Useful information

If you need accommodation for returning to re-sit your exams or repeating your first year, please visit the pages below for more detail:

Dependent on your situation, we are sometimes able to offer vacancies in certain halls of residence throughout the year. We do not hold a waiting list, if you are interested in applying for a vacancy please see the details listed below.



If you are already living in halls, you will be unable to apply for vacancies on this page.

 If you would like to request to move rooms, please visit the Accommodation Transfer Policy page for more information. 


If you would like to apply for a vacancy in halls, please complete the request form.

We will offer any vacancies we have on a first come first served basis, depending on the availability and the budget provided.

Offers of accommodation are not guaranteed.

Please complete this form to apply.

If you have further questions please contact us via

If you would like to apply for a vacancy in halls, please complete the request form.

We will offer any vacancies we have on a first come first served basis, depending on the availability and the budget provided.

Offers of accommodation are not guaranteed.

Please complete this form to apply.

If you have further questions please contact us via


Silwood Park is our campus located in the village of Sunninghill, near Ascot in Berkshire.

Vacancies are for postgraduates whose courses are based at Silwood Park. Due to it's location outside of London, students whose courses are based in London are not eligible for any halls at Silwood Park.

If you would like to enquire about vacancies at Silwood Park email