View the Varsity 2024 Photos

Varsity 2025

The dates for Varsity 2025 are:

  • Friday 14 March 2025 - Ethos Takeover
  • Saturday 15 March 2025 - Harlington

Imperial Varsity 2024

Our Annual Varsity event - Imperial College vs Imperial Medical School.

The 2024 Varsity saw over 1000 participants and spectators join us for 2 days of competitive sport to settle a long-standing rivalry between IC and the Medics.

Our indoor sports battled it out first, at Ethos Sports Centre on Friday 15 March, with Volleyball putting on a thrilling headline match. The outdoor sports followed suit at Harlington, on Saturday 16 March, where we had a huge display of competitive matches across the day. The event culminated with Women's Football as our headline sport, which did not disappoint!

After a fantastic weekend of competition, Imperial College won overall, with a score of 34 - 11. See some highlights below and view the full photo album here.

Varsity 2024

Varsity 2024

Varsity 2024

Varsity 2024

Varsity 2024

Varsity 2024

Varsity 2024

Varsity 2024

Varsity 2024

Varsity 2024