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Review & Consultation

These policies have been developed with input from staff and student stakeholders from across College. Further detail can be found on the Review & Consultation page, along with any policies which are currently open for comment.


The College Space Sharing Programme, under the authority of the Assistant Provost (Space), is working to ensure that the College maximises its use of space to help support the best possible teaching and learning experience for students and staff. Key to this has been the development of a Space Policy Framework and set of subsidiary policies, designed to bring transparency to the use and management of College space. Please find below links to each of the policies, as well as guidance for staff and students on the types of events and activities that can take place in the College's shared spaces.

What is Shared Space?

Shared space includes all core College spaces which have a primary purpose of Teaching (e.g. lecture theatres, seminar rooms, teaching labs), Meetings (including departmental meeting rooms), or Events (e.g. Queen's Tower Rooms). Communal spaces (e.g. libraries, cafeterias, lawns) are also considered shared. Further details can be found in the Space Sharing Policy.

Acceptable Uses of a Shared Space

A categorised set of events has been developed, below, to help staff and students decide if their activity is suitable to take place in College shared space. These will also help inform the prioritisation of activities in different types of shared space (teaching, meeting, or event space), as described in the College's Space Sharing policy.
