One of the quirks of T4, is that the Media Library allows editors to upload files with the same filename in the same Media Library folder. So if there are two images named photo.jpg  in the same folder, then either one could be shown on the website as the website won't know which one to show. This is particularly an issue with images of people, as the wrong person's image may display.

The most common cause of this is when files are uploaded using default or generic filenames e.g. image1.jpg, photo.png etc.

When uploading an image to the Media Library, please try to ensure the filename is as unique as possible.

A few suggestions

Image of a person

You could use their name followed by the date e.g. john-smith-170325.jpg or their initials js-170325.jpg

A research-related image

you could include the research subject or the associated lab followed by the date e.g. hydrodynamics-laboratory-wave-tanks-170325.jpg

Academic event image

You could use the subject followed by the date e.g. software-engineering-design-lecture-170325.jpg


You do not have to append the date to the filename,  but this is an easy way to mitigate the risk of filename conflicts.

If you need any further advice, please contact your Faculty Web Officer.