Heart Organ

The Cardiovascular therapeutic area was established in 2019 and is led by Professor Darrel Francis and has strong collaborations with investigators from the National Heart and Lung Institute (NHLI) at Imperial College London.

The aim of this therapeutic area is to develop high quality cardiovascular research proposals by working with investigators from early stages and having a dedicated team composed of an Operations Manager, Senior Statistician, support from a dedicated Public Involvement Coordinator and Clinical Data Systems team.

We are happy to consider clinical trials as well as complex observational studies.

The therapeutic area has established a successful and streamlined peer review group that includes experts in the cardiovascular field, and has supported a high number of investigators through funding applications.

The Cardiovascular Peer Review Group considers proposals from any investigators in the cardiovascular field, giving priority to NHLI investigators.

Therapeutic Area peer review group

  • Professor Darrel Francis (Chair) – Professor of Cardiology
  • Professor Wisia Wedzicha (Deputy Chair) – Professor of Respiratory Medicine
  • Professor Neil Poulter – Professor of Preventative Cardiovascular Medicine
  • Professor Sebastian Johnston – Professor of Respiratory Medicine and Allergy
  • Professor Mike Polkey – Professor of Respiratory Medicine
  • Professor Kosh Ray – ICTU Deputy Director and Professor of Public Health
  • Professor Janet Powell – Professor of  Vascular Biology and Medicine
  • Dr Prapa Kanagaratnam – Consultant Cardiologist
  • Professor Salman Siddiqui – Professor of Airways Disease and Respiratory Medicine 
  • Dr James Howard – British Heart Foundation Intermediate Fellow and Honorary Consultant Cardiologist at Imperial College
  • Mrs Emanuela Falaschetti – Senior Statistician
  • Dr Ana Boshoff – Clinical Research Operations Manager