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Both Oundle School and Imperial College London are members of the Oundle, Peterborough and East Northants (OPEN) Learning Partnership alongside Hub Schools - Kettering Buccleuch Academy, Thomas Deacon Academy, Prince William School, Oundle CE Primary School and Laxton Junior School.

Each year, several thousand young people take part in a range of online and in-person events hosted by this regional partnership. 

Events and activities offered by the OPEN Learning Partnership include:

  • Oundle STEM Potential (Years 10-13) supports 100 state school pupils on their journey towards STEM degree programmes through hands-on workshops, lessons and skill development. It includes five full Saturdays each year and summer schools held in Year 10 and Year 12.
  • A STEM resource library (offered to any state school) which provides apparatus and classroom resources to support science lessons from early years through to A Level.
  • Family STEM afternoons for parents/guardians and children to undertake experiments together. 
  • Physics teacher training - Six days per year offered free of charge to teachers in state schools. 
  • The Summer STEM Festival provides workshops for up to 500 children in Year 5 and Year 8, community events and speakers who visit local schools. 
  • STEM roadshows for pupils in Years 5 -9. 
  • STEM residentials for pupils in Year 8 attending three partner state schools. 
  • Weekly Science Clubs delivered in four OPEN Learning Partnership schools. 
  • The free online programme, ExpertEd Live, offers highlight speakers for schools, and parent/guardian child lessons.

Follow the OPEN Learning Partnership on Twitter or Facebook @OPENLPLearning.

For more information about the OPEN Learning Partnership, please contact the Partnerships Team at Oundle School



OPEN Learning Partnership members