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  • Conference paper
    Cawley P, 1997,

    Quick inspection of large structures using low frequency ultrasound

    , International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Publisher: TECHNOMIC PUBL CO INC, Pages: 529-540
  • Journal article
    Alleyne DN, Cawley P, 1997,

    Long range propagation of Lamb waves in chemical plant pipework

    , Materials Evaluation, Vol: 55, Pages: 504-508, ISSN: 0025-5327
  • Journal article
    Drinkwater B, Cawley P, 1997,

    Measurement of the frequency dependence of the ultrasonic reflection coefficient from thin interface layers and partially contacting interfaces

    , Ultrasonics, Vol: 35, Pages: 479-488, ISSN: 0041-624X
  • Conference paper
    Wilcox P, Castaings M, Monkhouse R, Cawley P, Lowe Met al., 1997,

    An example of the use of interdigital PVDF transducers to generate and receive a high order lamb wave mode in a pipe

    , 23rd Symposium on Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, Publisher: PLENUM PRESS DIV PLENUM PUBLISHING CORP, Pages: 919-926
  • Conference paper
    Lowe M, Alleyne D, Cawley P, 1997,

    Mode conversion of guided waves by defects in pipes

    , 23rd Symposium on Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, Publisher: PLENUM PRESS DIV PLENUM PUBLISHING CORP, Pages: 1261-1268
  • Book chapter
    Monkhouse RSC, Wilcox PD, Cawley P, 1997,

    Flexible interdigital PVDF Lamb wave transducers for the development of smart structures

    , Review of progress in quantitative nondestructive evaluation, Editors: Thompson, Chimenti, Publisher: Plenum, Pages: 877-884, ISBN: 9780306455971
  • Conference paper
    Cawley P, 1997,

    Long range inspection of structures using low frequency ultrasound

    , Proceedings of DAMAS '97 (Euromech 365), Publisher: Sheffield Academic Press, Pages: 1-17
  • Journal article
    Drinkwater B, Dwyer-Joyce R, Cawley P, 1997,

    A study of the transmission of ultrasound across solid-rubber interfaces

    , Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol: 101, Pages: 970-981, ISSN: 0001-4966
  • Book chapter
    Pavlakovic B, Lowe MJS, Alleyne DN, Cawley Pet al., 1997,

    DISPERSE: a general purpose program for creating dispersion curves

    , Review of progress in quantitative nondestructive evaluation, Editors: Thompson, Chimenti, Publisher: Plenum, Pages: 185-192, ISBN: 9780306455971
  • Book chapter
    Drinkwater B, Dwyer-Joyce R, Cawley P, 1997,

    The interaction of ultrasound with a partially contacting solid-solid interface in the low frequency regime

    , Review of progress in quantitative nondestructive evaluation (eds. D.O.Thompson and D.E. Chimenti), Publisher: Plenum, Pages: 1229-1234, ISBN: 9780306455971
  • Book chapter
    Lowe MJS, Alleyne DN, Cawley P, 1997,

    Mode conversion of guided waves by defects in pipes

    , Review of progress in quantitative non destructive evaluation, Editors: Thompson, Chimenti, Publisher: Plenum, Pages: 1261-1268, ISBN: 9780306455971
  • Journal article
    Drinkwater B, Cawley P, 1997,

    The practical application of solid coupled ultrasonic transducers

    , Materials Evaluation, Vol: 55, ISSN: 0025-5327
  • Journal article
    Meredith N, Shagaldi F, Alleyne DN, Sennerby L, Cawley Pet al., 1997,

    The application of resonance frequency measurements to study the stability of titanium implants during healing in the rabbit tibia

    , Clinical Oral Implants Research, Vol: 8, Pages: 234-243, ISSN: 0905-7161
  • Book chapter
    Cawley P, 1997,

    Quick inspection of large structures using low frequency ultrasound

    , Structural health monitoring:current status and perspectives, Editors: Chang, Publisher: Technomic, Pages: 529-540, ISBN: 9781566766050
  • Conference paper
    Alleyne DN, Cawley P, Lank AM, Mudge PJet al., 1997,

    The lamb wave inspection of chemical plant pipework

    , 23rd Symposium on Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, Publisher: PLENUM PRESS DIV PLENUM PUBLISHING CORP, Pages: 1269-1276
  • Conference paper
    Zeller BD, Kinloch AJ, Cawley P, Zinin P, Briggs GAD, Thompson GE, Zhou Xet al., 1997,

    Adhesive/adherend interlayer property measurement by acoustic microscopy

    , 23rd Symposium on Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, Publisher: PLENUM PRESS DIV PLENUM PUBLISHING CORP, Pages: 1237-1244
  • Book chapter
    Evans MJ, Cawley P, 1997,

    Generation of diffuse Lamb waves in plates

    , Review of progress in quantitative nondestructive evaluation, Editors: Thompson, Chimenti, Publisher: Plenum, Pages: 389-396, ISBN: 9780306455971
  • Book chapter
    Wilcox P, Castaings M, Monkhouse RSC, Cawley P, Lowe MJSet al., 1997,

    An example of the use of interdigital PVDF transducers to generate and receive a high order Lamb wave mode in a pipe

    , Review of progress in a quantitative nondestructive evaluation, Editors: Thompson, Chimenti, Publisher: Plenum, Pages: 919-926, ISBN: 9780306455971
  • Journal article
    Cawley P, Hosten B, 1997,

    The use of large ultrasonic transducers to improve transmission coefficient measurements on viscoelastic anisotropic plates

    , Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol: 101, Pages: 1373-1379, ISSN: 0001-4966
  • Conference paper
    Alleyne DN, Lowe MJS, Cawley P, 1996,

    The inspection of chemical plant pipework using Lamb waves: defect sensitivity and field experience

    , Publisher: Plenum, Pages: 1859-1866

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