Imperial College London


Faculty of Natural SciencesDepartment of Physics

Senior Lecturer in Climate Science



+44 (0)20 7594 1710p.ceppi Website




725Huxley BuildingSouth Kensington Campus





Dr Paulo Ceppi is a Senior Lecturer in Climate Science in the Department of Physics. His expertise is in understanding global climate variability and change.

In July 2023 he was awarded a five-year ERC Starting Grant, worth €1.5M, to develop a theoretical framework that describes and quantifies the impact of clouds on global climate, and its variations in time. Prior to that, Paulo held an Imperial College Research Fellowship, which gave him four years of independent research funding.

Paulo is a contributor to Greta Thunberg's The Climate Book, and his past research has been covered by international media outlets including the Washington Post, Scientific American and Carbon Brief.

For a full CV and publication list, see his personal webpage.



Kuhlbrodt T, Swaminathan R, Ceppi P, et al., 2024, A Glimpse into the Future The 2023 Ocean Temperature and Sea Ice Extremes in the Context of Longer-Term Climate Change, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Vol:105, ISSN:0003-0007, Pages:E474-E485

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