The Athena Swan Charter is a framework used across the world to support and transform gender equality within higher education (HE). The Charter was originally established in 2005 - Imperial was a founder member - to encourage and recognise commitment to advancing the careers of women in science, technology, engineering, maths and medicine (STEMM) employment. The Charter is now used to address gender equality more broadly. The Charter is run by Advance HE.

College awards

We have held an institutional Athena Swan Charter since 2006. Our most recent award was in July 2022, when we renewed our Silver, becoming the first university to do so under the Transformed Athena Swan Charter. You can download our 2022 submission from the box above. The submission provides a summary account of our progress in the last five years and our priorities for the next five, including our new action plan. 

If you have any questions or require more information about Imperial's submissions, please email Rob Bell, the College Athena SWAN Coordinator.

College Athena Swan SAT membership

Department awards

Business School

The Business School (Imperial's only AHSSBL department) successfully renewed their Bronze in January 2022.

Recording of the town hall event

Athena town hall: gender equality at Imperial

5 November 2021

As part of our preparations to renewal our institutional Silver Athena Swan award, we held a town hall style meeting open to all staff. Led by Stephen Curry (Assistant Provost EDI) and Susan Littleson (Director of Organisational Change & Inclusion), we reviewed the state of play on gender equality at Imperial and recent initiatives, and invited people to share their observations and insights into our most urgent priorities for action. 

Athena 2021 town hall presentations (pdf)