1A Scientific and general correspondence: ABBOTT - AUSTEN c. 1845 - c. 1895 1B Scientific and general correspondence: BAER - BUXTON c. 1845 - c. 1895 1C Scientific and general correspondence: CAIRD - CURTIS c. 1845 - c. 1895 1D Scientific and general correspondence: DALLAS - DYTE c. 1845 - c. 1895 1E Scientific and general correspondence: ECHO - EYTON c. 1845 - c. 1895 1F Scientific and general correspondence: FALCONER - FUNK & WAGNALL'S Co. c. 1845 - c. 1895 1G Scientific and general correspondence: GALTON - GUTHRIE c. 1845 - c. 1895 1H Scientific and general correspondence: HAECKEL - HUTTON c. 1845 - c. 1895 1I Scientific and general correspondence: IBBETT - INSKIP c. 1845 - c. 1895 1J Scientific and general correspondence: JACKSON - JUKES c. 1845 - c. 1895 1K Scientific and general correspondence: KALISCH - KUH c. 1845 - c. 1895 1L Scientific and general correspondence: LACAZE-DUTHIERS - LYELL c. 1845 - c. 1895 1M Scientific and general correspondence: McCARTHY - MYERS c. 1845 - c. 1895 1N Scientific and general correspondence: NASH - NORTON c. 1845 - c. 1895 1O Scientific and general correspondence: OKES - OWEN c. 1845 - c. 1895 1P Scientific and general correspondence: PAGAN - PYE c. 1845 - c. 1895 1Q Scientific and general correspondence: QUATREFAGES DE BREAU - QUIN c. 1845 - c. 1895 1R Scientific and general correspondence: RACHEL - RYLE c. 1845 - c. 1895 1S Scientific and general correspondence: SABINE - SYLVESTER c. 1845 - c. 1895 1T Scientific and general correspondence: TAIT - TYSON c. 1845 - c. 1895 1V Scientific and general correspondence: VAN DYCK - VYSE c. 1845 - c. 1895 1W Scientific and general correspondence: WACE - WYNNE c. 1845 - c. 1895 1Y Scientific and general correspondence: YOUMANS - YOUNG c. 1845 - c. 1895 1Z Scientific and general correspondence: ZALENSKII c. 1845 - c. 1895 |