- Brazil
- Argentina
- Paraguay
- Bolivia
- 5
- 10
- 15
- 20
- 25
- 30
Check food labels for
ingredients containing Soya.
When you do buy soya check
that it is sustainably sourced.
The Round Table on Responsible Soy
(RTRS) is a multi-stakeholder
initiative which aims to
reduce the negative impacts
of soy production.
The first farm to be certified
by the initiative was in 2011.
Increasing number of Soy
farms are becoming certified
as environmentally
friendly farms.
Keep an eye out for RTRS certified soy products
Vegetarians can get their protein source from elsewhere; try quinoa, lentils, nuts and barley.
Soybeans are grown on approximately 6% of the world’s arable land.
Soybeans are the most rapidly expanding crop since 1970.
Large expanses of land are required to grow the crop. The USA produces the highest percentage of Soya worldwide; most of this is genetically modified.
Consequently the UK imports 70% of it’s non-genetically-modified soya from South America. Agricultural expansion is extending into fragile ecosystems including:
- Brazilian Cerrado (Brazil)
- Amazon
- Chaco
- Atlantic Forests (South America)
Deforestation is leading to losses in biodiversity and contributing to climate change.