I-Explore modules are a compulsory part of your undergraduate curriculum. You must pass your I-Explore module to gain enough credits to pass the year. You get a numerical mark that will go on your transcript although this numerical mark will not be included in the calculation of your final degree result.

What happens if I don't pass my I-Explore module? 

You are required to take and fully attempt all components of your chosen I-Explore module and you are expected to pass it.

However, if you do not pass this module but you achieve a mark between 30.00 to 39.99 (inclusive) your I-Explore module may be eligible for compensation. If the module cannot be compensated (there are limits on the amount of compensation which can be applied each year) or you receive a mark below 30.00, you will be required to resit the module*.

*For students on the MBBS only: you may still be able to progress with the approval of the Exam Board if you do not successfully pass the module.

 Please refer to the resit policy for more information.