This 3-year project is funded by EPSRC under the grants EP/J011126/1 (Imperial College London, the leading partner of the project), EP/J010537/1 (University of Oxford), and EP/J010073/1 (University of Southampton). The project also receives support in kind from Airbus Operation Ltd., ETH Zurich (Automatic Control Laboratory), University of Michigan (Department of Mathematics), and University of California, Santa Barbara (Department of Mechanical Engineering).
The stability analysis of fluid flows, typically modelled by nonlinear Partial Differential Equations, is of fundamental
importance for understanding unsteadiness and turbulence as well as proposing active flow control algorithms. We will develop
a new approach for stability analysis and control of fluid flows, based on a recent progress in the application of Sum of Squares
of polynomials and semidefinite programming in combination with a Lyapunov-based approach to stability analysis and design.
The results will be implemented on a rotating Couette flow.
Rotating Couette flow has an iconic status in stability analysis. This flow is illustrated in the figure by a creative
colouring of the picture from the iconic book by Hermann Schlichting (1979).