You can apply for a Global Talent visa to work in the UK if you’re a leader or potential leader in one of the following fields:

You must also be at least 18 years old.

GT faqs

For most individuals the application will consist of two parts:

  • Stage 1 - application for endorsement and
  • Stage 2 - visa application

If you have been awarded a prestigious prize listed in Appendix Global Talent: Prestigious Prizes, you are considered as showing exceptional talent and are not required to apply for an endorsement.

The first stage of the application process is to apply for endorsement. This stage is not an immigration application and will not affect your current visa. Applicants apply to the relevant Designated Competent Body for endorsement.

Designated Competent Bodies

You can make the application for endorsement before making your visa or apply for both at the same time. Applying at the same time is useful where your current visa is due to expire and you wish to retain your current permission to live and work in the UK whilst your endorsement application is being considered.

The requirements for an endorsement appear in paragraph GTE 2.1 of Appendix Global Talent. The endorsing bodies criteria appears at paragraphs GTE 3.1 to GTE 8.10. If you are applying under the Tech Nation UK scheme there is a separate form that includes questions specific to digital technology applicants.

If you are successful, you will receive an endorsement letter via email which will be valid for 3 months.

You apply for your visa online. How you apply depends on whether you are:

You must submit a copy of your endorsement letter that was emailed to you when your Stage 1 application was approved, unless you have submitted Stage 1 and Stage 2 simultaneously. 

You must apply within 3 months of gaining your endorsement letter otherwise your application will be refused.

You can apply to stay in the UK for a minimum of 1 year and a maximum of 5 years. You can choose how long you want to apply for when you submit your application.

Yes, if eligible, your family can apply to be your dependants under this route.  

If you hold a Student visa and you were sponsored by a Government or international scholarship agency for your fees and living costs, you must provide written consent from your sponsor in support of your visa application.