The Module Evaluation Questionnaire (MEQ) is the university’s central module evaluation tool. The MEQ, previously known as ‘Student Online Evaluation (SOLE)’, is used by students to evaluate modules on undergraduate and postgraduate taught programmes delivered by the Faculty of Engineering (including iBSc students) and the Faculty of Natural Sciences. I-Explore modules (BPES, Horizons, STEMM, Multidisciplinary Project) are also within the scope of the MEQ. The features and questions of the MEQ have been informed by both staff and student feedback, and input from the Imperial College Union (ICU). The Imperial College Business School and the Faculty of Medicine use a similar surveys which are adminstered locally.
The university and the ICU are committed to continually improving students’ education and wider experience. Student feedback plays a vital role in shaping how we do this. The MEQ is anonymous, and results are discussed at department, faculty, and university level.
The MEQ is managed by Registry’s Quality Assurance and Enhancement Team. Imperial College Business School and the Faculty of Medicine run similar module evaluation surveys.
MEQ Questions
The MEQ runs at the end of each term and consists of a set of 10 Likert scale questions covering teaching delivery, assessment and feedback, engagement with staff and students, access and support, and overall satisfaction. There are also two open questions to provide constructive feedback on the teaching and student experience of the module. The results of the MEQ are visible to individual lecturers associated with the module as well as their Head of Department and Director of Studies.
Teaching Delivery
1. The module was well structured.
2. The module was interesting and intellectually stimulating.
Assessment and Feedback
3. The methods of assessment allow me to show what I have learned on the module.
4. Feedback throughout the module helped me to develop and improve my learning.
Engagement with staff and students
5. Teaching staff were available and approachable.
6. There were appropriate opportunities to interact and collaborate with fellow students within the module.
Access and support
7. I was able to access the materials for the module to support my learning.
8. I had sufficient access to academic support and learning resources for the module.
Overall Satisfaction
9. Overall, I am satisfied with the teaching on this module.
10. Overall, I am satisfied with the content of this module.
Open Questions
11. Please use this box to provide any constructive feedback on the teaching on this module. Students with a disability are invited to suggest improvements that would assist their learning.
12. Please use this box to provide any other constructive feedback, which may relate to module content and structure, assessment design, learning materials and resources. Students with a disability are invited to suggest improvements that would assist their learning.
The scale for the questions is: ‘Definitely Agree, Mostly Agree, Neither Agree nor Disagree, Mostly Disagree, Definitely Disagree, Not applicable’