PosterTo mark the end of the four year MEng programme in Civil and Environmental Engineering, and for many, the end of university life, a two-day Student Conference is held each year at the end of June.

It provides an opportunity for this year’s graduates to present the results of their research, carried out in the final year over a period of four months, to an audience of academic staff, industry, postgraduate researchers, and fellow undergraduates, in the form of a poster and an oral presentation.  The Conference offers an excellent way to showcase the skills of our final year students as well as the diversity of research undertaken within the departmental Sections of Environmental and Water Resource Engineering, Fluid Mechanics, Geotechnics, Structures and Transport.

The final year posters, which can be viewed, by Section, (by clicking the link in the menu on the right), reflect the content of the research paper, as presented, at the Conference.  The event closed with an Awards ceremony at which the best student oral presentations, by Section, were recognised.  This year’s winners (2016) were:

Poster no# and StudentPoster and titleSection
E02 - Charles Zogheib
(Highly Commended)
Cassie Liu 
The Desertification of Lake Poopo: an Impact Assessment of El Nino and Mining Environmental Engineering (EWRE)
F02 - Karoline Lende
Hydrodynamic of Floating Offshore Wind Turbines Fluid Mechanics
G05 - George Appleby 
(Highly Commended)
Sze Wing Ngai
Numerical Study of the Swelling Behaviour of Bentonite Buffers Geotechnics
S08 - Louiza Bartzoka
Modelling Strategies for Evaluating the Effects of Pier Scour on Multi-span Masonry Arch Bridges  Structures
T13 - Timea Felkl
(Highly Commended)
Marc de la Barrera and 
Mohamed Gaafar 
The Effects of Route Choice on Personal Exposure to Black Carbon – A Case Study in London Transport
2016 Student Conference: Poster prize winners
Summary of the table's contents

