Dr Pamela Swiatlowska

Dr Pamela Swiatlowska will be visiting the NHLI CRI Section in person on Wednesday 24th April to give a seminar on ‘Cardiovascular mechanobiology: A tale of cardiac and vascular myocytes mechanoregulation.’ 

As a Fulbright Scholar, Pamela conducted her Master Research project in Owens Lab (University of Virginia), where she co-authored two studies showing smooth muscle (SMC) cell plasticity during atherosclerotic lesion formation as well as differential Klf4 and Oct4 genes regulatory role in the plaque development (Nature Medicine 2015 and 2016).

Pamela then completed her PhD at Imperial College London, where she adapted mechano-Scanning Ion Conductance Microscopy (mechanoSICM) for live cell cardiovascular mechanobiology studies and further investigated the mechanoproperties of cardiac myocytes. Next, she moved to Delmar Lab at New York University to apply the mechanoSICM technique in an Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy mouse model. Afterwards, she joined Iskratsch Lab at Queen Mary University London to address the role of different mechanical stimuli of vascular SMC in healthy and atherosclerotic environment. She returned to Imperial College London as a BHF Centre of Research Excellence Fellow.

Her primary research interest is understanding the mechanoregulation of vSMC, endothelial cells and cardiac myocytes, focusing on the nuclear compartment architecture, signalling and chromatin organization.

In 2022 Pamela was awarded the Marshall Early Career Runner Up Investigator Prize from the British Society for Cardiovascular Research (>23 awards, grants, fellowship). She is the past Biophysical Reviews Guest Co-Editor (2021-2022) and currently serves on the Imperial College London Cellular Mechanosignaling and Functional Microscopy Centre Advisory Board.

Please join us in SAF 113 or via Teams for Pamela’s presentation.

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