Bridging the gap between infectious disease modelling and public health impact.

The translational Modelling Hub (TMH) is part of the MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis at Imperial College London. TMH delivers clear, data-driven insights from advanced disease modelling and data analytics to support policy, programme, and strategic planning decisions. 

What we do

  • Evidence-based decision support: we apply the latest research to inform timely, data-driven public health policy decisions.
  • Translating complex modelling: converting scientific modelling results into clear and practical insights for policy implementation. 
  • Collaborative research: working closely with partners to tailor our research to their specific public health challenges. 
  • Communication management: ensuring clarity and accuracy in sharing scientific findings with partners for effective application in decision-making. 

Who we work with

The TMH collaborates with a diverse array of partners spanning the field of global public health. Past and current partners include: the World Health Organization (WHO), the Global Fund, CEPI, Gavi the vaccine alliance, and GSK. 

Why we exist

Global health agencies, governments and NGOs increasingly rely on disease transmission modelling to guide public health decisions. The TMH was established to meet this demand and amplify the public health impact of advanced infectious disease modelling research.

Our mission

It is our mission to bridge the gap between latest research in infectious disease modelling and its application in global public health, by providing tailored modelling solutions to support informed decision-making at every level.

Contact us

If you would like to talk to us about a potential project or are interested in joining the team at the TMH, please contact Dr Peter Winskill, Director of the Translational Modelling Hub. 


People List Widget - Director TMH

  • Dr Peter Winskill

    Personal details

    Dr Peter Winskill Director of the Translational Modelling Hub

    About the director

    As the inaugural director of the Translational Modelling Hub, Dr Peter Winskill brings together a dynamic team of technical analysts. Building on the expertise and global network of the MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis and under the leadership of Dr Winskill, the TMH provides the most advanced and validated research to inform health decisions and better health outcomes through effective communication and alignment with partner needs. 


Translational Modelling Hub team

Contact us

For any enquiries related to the MRC Centre please contact:

Scientific Manager
Susannah Fisher

External Relationships and Communications Manager
Dr Sabine van Elsland