Get My Imperial Campus app - Your Campus in your pocket!
Download the beta version of My Imperial Campus app from the Google Play or Apple store and get your first look at the current functionality like; campus maps, a chat bot to find resources, personalised Imperial events, class check-in and more!
(Class check-in is only available to the departments taking part in the pilot.)
Using the app
Once you have downloaded the app, you can log in with your Imperial username ( and password.
You can set your preferred name and personalise your experience by selecting your academic and personal interests.
There is an in-built Tour feature which will help you navigate the app, but if you need more help, you can watch the How to use My Imperial Campus app video.
Built by students, for students
The Dreamteam, a student led professional design consultancy, and Imperial’s Digital Campus squad in ICT, are collaborating to create an app that is focussed on what you need to improve your university experience on and off campus.
This is a truly unique and collaborative initiative aimed at unlocking innovation in the student and staff experience of our campuses. We’re collaborating directly with our world leading students and alumni together with colleagues across the organisation.” Rob Sherwood, Head of Digital Campus Product Line, ICT
Upcoming features
Beta app - The current app is in beta, but to ensure we are delivering what you need quickly we are making regular improvements based on your feedback. We aim to launch the production app in 2025!
You will see a list of the upcoming features in the apps Coming soon menu option.
You can submit ideas and vote on app feature requests via the Aha portal.
My Imperial Campus app launch
Get involved
Join our early testing team and be the first to shape and experience Imperial’s newest app features. You can sign up via the in app Coming soon menu option, or you can see all the great ideas so far, and vote your favourite ideas.
Further support
The app is supported by ICT, please contact the Service Desk if you have any issues with the technology.
A public facing roadmap is coming soon, but in the meantime you can speak to Rob Sherwood, Head of Digital Campus Product Line about the apps roadmap.