In recognition of the diversity of its community of staff, students and visitors, Imperial commits to ensuring diversity of provision of toilet facilities.

At present this provision includes men-only and women-only facilities, gender-neutral facilities, and accessible toilets. As part of our duty of care to the College community, we want every person to have access to the facilities they feel most comfortable using. We also recognise the changing demographics of our staff and students and the dynamics of societal attitudes to gender identity.

As part of our commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion, we have developed a policy for provision of toilet facilities‌ that aims to be proactive and forward-looking. It will inform the design of new buildings and plans for refurbishment works in existing buildings. It has been developed following consultation and has been approved by the College's Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy Group, chaired by the Provost. 

We are currently reviewing this policy.

Policy on provision of toilet facilities at Imperial

Policies and procedures

The full list of HR policies and procedures includes: