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Campus Renewal and the Centenary Campaign

College buildingThe Centenary Campaign will raise funds for campus renewal across several of the College's campuses, building structures that will support exciting new research, improve the daily lives of students and staff, and inspire the College's community, both intellectually and socially.

Read more about current campus renewal projects

As one of the flagship projects within our £207 million Centenary Campaign, The Imperial College Union redevelopment is providing the Union in Beit Quad with a range of extensive redevelopments. Find out more about this project from current Union President, Stephen Brown.

"The Wolfson Foundation is a charitable foundation set up in 1955 whose aims were stated by the Founder Trustees to be the advancement of science and medicine, health, education, the arts and humanities. The Foundation's has supported projects within the Centenary Campaign, such as the refurbishment of both the Biochemistry Building and the Wolfson Conference Centre at Hammersmith. This demonstrates the belief of Trustees that Imperial College is a place where high quality research is taking place, with wide-ranging benefits for society."
The Wolfson Foundation

  © 2007 Imperial College London

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Current campus renewal projects
Current campus renewal projects

Today's campus renewal projects equip Imperial to meet and master tomorrow's challenges and opportunities.

Read more about our current campus renewal projects