
The first EDI+ / IGNITE+ Joint Networking Seminar will be with Dr Jess Wade, Imperial University London who will talk about Allyship and our role in lifting others up.  

Date/Time: Wednesday 21 February 2024, 14:00 – 16:00

Location: Imperial College London (South Kensington Campus) and Online (only for Talk and Q&A – first hour)

This Seminar is also available on Zoom if you are unable to attend in person. Please DO NOT SIGN UP ABOVE and email ediplus@durham.ac.uk instead to register for the online option.

Dr Jess Wade is a Royal Society University Research Fellow and Lecturer in Functional Materials in the Department of Materials at Imperial College London. Her research considers new materials for optoelectronic devices, with a focus on chiral organic semiconductors and how to optimise these chiral systems such that they can absorb/emit circularly polarised light as well as transport spin-polarised electrons. For her PhD Jess concentrated on new materials for photovoltaics and the development of advanced characterisation techniques to better understand their molecular packing. Outside of the lab, Jess is involved with several science communication and outreach initiatives. She is committed to improving diversity in science, both online and offline.

Networking Seminars

The EDI+ / IGNITE+ Networking Seminar Series provides a platform to present and discuss topics relevant to EDI in energy research. The format consists of a 30-40 minute presentation, followed by Q&A and discussion. There will be time for informal in-person networking either before or after the talk.  The seminars are free and open to all.  The location will change each time to allow in-person attendance, although we will provide a hybrid part to the talk/ Q&A to allow all members to participate;

Please get in touch if you would be interested in hosting an event or talking about your own EDI research that would be beneficial for the Energy Research community ignitenetplus@strath.ac.uk 


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