We use light to develop advanced diagnostic tools, wearable sensors, and microscale robots for studying diseases and enabling minimally invasive treatments.

Head of Group

Dr Alex Thompson

Office B411, Bessemer Building,
South Kensington Campus

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What we do

We use photonics to develop new technologies for medicine and to study the pathophysiology of disease. This includes new and improved diagnostic tools as well as microscale robotic devices for therapeutic applications. We use a variety of optical techniques for this purpose such as fluorescence, Raman and diffuse reflectance spectroscopy, as well as microscopy and interferometry. We develop devices ranging from wearable sensors and fibre-optic probes for minimally invasive diagnostics through to microscale robots for cellular-scale manipulation and therapy.

Why it is important?

Our research has a number of potential clinical applications including improved monitoring of clinical therapies and interventions (e.g. in inflammatory bowel disease and malnutrition), early diagnosis of infection, and even margin mapping in tumour resection surgery.

How can it benefit patients?

The devices we are developing can potentially provide less invasive and lower cost diagnostics. In turn, this may facilitate patient benefits including earlier diagnosis, earlier identification of relapse (e.g. in therapy response monitoring applications), more widespread deployment and more comfortable patient experiences (e.g. through use of less invasive probes and sensors).

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  • Journal article
    Baggerman JO, Thompson AJ, Jennings MA, Hergenreder JE, Rounds W, Smith ZK, Johnson BJet al., 2021,

    Effects of Encapsulated Methionine on Skeletal Muscle Growth and Development and Subsequent Feedlot Performance and Carcass Characteristics in Beef Steers

    , ANIMALS, Vol: 11, ISSN: 2076-2615
  • Journal article
    Dryden SD, Anastasova S, Satta G, Thompson AJ, Leff DR, Darzi Aet al., 2021,

    Rapid uropathogen identification using surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy active filters.

    , Scientific Reports, Vol: 11, Pages: 1-10, ISSN: 2045-2322

    Urinary tract infection is one of the most common bacterial infections leading to increased morbidity, mortality and societal costs. Current diagnostics exacerbate this problem due to an inability to provide timely pathogen identification. Surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) has the potential to overcome these issues by providing immediate bacterial classification. To date, achieving accurate classification has required technically complicated processes to capture pathogens, which has precluded the integration of SERS into rapid diagnostics. This work demonstrates that gold-coated membrane filters capture and aggregate bacteria, separating them from urine, while also providing Raman signal enhancement. An optimal gold coating thickness of 50 nm was demonstrated, and the diagnostic performance of the SERS-active filters was assessed using phantom urine infection samples at clinically relevant concentrations (105 CFU/ml). Infected and uninfected (control) samples were identified with an accuracy of 91.1%. Amongst infected samples only, classification of three bacteria (Escherichia coli, Enterococcus faecalis, Klebsiella pneumoniae) was achieved at a rate of 91.6%.

  • Journal article
    Thompson AJ, Smith ZK, Sarturi JO, Johnson BJet al., 2021,

    Antimicrobial supplementation alters digestibility and ruminal fermentation in a continuous culture model

    , JOURNAL OF APPLIED ANIMAL RESEARCH, Vol: 49, Pages: 23-29, ISSN: 0971-2119
  • Journal article
    Skinner C, Thompson AJ, Thursz MR, Marchesi JR, Vergis Net al., 2020,

    Intestinal permeability and bacterial translocation in patients with liver disease, focusing on alcoholic aetiology: methods of assessment and therapeutic intervention

    , Therapeutic Advances in Gastroenterology, Vol: 13, Pages: 1-16, ISSN: 1756-2848

    Increased bacterial translocation (BT) across the gut barrier due to greater intestinal permeability (IP) is seen across a range of conditions, including alcohol-related liver disease (ArLD). The phenomenon of BT may contribute to both the pathogenesis and the development of complications in ArLD. There are a number of methods available to assess IP and in this review we look at their various advantages and limitations. The knowledge around BT and IP in ArLD is also reviewed, as well as the therapeutic strategies currently in use and in development.

