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“What makes doing a PhD so rewarding is finding out new things and contributing to a community of researchers working toward the same goal of moving the field forward.”
“The work I’m doing has the potential to help so many people and change the care people receive which really motivates me to continue my research.”
“Imperial organised various PhD events which were a great way to meet other students and get a sense of the different research happening across departments.”
“The sense of community and the opportunity to live in a vibrant city like London made me confident that Imperial was the perfect place for my PhD studies.”
“Imperial's great facilities and research collaborations are essential when you’re doing a lab-based PhD.”
"The great thing about living in London is that it’s so big and all the areas are so different."
"I was drawn to Imperial for the quality of research and the research impact. This was really important for me coming from a technology transfer background."
"There are just so many things you can do and see, it is never-ending!"