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Linda van Keimpema

Diversity Metrics Researcher

Linda works on generating quantitative data from large datasets, outlining the equity distribution of current Faculty of Medicine academic and research staff.

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