  • Journal article
    Maurice J, Lett A, Skinner C, Lim A, Richardson M, Painadath Thomas A, Summers P, Vyas K, Tadbier A, Vilar R, Kuimova M, Miodragovic S, Vergis N, Kelly P, Cordeiro M, Hoare J, Darzi A, Goldin R, Thursz M, Thompson Aet al., 2020,

    Transcutaneous fluorescence spectroscopy as a tool for non-invasive monitoring of gut function: first clinical experiences

    , Scientific Reports, Vol: 10, ISSN: 2045-2322

    Gastro-intestinal function plays a vital role in conditions ranging from inflammatory bowel disease and HIV through to sepsis and malnutrition. However, the techniques that are currently used to assess gut function are either highly invasive or unreliable. Here we present an alternative, non-invasive sensing modality for assessment of gut function based on fluorescence spectroscopy. In this approach, patients receive an oral dose of a fluorescent contrast agent and a fibre-optic probe is used to make fluorescence measurements through the skin. This provides a readout of the degree to which fluorescent dyes have permeated from the gut into the blood stream. We present preliminary results from our first measurements in human volunteers demonstrating the potential of the technique for non-invasive monitoring of multiple aspects of gastro-intestinal health.

  • Journal article
    Kim JA, Wales D, Thompson A, Yang G-Zet al., 2020,

    Fiber-optic SERS probes fabricated using two-photon polymerization for rapid detection of bacteria

    , Advanced Optical Materials, Vol: 8, Pages: 1-12, ISSN: 2195-1071

    This study presents a novel fiber-optic surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) probe (SERS-on-a-tip) fabricated using a simple, two-step protocol based on off-the-shelf components and materials, with a high degree of controllability and repeatability. Two-photon polymerization and subsequent metallization was adopted to fabricate a range of SERS arrays on both planar substrates and end-facets of optical fibers. For the SERS-on-a-tip probes, a limit of detection of 10-7 M (Rhodamine 6G) and analytical enhancement factors of up to 1300 were obtained by optimizing the design, geometry and alignment of the SERS arrays on the tip of the optical fiber. Furthermore, strong repeatability and consistency were achieved for the fabricated SERS arrays, demonstrating that the technique may be suitable for large-scale fabrication procedures in the future. Finally, rapid SERS detection of live Escherichia coli cells was demonstrated using integration times in the milliseconds to seconds range. This result indicates strong potential for in vivo diagnostic use, particularly for detection of infections. Moreover, to the best of our knowledge, this represents the first report of detection of live, unlabeled bacteria using a fiber-optic SERS probe.

  • Conference paper
    Dryden S, Anastasova S, Satta G, Thompson AJ, Leff DR, Darzi AWet al., 2020,

    Toward point-of-care uropathogen detection using SERS active filters

    , Optical Diagnostics and Sensing XX: Toward Point-of-Care Diagnostics, Publisher: SPIE, Pages: 1124705-1-1124705-7

    150 million people worldwide suffer one or more urinary tract infections (UTIs) annually. UTIs are a significant health burden: societal costs of UTI exceed $3.5 billion in the U.S. alone; 5% of sepsis cases arise from a urinary source; and UTIs are a prominent contributor toward antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Current diagnostic frameworks exacerbate this burden by providing inaccurate and delayed diagnosis. Rapid point-of-care bacterial identification will allow for early precision treatment, fundamentally altering the UTI paradigm. Raman spectroscopy has a proven ability to provide rapid bacterial identification but is limited by weak bacterial signal and a susceptibility to background fluorescence. These limitations may be overcome using surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS), provided close and consistent application of bacteria to the SERS-active surface can be achieved. Physical filtration provides a means of capturing uropathogens, separating them from the background solution and acting as SERS-active surface. This work demonstrates that filters can provide a means of aggregating bacteria, thereby allowing subsequent enhancement of the acquired Raman signal using metallic nanoparticles. 60 bacterial suspensions of common uropathogens were vacuum filtered onto commercial polyvinylidene fluoride membrane filters and Raman signals were enhanced by the addition of silver nanoparticles directly onto the filter surface. SERS spectra were acquired using a commercial Raman spectrometer (Ocean Optics, Inc.). Principal Component – Linear Discriminant Analysis provided discrimination of infected from control samples (accuracy: 88.75%, 95% CI: 79.22-94.59%, p-value <0.05). Amongst infected samples uropathogens were classified with 80% accuracy. This study has demonstrated that combining Raman spectroscopy with membrane filtration and SERS can provide identification of infected samples and rapid bacterial classification.