UG4 Student Conference 2016 Posters

Environmental Engineering (EWRE)
Poster no# and StudentTitleSupervisor(s)
E01 - Queenie Tse Pyrolysis of pit latrine contents in developing countries Bond, T.
Templeton, M.
E02 - Charles Zogheib
The desertification of lake Poopó: An impact assessment of El Niño and mining
Buytaert, W.
E03 - Dalwinder Uppal Development of Lightweight Magnesium Silicate Hydrate Mortars containing foamed glass Cheeseman, C.R.
Ferrándiz-Mas, V.
E04 - Chun Ki Kitty Chau Evaluating the suitability of ball-milling for simulating environmental degradation of plastics  Cheeseman, C.R.
Bond, T.
Ferrándiz-Mas, V.
E07 - Katia Piedallu Estimating the public health impact of roof harvest rainwater in Nigeria  Greetham, M. 
E08 - Abdel-Muiz Shawar Steps towards energy recovery in Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Grimes, S.M. 
E10 - Navraj SuriE10 - Navraj Suri Steps towards sustainable solid waste management (SWM) in Nairobi, Kenya Grimes, S.M. 
E11 - Kam Wing Vincent Lo Landfill gas management - challenge for industry Grimes, S.M.
E12 - Dimitrios Nikolaidis A renewable energy strategy for the Republic of Cyprus and the potential contribution from the solid waste management sector Smith, S.R.
E13 - Hayley Hoi Yu Leung Assessing the importance of water footprint indicators in classifying cities using self-organising maps  Mijic, A.
E14 - Tianlun He Downscaling rainfall for a changing climate  Onof, C.
E15 - Demosthenis Taliadoros Regional frequency analysis on hourly rainfall extremes in the midlands region using an L-moment approach  Onof, C. 
E16 - In-chan Kim Resource implications of reducing edible food waste  Smith, S.R.
E17 - Cassie Liu Factors responsible for street littering and its control Smith, S.R.
E18 - Joseph Ahn Quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) analysis of disinfection by-products in drinking water Templeton, M.R.
Bond, T.
E19 - Liam David Noad The kinetics of vermi-compost accumulation within 'Tiger Toilets' in India Templeton, M.R.
Environmental Engineering (EWRE)
Environmental Engineering (EWRE)
Fluid Mechanics
Poster No# and StudentTitleSupervisor(s)
F01 - Carlos Gomez Chereguini Beach response to clustered storm sequences Alsina, J.
F02 - Karoline Lende Hydrodynamics of floating offshore wind turbines Christou, M.
F03 - Constantin Craciunescu Identifying realistic wave breaking from a measured time history Christou, M.
F04 - Yuan Huo The interaction of HVAC with green roof and its impact on urban heat island effect van Reeuwijk, M.
Fluid Mechanics
Fluid Mechanics
Poster No# & StudentTitleSupervisor
G01 - Sze Wing Ngai Investigation on soil nonlinearity based on recorded seismic data Han, B.
G02 - Jian Hao Chan Stability of a historic leaning church wall Standing, J.R.
G03 - Muhamad Safrizal Haji Kasri Numerical analysis of the behaviour of thermo-active piles in London clay Taborda, D.
G04 - Benjamin Guo Numerical study of the influence of tunnelling on a piled strucutre Standing, J.R.
Tsiampousi, A. 
G05 - George Appleby Numerical study of the swelling behaviour of bentonite buffers Tsiampousi, A.
Zdravkovic, L.
G06 - Yee Fu Chan Modelling the Pre-Yielding Behaviour of London Clay Zdravkovic, L.
Environmental Engineering (EWRE)
Poster No# and StudentTitleSupervisor(s)
S01 - Valentino Vigneri Ductility of composite steel / concrete members incorporating recycled rubber materials  Elghazouli, A.
Bomper, D.
S02 - Fiona Walport Bahaviour of stainless steel frames  Gardner, L.
S03 - Alan Gock Structural behaviour of laser-welded stainless steel I-section subjected to combined axial compression and bending  Gardner, L. 
S04 - Man Wing Chan The continuous strength method for structural high strength steel design  Gardner, L.
S05 - Aia Ferrer Mechnaical properties and cross-sectional behaviour of additive manufactures stainless steel structural elements  Gardner, L.  
S06 - Hei Soon Enoch Ho Buckling of stainless steel columns at elevated temperature Gardner, L.   
S07 - Jacky Kin Pong Hon Nonlinear macro-modelling of masonry materials  Macorini, L. 
S08 - Louiza Bartzoka Modelling strategies for evaluating the effects of pier scour on multi-span masonry arch bridges  Macorini, L. 
S09 - Amanda Williamson 3D modelling of masonry arch bridges  Macorini, L.  
S10 - Paul Zhu Response of mechanically fabricated dovetail joints for CLT folded structures  Macorini, L. 
S11 - Xiayang Zheng Seismic response of tall timber buildings  Malaga-Chuquitaype, C
S12 - Sen Wang Investigating tree structure formation with parametric design tools  Phillips, A.T.M
S13 - Minyi Lu Structureal behaviour and design criteria of cable-stayed bridges with curved pylons under live load condition  Ruiz-Teran, A.
S14 - Joan Feliu Rubiralta Structural behaviour and design criteria of cable-stayed bridges with curved pylons under permanent loads  Ruiz-Teran, A. 
S15 - Luis Santos Static and dynamic behaviour of tensegrity footbridges  Ruiz-Teran, A.  
S16 - Andrés Hermoso Programming based structural steel design  Szabo, M. 
S17 - Ahmed Elalfi Numerical studies of three-dimensional triple-bay prestressed stayed columns  Wadee, A.  
S18 - Chloe Detanger Numerical studies of interactive buckling in thin-walled plain channel sections Wadee, A.   
S19 - Evangelos Pastras Influence of supplementary cementitious materials on the concrete - spacer interface  Wong, H.S. 
S20 - Zheng Gu Influence of supplementary cementitious materials on transport properties of concrete containing reinforcement spacers  Wong, H.S. 
S21 - Oyefolabi Oworu Evaluating the use of modern methods of construction for the provision of affordable housing in developing countries  Popo-Ola, S.O.
Environmental Engineering (EWRE)
Poster No# and StudentTitleSupervisor(s)
T01 - Annas-Giannis Slimpi A model for the cost-based design of linear shipping networks Angeloudis, P.
T02 - Kishan Patel Efficient compression of large route datasets using pattern matching Angeloudis, P.
T03 - Mohamed Gaafar
Investigating the effects of construction consolidation centres on
the resilience of construction logistics
Angeloudis, P.
T04 - Ali Reza Baygi Deployment of UAV fleets in humanitarian disaster response last mile logistics Angeloudis, P.
T05 - Edrea Pan Estimating fuel price elasticities of road transport demand in the UK Graham, D.J.
T06 - Shiming Xu Assessment of traffic network resilience and robustness with adaptive signal control Han, K.
T07 - Tun Kai Foo Assessing the risk of laser attack on the united kingdom aviation industry: a case of military operation Majumdar, A.
T08 - Chi Kin Nip Road vehicle automation: safety impact and future solutions Schuster, W.
T09 - Mingda LiT09 - Mingda Li Analysis of Airspace Infringements (AI) in England, UK Majumdar, A. 
T10 - Victor TingT10 - Victor Ting Road Vehicle Automation: Safety Impact and Future Solutions Schuster, W.
T11 - Marc de la Barrera Discrete choice models under social interaction Sivakumar, A.
T12 - Yiheng GuoT12 - Yiheng Guo Application of artificial neural network to predict vehicle NOx emission and fuel consumption Stettler, M. 
T13 - Timea Felkl The effects of route choice on personal exposure to black carbon - a case study in London Stettler, M. 
Environmental Engineering (EWRE)