The Department has an effective support structure in place to assist with grant applications. Working in a planned and managed way will enable you to make the most of the support available and contribute towards the success of your funding applications.
Applications for all research grants are costed by the divisional administrators using the Worktribe system - the College’s costing tool. All applications require prior approval from the Department and the Joint Research Office (JRO), obtained via the Worktribe system. Obtaining the necessary approvals takes time, therefore you should be ready to submit far enough in advance of the sponsor's deadline to allow for the necessary peer review, letters of support, signatures, budget correction and approvals to be completed.
Notifying your Divisional Manager of your intention to apply for a grant as early as possible will enable them to involve the JRO and Research Manager in good time. Costings should be requested at least 3-5 weeks prior to the application deadline to allow preparation of costings by Divisional administrators and approval by the Department and the JRO. For programme grants a minimum 5 weeks is required.
Once applications have been finalised the approval process (Departmental and then Joint Research Office authorisation and then submission to the funding body) requires at least 5 working days before the funding body deadline.
Late applications are not acceptable. There is a governance risk for the Department and College if the approval process is not given due diligence. There is a mistaken perception that the financial approvals are not important or that they can be done very quickly (we have previously been asked to approve within hours of a funding deadline). For applications submitted less than 5 working days before the deadline, the Department and JRO will undertake checks where feasible, however this will not be comprehensive, and the PI will be responsible for any financial errors. The Department may reject successful applications if the costing was not carried out properly, with sufficient time to consider all elements, or where there are financial implications for the Department that were not approved at submission.
Every application submitted requires a unique costing, even if there has been no change in the costs applied for from previous applications, and/or no change in funder. In addition, if the funder being applied to requires an outline application prior to a main application, this would require two separate costings on the Worktribe system. Costings must be submitted internally for approval by the College and JRO before they are submitted to a funder. Applications submitted before the costing is approved or not matching the costing will not be supported.
Submission of a grant application often involves a portal system that is unique to a funder. These portals have different levels of approval, whether it is Research Manager, Head of Department or an IP Officer. Applicants are advised to check the requirements of the system in advance so these people can be notified in advance to ensure the application does not miss a deadline.
Only submit your application once it has full (financial and scientific) JRO and Department approval. Allow sufficient time before your funder’s deadline for any portal-based approvals to be given.