The main purpose of the centre Cellular Mechano-sensing and Functional Microscopy (CMFM) is to create a collaborative environment in which state-of-the-art techniques, overarching scientific concepts and specialised knowledge are shared between experts in the fields of mechano-sensing, mechano-transduction and associated signalling pathways.

These fields of study are encompassed by the broad term “mechano-biology”, an emerging discipline that investigates the mechanisms by which cells sense and respond to mechanical signals that contribute to their development, physiology, and pathophysiology. By its very nature, the subject lies at the interface of biology, physics, chemistry, and engineering. The Centre incorporate members of the Faculties of Medicine, Natural Sciences and Engineering, (interlinking 9 Departments) aligning with the transdisciplinary strategic aim of the College and providing a unique collaborative theme.

The purpose of the Centre is to promote a dynamic exchange of ideas and personnel between its constituent research groups and provide the opportunity to combine the wealth of expertise and skills of its biologists, engineers, and theoretical scientists to address key challenges in mechano-biology.

The key objectives of the Centre are.

  • To promote a dynamic exchange of ideas and personnel between its constituent research groups.
  • To generate joint publications and grant applications.
  • To foster collaborations between staff with expertise in SICM and allied technical disciplines and biologists studying mechano-biology and associated signalling pathways.
  • To organise seminars and workshops on SICM-based and other mechano-sensing technologies.