As an academic, I am invited to be a viva examiner or review grant proposals, for which I receive a nominal fee. Am I required to seek permission to undertake these tasks and declare them?
No, you do not need permission to undertake these academic related activities, nor declare them on your Annual Declaration of Interests return.
I have been invited to be an external examiner for Undergraduate and/or Master degree programmes taught at other Universities. Do I need permission to undertake these interests and declare them?
You do not need permission for these interests, but you are required to declare them on your Annual Declaration of Interests return.
I am employed full time in the College but intend to work part-time in the College’s Library, Sports Centre etc. Do I need permission to do this?
No, you do not need permission to undertake casual work, as such bar or retail work, within College in addition to your full time College duties, but you are required to disclose this on your Annual Declaration of Interest return. However, this casual work cannot be undertaken during your normal full time working hours - including your lunch break.
Do I need permission for any Intellectual Property Rights filed through Imperial Innovations and any revenues I receive via the College’s Reward to Inventors Scheme?
No, these are excluded interests. You will need to seek permission before being assigned IP in a private capacity and annually declare this thereafter. You will also need to seek permission before receiving any IP commercialisation revenue outside of the College’s Reward to Inventors scheme and declare this annually thereafter too.
I am a shareholder in a company. Do I need to declare this?
You need to seek permission and declare shareholdings greater than 5% in any one company, or any shareholding in a company which may engage in business with the College and you have a significant influence in that company e.g. being able to influence decisions made by the board of that company.
Once authorisation is given for an external interest, does this need to be re-authorised if the interest goes on for more than a year or evolves into a different interest?
Permission can be granted for an interest for up to five years, and during that period it does not need to be re-authorised, but it must be declared on your Annual Declaration of Interest return for its duration. However, if that interest evolves into a different interest or requires an extension, permission must be sought for that.
Private Clinical Practice requests, where no conflict of interest exists, may be approved for a maximum of five years.
The external interest I am seeking permission for is sensitive. Once I have submitted an approval request, who has access to this information?
Access to the ‘Register of Interests’ is limited to the staff listed in the policy.
I am an editor for a journal and am paid for this service, the work is directly related to my research but the publisher has no connection to the College. Do I need to declare this?
Yes, you need to declare this on your Annual Declaration of Interest return, but you do not need to seek permission to do this.
I am a trustee or board member of a non-scientific society/volunteer group/charity. Do I need to declare this?
No, complete a 'nil' return unless this work is paid or links to what is being carried out by the College or if it falls within the Conflict of Interest definition at section 2.4.1 of the College's Conflict of Interest Policy.