The Saïd Foundation offers educational scholarships to outstanding individuals with leadership potential wishing to undertake postgraduate courses at UK universities.

Applications for 2024-25 Saïd Foundation scholarships are closed.


To be considered for a Saïd Foundation scholarship all candidates must meet the following criteria:

  1. hold Syrian, Jordanian, Lebanese or Palestinian nationality and permanently reside in one of these countries. The Foundation will consider Syrian residing elsewhere due to current circumstances in that country.
  2. hold an undergraduate degree that is equivalent to a UK 2:1 degree or higher. Candidates who are in the final year of their undergraduate degree will also be considered.
  3. have work and/or voluntary experience that is relevant to their field of study and a clear career path on completion of their studies and return to their home country or region.
  4. demonstrate leadership potential in their chosen field or sector.
  5. have applied for an eligible course at Imperial College London.
  6. meet the Foundation's English language requirements.

For further information on eligibility for this scholarship, please head over to their eligibility page.

Imperial College London eligible degree programmes

All one-year postgraduate taught degrees or one-year master's degree by research in any field. MBA programmes and joint courses with other institutions are not eligible. 

How to apply

Applications are now closed.

What the scholarship includes:

  1. the full (overseas) tuition fees (for one scholar, Imperial will cover 20% of the tuition fees and the Foundation will pay the balance of the tuition fees)
  2. a maintenance allowance
  3. an arrival allowance
  4. UK visa fee, immigration health surcharge, and an economy return airfare

Further information

To see further details on what the scholarship covers, please head to the Saïd Foundation scholarship webpage.

If you have any questions about the scholarship programme, please contact the Student Financial Support Team.