The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Forum is chaired by the Associate Provosts (EDI), Professor Lesley Cohen and Dr Wayne Mitchell. With members drawn from across the College community – staff and students – the Forum serves as a listening post to capture and discuss all manner of EDI issues. The Forum meets three times a year.

In early 2023 the EDI Forum was merged with the College's Athena Swan Committee. The Athena Committee had historically worked to support gender equality work and departments with their Charter applications. However, as most department Athena committees have evolved into EDI committees of some kind, the decision was made to bring the College Athena Committee into the EDI Forum.

If you would like to raise something for discussion, please contact the Chair or any member of the Forum (listed below).

Membership, Minutes, Terms of Reference, Priorities


Chair, Associate Provosts (EDI), Professor Lesley Cohen and Dr Wayne Mitchell

Membership includes representatives from:

spreadsheet with the full membership is available to Imperial staff and students.

*Each department is expected to send one representative to meetings, but multiple contacts may be maintained on the list.