Scholarship overview

  • Degree level

    Postgraduate taught

  • Value

    Each bursary is valued at £7,100, with 50% of the award applied in each year of the 2-year programme

  • Number of awards


  • Academic year


  • Tuition fee status


  • Mode of study

    Part time

  • Available to

    Prospective students

  • Application deadline

    24/06/2024 Closed

  • Additional information

    Scholarship page

  • Available to applicants in the following departments

    • Surgery and Cancer

Eligibility criteria

Applications are welcome from any student currently holding an offer for the 24/25 academic year to start the Health Policy Programme.

Up to five bursaries offered to overseas fee paying students. Each bursary is valued at £7,100, with 50% of the award applied in each year of the 2-year programme, subject to successful academic progression.

To be eligible to apply the applicant must be in receipt of an offer for the MSc Health Policy to commence in October 2024.

To receive the bursary they must have accepted the offer and have fulfilled all offer criteria.

Please note: This scholarship is not available to continuing students.

Application process

1. The applicant should submit a statement of no more than 250 words outlining how the programme will benefit your career or future plans.

2. Please submit your statement to including:

  • Your full name
  • Your College Identifier Number (CID)
  • Bursary Application in the email Subject Line
3. Applications will close on Monday 24 June 2024

Additional information

Full details here:


If you have any additional questions, please contact us at