Scholarship overview

  • Degree level

    Postgraduate taught

  • Value


  • Number of awards


  • Academic year


  • Tuition fee status

    Home, Overseas

  • Mode of study

    Full time

  • Available to

    Prospective students

  • Application deadline

    20/05/2024 Closed

  • Additional information

    Scholarship page

  • Available to applicants in the following departments

    • Earth Science and Engineering

Eligibility criteria

To be eligible for the Bank of Montreal and Women in Mining scholarships, candidates must fulfil the course's eligibility criteria and have applied for the course through the normal admissions process including submitting all required documents. See further details on the Metals and Energy Finance MSc course page.

To be considered for a Scholarship for the MSc Metals and Energy Finance course in academic year 2024-25, please apply for the course by 6 May 2024, and complete the following Qualtrics application form by 20 May 2024.


Please note: This scholarship is not available to continuing students.

Course specific information

MSc Metals & Energy Finance

Application process

To be considered for this Scholarship for the MSc Metals and Energy Finance course in academic year 2024-25, please apply for the course by 6 May 2024, and complete the Qualtrics application form by 20 May 2024. For further information and the Qualtrics form please contact Joanna Owens (


If you have any additional questions, please contact us at