This information is applicable to both the 2024-25 and 2025-26 academic years.

Please check back in early 2026 for information relating to the 2026-27 academic year

Imperial College London accepts a number of visiting (non-degree) students each year:

  • Most visiting students at Imperial are undertaking a degree at another institution (including exchange students).
  • We admit a small number of visiting students on an independent basis.
  • Visiting students are not awarded a degree by Imperial but may be issued a transcript for any official assessments they undertake and may use the credit gained to contribute to a degree awarded by another institution.

Whether you are a prospective exchange or non-exchange student please ensure that you read the detailed information below before making a visiting student application. 

If you are an Imperial staff member please read our guidance about hosting visiting students on our internal webpages

Students who are admitted by Imperial as Visiting Students will find useful orientation on this page.

Visiting student opportunities

Imperial's student exchange links

How to apply as a visiting student

Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme (UROP)

Admitted students