Contact to email Buildings and locations

South Kensington screen owners:

Sophie White, Madeleine O'Brien Business School
Janet Corcoran Abdus Salam Library
Delavine Henry Blackett Laboratory (opposite lifts on all floors except 0 and 11)
Kitty Underwood Senior Common Room (SCR) and Junior Common Room (JCR) portrait screens. Content must be in portrait layout (1080 x 1920 pixels)
  Huxley Building

Civil Engineering, Skempton Building level 0

Nadia Barbu

City and Guilds Building, Mechanical Engineering main foyer

Kayleigh Brewer TYC-LCN, Royal School of Mines level 1 and 2, ground floor Goldsmith’s Wing 
Yige (Gege) Li Royal School of Mines (Aston Webb wing)
James Andrewes SAF Mezzanine
Hannah Behague SAF Student desk
Chemistry UG Admin Chemistry cafe
Dr Omar Bacarreza Nogales Aeronautics, AMP breakout space
Jinata Subba CDT Space, Level 4 ICSM Building
Richard Marshall Careers front desk, Level 5 Sherfield Building
Lizzie EustaceAta Rahman ICT, Level 4 Sherfield Building
Rekkha Rajendran Alumni Visitor Centre foyer

Bethany Crenol, Tony RochaGareth Oliver

RSM Ground Floor (Aston Webb Wing) outside room G20
James Andrewes Sir Ernst Chain foyer
James MacDonald ACEX building foyer only, Bessemer, College Main Entrance (excluding large screen), Flowers, Huxley, Sir Alexander Fleming, Sherfield building.
  Chemical Engineering, ACEX level 1 entrance, level 2 walkway entrance and foyer level 2.
Internal Communications Team College Main Entrance large screen. Please review the Main Entrance large screen guidelines carefully before contacting. 
Nicole Carmeni Imperial College Union
DSI Visual Corridor Data Sciences Institute screens - DSI Visual Corridor
Jane Horrell EEE Level 2 Foyer
Donna Matticks Student Hub screen, Level 3 Sherfield
Sigourney Luz Civil and Environmental Engineering,  Skempton Building

White City screen owners:

Research Administration – Chemistry Incubator Hub, MSRH, Security Hut
Caroline Halley Scale Space
Amy Bush I-HUB
Jack Stewart School of Public Health and Sir Michael Uren Hub (NB screens not yet live)
Sylvia Garvie White City Incubator
Jake Durrant Hackspace

Other campuses:

James MacDonald
  • Hammersmith Campus: Commonwealth, Hammersmith Wolfson Cafe, ICTEM.
  • Royal Brompton: Guy Scadding Building
  • St Mary's: Mary's, Patterson.
  • Charing Cross: Reynolds Building
Lindsay Keith MRC-LMS building on the Hammersmith Hospital campus
Claudio Karstegl or Kiran Dosanjh Hammersmith Campus: IRDB Building

Aware of any screens missing from this list? Please contact the Internal Communications team, with a note of who owns the screen (if this is known).