On this page, you can explore part-time student numbers. The charts on this page include:

  • Total part-time students by level
  • Breakdown by fee status - Home/EU and Overseas
  • Breakdown by gender
  • Breakdown by total part-time students
  • Breakdown by new entrants
  • Percentage breakdown 2020–21
  • Percentage change over one year
  • Percentage change over five years

Total part-time students by level

This chart shows the total part-time students by level of study for the years 2020–21 and 2019–20.

Breakdown by fee status: Home/EU and Overseas

This chart shows the student headcount of part-time students by fee status for the years 2020–21 and 2019–20.

Breakdown by gender

This chart shows the student headcount of part-time students by gender for the years 2020–21 and 2019–20.

Breakdown by new entrants

This chart shows the student headcount of part-time students by new entrants for the years 2020–21 and 2019–20.

Percentage breakdown 2020–21: fee status, gender, level of study and new vs. returning students

This chart shows the percentage breakdown of part-time students by fee status, gender, level of study, and new and returning students for the year 2020–21.

Percentage change over one year

This chart shows the percentage change over one year of part-time students by fee status, gender, total part-time students and new entrants for the year 2020–21.

Percentage change over five years

This chart shows the percentage change over five years of part-time students by fee status, gender, total part-time students and new entrants.