No booking needed.

Open 9.30 to 16.30 on Saturday 14 September.

Meet staff and students at our information fairs to learn more about our different courses and departments, and chat with members of our support service teams, Enterprise Lab and students’ union to find out more about student life at Imperial. 

Use our course search to learn more about our departments and undergraduate courses.  

You can find venues and building locations on our campus map

Queen's Tower Rooms

Location: level 1 Sherfield Building (West) 

Subject exhibitors 

  • Aeronautics
  • Bioengineering for Biomedical Engineering, Molecular Bioengineering and Biomedical Technology Ventures
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Chemistry
  • Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Computing
  • Dyson School of Design Engineering
  • Earth Science and Engineering for Geology, Geophysics and Planetary Science
  • Electrical and Electronic Engineering
  • Imperial College Business School for Economics, Finance and Data Science
  • Materials
  • Mathematics
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Physics

Student life exhibitors

Senior Common Room

Location: level 2, Sherfield Building (West)

Subject exhibitors

  • Imperial College Business School for Economics, Finance and Data Science
  • Life Sciences for Biochemistry and Biotechnology, and Biological Sciences
  • Medical Biosciences for Biomedical Science
  • Medicine

Student life exhibitors