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  • Conference paper
    Fong J, Lowe MJS, Gridin D, Craster RVet al., 2003,

    Fast techniques for calculating dispersion relations of circumferential waves in annular structures

    , Review of progress in quantitative NDE, Bellingham, WA, July 2002, Publisher: American Institute of Physics, Pages: 213-220
  • Conference paper
    Fromme P, Wilcox P, Cawley P, 2003,

    Remote monitoring of plate-like structures using guided wave arrays

    , Review of progress in quantitative NDE, Bellingham, WA, July 2002, Publisher: American Institute of Physics, Pages: 157-164
  • Conference paper
    Demma A, Cawley P, Lowe MJS, 2003,

    Scattering of the SH0 mode from geometrical discontinuities in plates

    , 29th annual review of progress in quantitative NDE, July 2002, Bellingham, WA, Publisher: American Institute of Physics, Pages: 149-156
  • Conference paper
    Diligent O, Lowe MJS, Cawley P, Wilcox Pet al., 2003,

    Reflection of the S~0 Lamb mode from a part-depth circular defect in a plate, qhen the incident wave is created by a small source

    , Review of progress in quantitative NDE, Bellingham, WA, July 2002, Publisher: American Institute of Physics, Pages: 197-204
  • Journal article
    Alleyne D, Pavlakovic BN, Demma A, Evans M, Cawley P, Lowe Met al., 2003,

    Ispezione rapida ed a lungo range di condotte e tubi usando Guided Waves

    , Journal Italian Society Non Destructive Testing, Vol: 24, Pages: 23-26
  • Journal article
    Diligent O, Grahn T, Boström A, Cawley P, Lowe MJSet al., 2002,

    The low-frequency reflection and scattering of the S<sub>0</sub> Lamb mode from a circular through-thickness hole in a plate:: Finite Element, analytical and experimental studies

    , JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA, Vol: 112, Pages: 2589-2601, ISSN: 0001-4966
  • Journal article
    Lowe MJS, Cawley P, Kao JY, Diligent Oet al., 2002,

    The low frequency reflection characteristics of the fundamental antisymmetric Lamb wave α<sub>0</sub> from a rectangular notch in a plate

    , JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA, Vol: 112, Pages: 2612-2622, ISSN: 0001-4966
  • Journal article
    Beard MD, Lowe MJS, Cawley P, 2002,

    Development of a guided wave inspection technique for rock bolts

    , INSIGHT, Vol: 44, Pages: 19-24, ISSN: 1354-2575
  • Book chapter
    Lowe MJS, 2002,

    Wave propagation. Interaction of waves with boundaries

    , Encyclopedia of vibration, Editors: Braun, Ewins, Rao, Braun, Ewins, Rao, San Diego, Publisher: Academic Press, Pages: 1559-1564, ISBN: 9780122270888
  • Conference paper
    Beard MD, Lowe MJS, Cawley P, 2002,

    Development of a guided wave inspection technique for rock bolts

    , Melville, NY, 14th annual review of progress in quantitative nondestructive evaluation, Brunswick, Maine, July 2001, Publisher: AIP Press, Pages: 1318-1325
  • Conference paper
    Diligent O, Lowe MJS, Cawley P, 2002,

    Reflection and scattering of the S~0 Lamb mode from 3-D circular defects in plates

    , 14th annual review of progress in quantitative nondestructive evaluation, Brunswick, Maine, 29 July - 3 August 2001, Publisher: AIP Press, Pages: 231-238
  • Conference paper
    Wilcox P, Evans M, Diligent O, Lowe M, Cawley Pet al., 2002,

    Dispersion and excitability of guided acoustic waves in isotropic beams with arbitrary cross section

    , 14th annual review of progress in quantitative nondestructive evaluation, Brunswick, Maine, 29 July - 3 August 2001, Publisher: AIP Press, Pages: 203-210
  • Journal article
    Lowe MJS, Diligent O, 2002,

    Low-frequency reflection characteristics of the s~0 Lamb wave from a rectangular notch in a plate

    , Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol: 111, Pages: 64-74, ISSN: 0001-4966
  • Conference paper
    Allin JM, Cawley P, Lowe MJS, 2002,

    A robust technique for disbond detection in the automotive industry

    , 14th annual review of progress in quantitative nondestructive evaluation, Brunswick, Maine, 29 July - 3 August 2001, Publisher: AIP Press, Pages: 1172-1179
  • Journal article
    Alleyne DN, Pavlakovic B, Lowe M, Cawley Pet al., 2002,

    The use of guided waves for rapid screening of chemical plant pipework

    , Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive testing, Vol: 22, Pages: 589-598, ISSN: 1225-7842
  • Book chapter
    Lowe MJS, 2002,

    Wave propagation. Waves in an unbounded medium

    , Encyclopedia of vibration, Editors: Braun, Ewins, Rao, Braun, Ewins, Rao, San Diego, Publisher: Academic Press, Pages: 1565-1570, ISBN: 9780122270888
  • Conference paper
    Cawley P, Lowe MJS, Simonetti F, 2002,

    The reflection coefficient of extensional guided waves in pipes as a function of defect size and frequency

    , Proceedings 8th European NDT conference, Barcelona, June 17 - 21 2002, Publisher: N/A
  • Book chapter
    Lowe MJS, 2002,

    Wave propagation. Guided waves in structures

    , Encyclopedia of vibration, Editors: Braun, Ewins, Rao, Braun, Ewins, Rao, San Diego, Publisher: Academic Press, Pages: 1551-1559, ISBN: 9780122270888
  • Conference paper
    Cawley P, Lowe MJS, Simonetti F, 2002,

    The reflection coefficient of extensional guided waves in pipes as a function of defect size and frequency

    , Proceedings 8th European NDT conference, Barcelona, June 17 - 21 2002, Publisher: N/A
  • Conference paper
    Simonetti F, Demma A, Chevalier M, Lowe MJS, Cawley P, Roosenbrand Bet al., 2002,

    The effecto of defect depth, axial and circumferential extent on the reflection of guided waves in pipes

    , N/A, 8th ECNDT proceedings, European conference on nondestructive testing, Barcelona (Spain), 17 - 21 June 2002, Publisher: N/A

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