We fuse innovative thinking with new technology to develop solutions to financial issues, such as generating a new set of perspectives on climate change policies and investments. Our research into the evolution of finance is sought by governments, policy-makers and business leaders worldwide. Let our world-class experts give you the ideas and confidence to make better financial decisions through the articles published on our forward-thinking knowledge hub.
Expert Q&A: Why we should all care about how cryptocurrency is reshaping finance
In this exclusive interview, a professor of finance dives into how blockchain and cryptocurrency are changing our world – and why it matters.
Climate: 7 articles on solving the crisis
Our researchers delve into the critical themes of climate change, such as sustainability, energy, and carbon credits. Join us as we explore some of our most popular climate-themed articles.
Why are businesses falling short on climate goals?
Despite efforts to improve, large corporations are still playing a major role in the rise in global temperatures. Here, Professor of Finance Marcin Kacperczyk explores why.
Do carbon markets work?
In 2005, the European Union created the world's first and largest market-based carbon policy. Here, we look at how it's going.
How alternative finance models can help small businesses grow
Many small businesses struggle to get the funding they desperately need to expand – particularly in low-income economies. But new research shows that larger loans for fixed asset purchases could help solve this widespread problem.
Profile: Professor Renáta Kosová on women in academia and why microeconomics matters
Professor Renáta Kosová tells us about her research in business economics and why it's key for academics to explain the world "beyond abstract principles"
The Fifth Industrial Revolution and finance: insights from Naveed Sultan
Business leaders need to incorporate digital transformation into strategy for effective technology-led change, says Naveed Sultan, Professor of Practice and former Chair of Citi’s Institutional Clients Group.
Why businesses should take humour seriously
Getting a laugh out of people when the subject is finance is no easy task. But there are major benefits for businesses if they can use humour to their advantage.
Credit ratings: where they come from and why they matter
Credit ratings play an important role in converging opinion about the creditworthiness of financial instruments. New research explores how this role took shape by analysing the impact of the first rating system for bonds in the early 20th century.
Are carbon credits worthless?
Over the past few years, the voluntary carbon market has been thriving. But is it saving the planet, or simply giving organisations the right to pollute?
What is sustainable finance and why does it matter?
Investing for good is not only possible, but profitable. But how can you tell if your money is really making a difference? Learn from the experts about the challenges and opportunities of sustainable finance.
Boomers versus Millennials: a new perspective on generational wealth in the UK
New research finds evidence that there is more solidarity between generations than the “Millennials versus Boomers” narrative would suggest.