  • Conference paper
    Kim JA, Wales DJ, Thompson AJ, Yang G-Zet al., 2019,

    Towards development of fibre-optic surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy probes using 2-photon polymerisation for rapid detection of bacteria

    , Plasmonics in Biology and Medicine XVI, Publisher: SPIE, ISSN: 0277-786X

    In this study, a variety of direct laser written surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) micro-structures, designed for bacteria detection, are presented. Various SERS micro-structures were designed to achieve both a high density of plasmonic hot spots and a strong probability of interaction between the hot spots and the target bacterial cells. Twophoton polymerization was used for initial fabrication of the polymeric skeletons of the SERS micro-structures, which were then coated with a 50 nm-thick gold layer via e-beam evaporation. The micro-structures were fabricated on glass coverslips and were assessed using a confocal Raman microscope. To this end, Rhodamine 6G was used as an analyte under 785 nm laser illumination. The optimal SERS micro-structures showed approximately 7×103 enhancement in Raman signal (analytical enhancement factor, AEF) at a wavenumber of 600 cm-1. Real-time detection of E. coli in solution was demonstrated using the fabricated SERS platform with low laser powers and a short acquisition time (785 nm, 5 mW, 50 ms).

  • Report
    Consortium H, Drake L, Frost G, Holmes E, Lett A, Maitland K, Marchesi J, Swann J, thompson, Thompson A, Walsh Ket al., 2019,

    Health outcomes in Undernutrition: the role of Nutrients, Gut dysfunction and the gut microbiome (HUNGer)

    , Health outcomes in Undernutrition: the role of Nutrients, Gut dysfunction and the gut microbiome (HUNGer), Publisher: Imperial College London

    The HUNGer consortium is comprised of a multi-disciplinary, multi-national consortium of world leading researchers, with expertise in physiology and nutrition, through to clinical research, public health and agriculture in LMIC settings. The HUNGer consortium was awarded the MRC Confidence in Global Nutrition and Health award in 2018.The HUNGer consortium is developing a programme of work that will directly address United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 2 (SDG-2): End hunger, achieve food security and improve nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture. We believe there are a number of critical unanswered questions regarding the role of the gut in undernutrition, which if answered could significantly improve the effective management and prevention of undernutrition.The following document represents the consensus opinion of the HUNGer consortium concerning the key challenges that currently limit the effective management and prevention of undernutrition and the most promising potential solutions.

  • Journal article
    Tudor A, Delaney C, Zhang H, Thompson AJ, Curto VF, Yang GZ, Higgins MJ, Diamond D, Florea Let al., 2018,

    Fabrication of soft, stimulus-responsive structures with sub-micron resolution via two-photon polymerization of poly(ionic liquid)s

    , Materials Today, Vol: 21, Pages: 807-816, ISSN: 1369-7021

    Soft, stimulus-responsive 3D structures created from crosslinked poly(ionic liquid)s (PILs) have been fabricated at unprecedented sub-micron resolution by direct laser writing (DLW). These structures absorb considerable quantities of solvent (e.g., water, alcohol, and acetone) to produce PIL hydrogels that exhibit stimulus-responsive behavior. Due to their flexibility and soft, responsive nature, these structures are much more akin to biological systems than the conventional, highly crosslinked, rigid structures typically produced using 2-photon polymerization (2-PP). These PIL gels expand/contract due to solvent uptake/release, and, by exploiting inherited properties of the ionic liquid monomer (ILM), thermo-responsive gels that exhibit reversible area change (30 ± 3%, n = 40) when the temperature is raised from 20 °C to 70 °C can be created. The effect is very rapid, with the response indistinguishable from the microcontroller heating rate of 7.4 °C s−1. The presence of an endoskeleton-like framework within these structures influences movement arising from expansion/contraction and assists the retention of structural integrity during actuation cycling.

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