Funded places are available for two of Tsinghua University’s exciting 2019 Summer School programmes!

  • ‘Experiencing China’ 11 – 24 July 2019
  • ‘Environment’ 28 July – 10 August 2019 

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to spend two weeks in Beijing, studying at one of the world’s leading universities in Science and Technology!

Study with students from all over the world and make memories, friendships and connections for life! Experience university in China and of course, life in Beijing, with world famous historic sites such as the Great Wall, Tiananmen Square and the Forbidden City at your doorstep!

walkway china

   Applications close on Monday 29 April 2019, 23:00 (GMT+1) 

  Please direct any queries about these programmes to:


Programme Details

 'Experiencing China’ 11 – 24 July‘Environment’ 28 July – 10 August

This summer school is an opportunity for students to gain first hand experience of China, guided by experts in the field, and also get to know more about Tsinghua University.

The program offers small interactive classes on a wide range of topics in the Chinese context including Architecture, Creative City, Education, History, Tomorrow’s Youth, Economy and Gender Studies etc. Participants will engage in keynote lectures, project discussions, interactive workshops and site visits with fellow students who come from more than 50 countries and regions across the world.

This programme offers a cultural insight into China with a focus on environmental issues. Lectures and discussions will be centred on themes around Energy and Global Changes and Community Based Environmental Solutions.

Activities will include site visits and field trips (including a trip to the Great Wall of China!), a group innovation challenge project, as well as cultural excursions and social activities.

Tsinghua University Summer Schools 2019 Experiencing China‌ (pdf)

NB: For information on funding and the application process, please refer to Imperial's webpage rather than the above PDF document. 

Tsinghua University Summer Schools 2019 Environment ‌(pdf)

NB: For information on funding and the application process, please refer to Imperial's webpage rather than the above PDF document. 



Successful students will receive a scholarship to cover all necessary costs of undertaking the Summer School including:

  • Flight
  • Accommodation (student housing)
  • Food
  • Visa (if applicable)
  • Health insurance
  • Local travel to Tsinghua

Participants are responsible for funding extra costs such as social activities or further travel.


Application criteria

Who can apply?

  • Both summer school programmes are open to all 1st or 2nd year students from all disciplines of study.  No specific background in the topics of the programmes is required, but students should have an interest in learning more about China and/or the environment.
  • Students must be 18 years and over
  • Applicants should have (or be on track to have) an average grade of 2.1
  • Since one of the main aims of these programmes is to provide an opportunity to visit China and experience Chinese culture, preference will be given to applicants who do not have previous experience in China
  • If the scheme is over-subscribed, priority will be given to students from disadvantaged backgrounds and under-represented groups
  • Both programmes are taught in English


Successful applicants will:

  • Explain how they will benefit academically and personally from the programme their application
  • Demonstrate enthusiasm for engaging with China and Tsinghua University
  • Be willing to be a good ambassador for Imperial and be willing to communicate their experiences on the programme to other students after they return

Apply now!

Applications for the 2019 Tsinghua Summer School Programmes are now closed.