Imperial College is a research-intense university and has an explicit commitment to:

  • a supportive, inclusive and highly motivated research community that has the confidence to question and challenge 
  • courageous and creative research, conducted in a collaborative manner and with a global outlook 
  • open research, conducted ethically with integrity, good governance and best practice 
  • promoting and recognising the value of equality, diversity and inclusion across our research community 

As a research student you are now part of Imperial’s research community and so it is key that you participate, engage and make the most of it for the benefit of everyone as well as your academic and professional development.

There are many ways in which you can participate and engage in Imperial’s research community, starting from your own research group/department or CDT, participating in Faculty level activities and engaging in cross-college events and activities.

Some key opportunities are:

  • Attend some of the College research seminars and guest lectures which will allow you to meet new people and make connections.
  • Engage in one of the Student Research Networks that bring together students from across all faculties around multidisciplinary themes.
  • Present at the PhD Summer Showcase offering you the possibility to communicate your research to a lay audience.
  • You can also apply to the Postgraduate Community Fund to organise an event/activity to foster cohort building. Cohort building is the process of bringing groups of students together to undertake activities which facilitate the development of research communities and networks.
  • Engage as a StudentShaper, which offers opportunities to join in projects with staff to improve curricula, develop innovative teaching practices and make positive change to the student experience.

Find more ways to engage and participate in the Community Development pages and the Postgraduate Noticeboard from the Graduate School.