If you’ve received your exam results and you’ve got an offer from Imperial, here’s our guidance about what will happen next.



Imperial does not take part in UCAS clearing. If you're looking for a Clearing place, we recommend you visit the UCAS website to find universities that are open for applications through Clearing.


You've received your results and met the conditions of your offer

You can check if Imperial has confirmed your place on UCAS Hub.

If your status shows as 'Unconditional firm (UF)', your place has been confirmed.

You've received your results and met the conditions of your offer


You haven't met the conditions of your offer


You declined your offer

If you previously declined your offer, this offer is no longer valid and cannot be reinstated at this stage of the admissions cycle. 

Wait lists, contact details and fee status


What to do if you want to change your UCAS choices


After your place has been confirmed