
The aim of this policy is to promote diverse representation among speakers/panellist at events involving Imperial staff and students and to ensure that such events are welcoming to all.

Research, educational, and professional conferences, workshops, and other types of meeting or event are important elements of university life. They provide valuable opportunities to staff and students to discuss the latest research, hear about new ideas and developments, learn new skills, or share best practice. Such meetings are also venues for formal and informal networking that can be crucial for job enrichment or career development.

Whether such events are taking place at Imperial or away from the university campus, they should be considered an extension of the professional workplace and learning environment and offer the same protections to staff and students. We would therefore expect organisers to view their meeting as an opportunity to exemplify Imperial’s commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI), and to the Values and Behaviours that we want to shape our working environment.

To aid implementation of this policy we have produced the attached guidance notes for members of our community who are involved in organising conferences, workshops or meetings. These should help organisers attend to diversity and inclusion, and to the creation of a welcoming, respectful environment when planning events.

Given the range of scales and formats of conferences, workshops, and meetings likely to involve our staff and students, it is not possible to produce guidance that covers every type of event or set of logistical and financial constraints. The principle of proportionality should apply; for example, it would not be reasonable to put all the suggested measures in place for short, one-off events.

In devising this policy, we primarily have in mind events hosted by or in association with the College, on or off our campuses that are open to people who may not be members of Imperial. Events that are wholly internal, involving only members of Imperial, are covered by the College’s existing policies, though we would still expect organisers to consider in their planning our values and the guidance provided here on promoting equality, diversity and inclusion.

Professor Stephen Curry, Associate Provost (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion), August 2023

This policy will be reviewed every two years. The next review is scheduled to take place by September 2025.

The document is divided into two parts (see below for details):

A. Guidance on how to incorporate EDI considerations in planning and participation of meetings

  • Develop a speaker policy that proactively considers diversity and inclusion
  • Make your speaker policy visible and responsive
  • Make meetings accessible and family-friendly
  • Set an example – personally commit to promoting change

B. A code of conduct

This will help to ensure a safe and inclusive environment for all meeting participants. Where practicable, it also defines pathways for reporting and resolving complaints about inappropriate behaviour. A template is provided that may be modified to suit different scales of event.

Policy sections

Policies and procedures

The full list of HR policies and procedures includes: