Reflecting on my year studying MSc International Management

Fabio Zheng MSc International Management 20-21 Blog Image

I’m Fabio Zheng and I studied MSc International Management in the class of 2021. Having recently graduated from the programme. I now work as a Junior Consultant for a leading international management consultancy firm in London.

In this blog I share my journey to Imperial College Business School and my experience studying the MSc International Management programme.

Choosing MSc International Management at Imperial

I graduated with a BSc Economics & Management from the University of Florence in Italy prior to joining Imperial College Business School. During my undergraduate, I focused on narrowing down my interests and shaping my future career trajectory.

Over the summers I worked in many different industries, ranging from e-commerce to chemicals. Through the course of these experiences, I realised that the thing I love most is exploring new things and tackling challenges, which is why I decided to pursue a Master’s upon graduating.

I chose MSc International Management at Imperial College Business School mainly because it had the most fitting curriculum for my personal development. The programme is very challenging and intense, targeting students with a relevant background, whether in business, economics, or related fields. The programme is structured into three main pillars: core modules, electives, and Leadership in Action.

The core modules at the beginning of the year delve into advanced management subjects, but it’s the other two pillars that were my main reasons for choosing Imperial’s MSc International Management programmes.

The electives can be chosen from all of the management suite’s modules, such as those from the MBA, MSc Strategic Marketing or other Management programmes. This leaves ample opportunity for students to personalise their own curriculum, whether that be in strategy, marketing, finance or human resources.

The final pillar, the Leadership in Action module, is what really differentiates MSc International Management from other Master’s. This module starts from the first term and lasts a whole year, with the aim of developing future leaders for the business world.

Fabio Zheng MSc International Management

Starting my studies

The first three months of the of the programme were busy! I was mentally prepared before joining, however, the amount of work still exceeded my expectations. The workload for me was divided into two parts: academics and job searching.

For teaching in the winter term, we had two sets of five-week core modules to strengthen the basics and bring the class to the same the knowledge level. The lectures and self-study/teamwork elements are divided very evenly. What differed the most from my undergraduate studies was the focus on teamwork in syndicate teams of six. The biggest challenge I encountered is this adjustment from an individual mindset into a team mindset.

Academics alone would have left me plenty of time to partake in extracurricular activities and learn new things, but Imperial also motivates its students to start preparing for job-hunting early in the programme. I was interested in the consulting industry, which had application deadlines in October and November. Therefore, I spent half of my time preparing for the applications and interview process for these roles.

Furthermore, every Tuesday of the first term was a Careers day, where students can participate in a list of career workshops and events. These range from CV and cover letter surgeries to more general tips and advice in the job-hunting process. There were also a lot of industry-specific workshops and employer presentations.

Highlights of the year

There are so many big and small highlights during this year that made it special. I would like to share three of them.

Firstly, MSc International Management students have the opportunity to study some of the MBA electives. These were my favourite modules as they give you the chance to work with MBA students who have different backgrounds and expertise. It is interesting to notice the difference between an MSc and an MBA classroom. I highly recommend taking them in your study path.

Second is the consulting projects. As an aspiring consultant, I found the university consulting projects to be good introductions to the consulting world. They gave me a taste of what a consulting job looked like and whether I was truly interested in it. In my case it really strengthened my motivation in consulting and confirmed my interest in the field.

Lastly and most importantly – the people, who in my view were the biggest highlight of the programme. The diversity and open-mindedness of the cohort was truly astounding. I would rate the programme 10/10 even if I had to base it solely on the colleagues I have met at Imperial. This is no doubt a result of the reputation of the College and the effective selection process of the Admissions team.

Advice to future students

If I enjoyed London and Imperial so much during a pandemic, I have no doubts you’ll be able to make the most out of it! In my opinion, one of the biggest challenges for an international student coming to London is trying to find a base to build your new life. As London is a big city, it is very easy to be lost or buried in the crowd.

My advice is to be adventurous and explore every bit of your new home. University-wise, participate in as many activities as you can handle. Your classmates are the best cornerstone to build your social life in the city. Imperial College offers lots of clubs and student societies – so you’ll almost certainly find one that matches your hobbies and interests.

Career-wise, the best advice I can give is to start early. Imperial’s Master’s programmes are very intense and compact, so you should start preparing even before joining Imperial, especially if you are interested in banking or consulting. Finally, I would like to give you the best advice I have received from an alumnus: enjoy your life in London, as one year goes by very quickly!

Fabio Zheng MSc International Management

About Fabio Zheng

MSc International Management

National housing providers launch diverse Future Leaders Programme in partnership with Imperial College Business School

Leading the future

A group of national housing providers have joined together with Imperial College Business School Executive Education, supported by Altair, to launch the Future Leaders Programme specifically aimed at cultivating the next sector leaders in housing. The ambition is to create a sustainable legacy by providing a diverse pipeline of participants with the skills and mindset to become future leaders. It aims to address the lack of diversity at senior leadership within the sector and make clear that diverse leadership needs to be a national focus.

The Future Leaders Programme is a robust nine-month learning journey bringing together 18 mid-level managers from ethnic minority backgrounds from across the country. It provides an opportunity for participants to work on their capacity for soft power and develop their authentic leadership style, by providing tools to help participants lead their teams, influence others and be intentional about their legacy.

The Programme has been founded by The Guinness Partnership, Abri, Sovereign Housing Association, Places for People, Bromford Group, Onward Homes, and includes a leadership journey from world-renowned Imperial College business school. Topics covered will include Leadership Purpose, Psychological Safety, and Managing your Personal Brand among others, and will be delivered by academics from Imperial College Business School and experienced industry practitioners. These content sessions combined with facilitated activities and regular peer to peer coaching, brings together both the theory and practice to help build confidence in the participants ability lead and not just manage.

Catriona Simons, Chief Executive of one of the founding members, The Guinness Partnership, said:

''The under-representation of black and ethnic minority people at senior levels across so many sectors means we risk missing out on huge talent and diversity of thought. The housing crisis is one of this country's biggest immediate and long-term challenges, and to tackle it we must ensure we are investing in our leaders now and into the future, as well as promoting an inclusive sector for all those who engage with social housing. We have an inspiring group in our first cohort, and we look forward to supporting their growth into the next generation of housing leaders".

David Brown, Director of Executive Education at Imperial College Business School highlights the importance of programmes such as this:

"Increasing and improving social housing, developing a cadre of leaders from ethnic minority backgrounds, and increasing diversity are all crucial issues for 21st century Britain. Imperial is delighted to be working with Altair and a consortium of forward-thinking Housing Associations to achieve these goals in an innovative and highly effective programme. Congratulations and good luck to the first cohort".

Applications for this year of the programme have closed. however. to find out more about the programme or to discuss how you could get involved in the future please contact Darren Smith, Consultant, Altair via email at

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Introducing our new Alumni Relations and Philanthropy Executive

Kendall Collett Alumni Relations and Philanthropy Executive

We are delighted to welcome Kendall Collett to the Alumni Relations team at the Business School. We spoke to her about her aspirations for this new role and how she will be supporting the alumni community.

Tell us about your role

My role as Alumni Relations and Philanthropy Executive is a new role at the Business School. My purpose is to support the development of a culture of philanthropy across our alumni and student population, creating new engagement programmes to increase regular giving participation. I will be working closely with Business School leadership, and across the alumni and academic communities to build these new initiatives.

Career background

I have worked in Development and Alumni Relations for over 8 years. I started my career as a student caller, fundraising for my university in Canada whilst doing my Undergraduate degree.

I joined Imperial in June from Cambridge University where I was the Alumni Relations Manager. My previous experience includes working at the London School of Economics and Tate where I was responsible for establishing international volunteer programmes and managing the event programmes.

What do you enjoy most about your role?

As my role is brand new, I am so excited about the opportunity at the Business School. What I love the most, is meeting alumni. With lockdown easing and events able to take place, I look forward to the chance to meet more alumni soon!

What are your first impressions of the Imperial alumni community

The Imperial alumni community is very diverse, and the Business School alumni are so unique and ambitious. I had the chance to meet a handful of alumni who volunteered on panels during Welcome Week to speak to our incoming students. I was so impressed with the range of alumni coming back wanting to share their advice and wisdom to the future alumni community.

What I love the most, is meeting alumni. With lockdown easing and events able to take place, I look forward to the chance to meet more alumni soon!

What has been the highlight of your career so far

As an avid art lover, it was a dream come true to work at Tate. I specifically worked on events for patrons and donors. My highlight was organising the events for the opening of the Switch House Building in 2016. When I started, the building was still a building site, and to see it transformed, 10 floors high and adorned with art, was amazing!

I have to also share that I once interviewed Shania Twain on the radio - that was a huge highlight as a 14 yr old!

What is your advice for alumni on how to get the most out of the Imperial alumni community

Get involved! There are so many opportunities to reconnect with alumni and the College. The LinkedIn Groups are so active, so are the Professional Interest Networks. The Imperial Alumni community is truly a global one, so reach out to your local chapter, or tune into one of the many events held virtually, or in person where possible, and start connecting.

You can also sign up to our alumni platform, Plexus, for exclusive access to webinars and events, as well as networking with the wider Imperial alumni community.

What is your top tip for exploring London for anyone new to the city

Take the bus! When I first moved to London, I realised the tube is the fastest way to get from A to B, but whilst taking the bus, I passed by so many places I wanted to explore. I got such a better sense of the city. There’s still something very exciting about sitting in the front seat on the top deck of the bus!

Meet the Imperial MBA Women’s group

Two Imperial students studying in the courtyard with laptops

Established in 2020, the Imperial MBA Women’s group was born out of a desire to bring women together from across the MBA programmes at Imperial. A place to facilitate networking beyond the classroom, the group is made up of current MBA students and alumni who talk job opportunities, share advice and support each other while studying at Imperial and beyond.

Joining the group

Created as a space for women to discuss their experience navigating the business world, the group is open to all who identify as a woman and currently study, or have studied, an Imperial MBA programme:

In addition to in-person and online meetups, the group stays active across a variety of platforms, publishing a monthly newsletter, running a successful podcast spearheaded by Samantha Bonnar, Executive MBA class of 2021, and writing on their blog.

"I believe there are common experiences that women who work in business share, and it's important to have a network of people who can relate to the issues you may face in the workplace and provide learnings and insights. Many women at Imperial work in male dominated sectors, and getting advice on how to navigate those environments can help women succeed in their career."
Briana Johnston
Full-Time MBA and founder of the Imperial MBA Women's group
Briana Johnston

Why join the Imperial MBA Women’s group?

Expand your network

Studying an MBA allows you to connect with a pool of talented professionals in and out of the classroom. With four different MBA programmes on offer at Imperial, that’s a lot of potential connections in a concentrated space.

Weekend MBA student Lizzy Roberts has seen the benefit of being exposed to women across the different programmes:

"I really enjoy how the group spans across all the MBA programmes. We do so much with our specific cohort it's nice to network across the MBA suite, especially since we were so limited to group networking during lockdown."
Lizzy Roberts
Weekend MBA 2020-21
Lizzy Roberts, Weekend MBA 2020-21, student at Imperial College Business School

The group also enables conversations between the cohorts in both a casual and professional setting, giving its members a chance to develop impactful relationships with other women from the Business School. Quinet Enakele who is studying Imperial’s Executive MBA thinks that it’s imperative to have a support network like Imperial MBA Women:

"It’s a platform that provides a connection beyond school or business. It is designed to help women build strong, meaningful relationships that will help them achieve their career goals."
Quinet Enakele
Executive MBA

Get access to exciting career opportunities

Networking and job opportunities go hand in hand. So, building relationships with people from outside your regular circle can open doors, which is one major benefit of being part of Imperial MBA Women. Members of the group share job openings at their place of work or alert others to roles that recruiters have sent to them, making the group a resourceful hub of activity for those wanting to change roles. Quinet has received multiple opportunities from referrals in the group:

I have been connected to three job opportunities and am currently in discussions with the hiring managers on next steps. Some women use their influence and work connections to link each other up with recruiters or a job opening at their place of work. As a result, we get details of relevant job openings posted on the platform almost daily for those looking to change careers or for a new job opportunity.

Gain a support system

Balancing an MBA, work and entrepreneurial ventures with your personal life can be challenging. But having a support system of other women that are going through a similar experience can make all the difference. Members of Imperial MBA Women have a lot in common and often use the group to share any difficulties they might be facing, with others being able to offer up advice.

Full-Time MBA student Chloe Zhang has welcomed the exchange of support within the group.

"There are many women related issues, confusions and difficulties in our career development, business and startup fund raising. A platform like Imperial MBA Women is a great community for females to get support and to give support too."
Chloe Zhang
Full-Time MBA
Chloe Zhang Full-Time MBA 2020-21, student at Imperial College Business School

Aside from professional advice, the group encourages its members to chat about all aspects of their lives. Quinet has found that she’s been able to develop deeper connections with fellow members by learning about their interests outside of the MBA:

Women tend to share quite a lot in common and because of the history we share as fellow MBA candidates, we can hold one another up and together to win. It may seem counterintuitive, but speaking about hobbies and interests outside of the business world will enable us develop an even stronger connections and may give one a reason to stay in touch outside of classwork.

The past two years has presented its challenges, but despite this, Lizzy moved halfway across the world from San Francisco to London just before starting the Weekend MBA.

Imperial MBA Women has been so important to me, especially right at the start of lockdown. I moved from San Francisco to London in February, went into lockdown in March, and then started the MBA in April fully remote. The group provided me with an amazing support system of women who I could instantly connect with, who were also going through similar experiences.

Overall, I would say the female friendships and connections that I've made at Imperial have been the highlight of my MBA experience thus far!

You can find out more about Imperial MBA Women on the LinkedIn page.

About Sarah Hetherington

Content Marketing Coordinator
Content Marketing Coordinator working in the Programmes Marketing team at Imperial College Business School.

Do you see yourself at Imperial College Business School?

Alumni blog: Sales and Climate Change: towards a new ‘Green Commercial Way’

Green infrastructure

Multiple studies show that 97% or more of actively publishing climate scientists agree that: ‘Climate-warming trends over the past century are extremely likely due to human activities’.

There is no doubt that there are many initiatives at institutional and corporate level to increase awareness and actionable engagement in order to reverse this trend. The Paris Agreement, Katowice deal, many corporate reforms and announcements - these are positive actions towards this direction. However, for impact to happen, we need to reform the whole supply chain, from the way we producesell and serve, to the way we consume.

Apart from the institutional and corporate activation at central/global level, actionable engagement is needed at micro-level too. Whether it concerns individual responsibility, social groups and populations, operational functions etc. In relation to this, I will focus on Sales/Commercial:

  1. Sales operations engage daily millions of employees, customers and consumers. This means that they significantly affect the environmental footprint, through their physical activation, operation and communication.
  2. Sales act as an intermediary among businesses, customers and consumers. Which means that they communicate, influence and mobilise hundreds of millions of actions and decisions on a daily basis.

So, if businesses wish to mobilise a green commercial attitude fast and at a large scale, over and above their own social responsibility commitments and processes, they have a powerful weapon in their hands to do so: the Sales team and the greater Commercial organisation.

Here are a few examples of how I believe we can transform towards greener commercial ways:

  • Consumers and Shopper Insights

Learn about your consumers’ potential new green needs, and share with them the actions you have to taken towards a strong positive green impact. Soon, the world is going to be driven by circular economy and probably next to it we will see a new model in the demand side/consumption developing along the lines of consume ‘less, better, simpler and in a responsible way’. If so, then we will have to incorporate it within our consumer and shopper insights.

  • Coverage

This is key, because it is simple and instant. The daily coverage of the market, with millions of employees out in the field, affects the amount of greenhouse gases released by human activities (e.g. transportation, etc.).

This has to be changed and it can be done. By optimising the efficiency of the coverage plan towards new ecological measures, which can be added within the set of sales KPIs. The ‘coverage plan’ may have to change and/or the way we travel as well. AI, digital transformation and technology can act as powerful levers towards this end, as well as the revolution in the car industry which is changing the potential options for car and vehicle fleets.

  • IT tools

There are very strong developments in AI, digital, sales automation, big data, business analytics and other relevant topics being driven by technological revolution. This gives companies the opportunity to better understand their market. But also, to communicate with their customers and consumers in different and more direct ways than ever before.

The adoption of these technological developments by the Sales community at a large scale, can positively influence their ecological impact in relation to coverage, travelling, materials usage, promotion and communication.

  • Change Management

Due to the rapid technological developments, as well as the development of circular economy and its needs, a new model of ‘Sales Leader’ is required. In the future a successful Sales Leader will be someone who is able to see, not only the benefits of new technology and circular economy, but also to visualise and understand how these revolutions can redefine the way they conduct business and approach to route-to-market, market development, brand portfolio, organisational structures, consumer relations, innovation etc.

These leaders will be the ‘Angels of Change’ who will be able to lead from the front and influence the rest of commercial organisations towards these reforms. This means that particular focus has to be paid to change management training programs, processes and initiatives.

The adoption of these technological developments by the Sales community at a large scale, can positively influence their ecological impact in relation to coverage, travelling, materials usage, promotion and communication.

  • KPIs and Scorecard

Based on the above, along with the classic performance measures (quantitative and qualitative) the time has come to incorporate a set of green key performance indicators, with results reported on within the formal routine (month/quarter/annual) sales performance scorecards. Keep it simple. Make a green set of sales KPIs that makes sense, can be monitored and measured (SMART).

  • Sales Incentives, Trading Terms and Commercial Decisions 

In order to mobilise the whole of your salesforce further and adopt enthusiastically the new ‘Green Commercial Way’, it is important to incorporate the above green KPIs within the salesforce bonus system. And also, in relation to the Value/Volume KPI scale of our salesforce bonus system and put more emphasis (financial remuneration) on green brands.

Of course, the same applies to special green incentives provided to customers, consumers and trade partners through trading terms and promotions. Finally, it would be very interesting to see this new green commercial attitude extended to important business decisions that Sales/Commercial leaders take. For example, they could begin to integrate relevant green commercial standards within their own decision-making process when selecting distributors in the market. This would mobilise the whole system even further and to a greater reach.

We should encourage Sales/Commercial organisations to become advocates, communicating to the rest of the market the power of our brands, unique selling proposals, promotions, best practices, advocacy programs and many others. They provide us with a powerful tool to communicate our environmental concerns and care to our customers, consumers and trade partners. 

Key Takeaway

The latest U.N. report warns that: ‘The world has just over a decade to get climate change under control.’

Action at micro-level is key. And this has to be done fast and include the operational functions of businesses too. The time has come to embrace and adopt a new ‘Green Commercial Way’, which integrates the ecological dimension within the Objectives/Goals/Strategies/Measures set of the commercial organisation.

The companies that adopt this approach, will be the ones who will gain the respect of consumers and win at the point of purchase.

Yiannis Zarkadis (MSc Management Science 1987

About Yiannis Zarkadis

MSc Management Science 1987
Yiannis Zarkadis (MSc Management Science 1987), is Founder of CONSULT2XL. In his blogs he draws on his experiences working at Unilever, GrandMet/IDV, SC Johnson and Bacardi, over his extensive corporate career.

Meet the Specialised Masters' class of 2021-22

Two students studying courtyard

Our Specialised Masters’ are a set of uniquely crafted programmes designed for students looking to develop theoretical and practical knowledge in some of the most rapidly evolving areas of business.

In September we welcomed five new Specialised Masters’ cohorts to Imperial College Business School, eager to start their one-year journey towards expert-level knowledge and a successful career in the sector of their choice.

The Specialised Masters’ suite covers a wide range of subjects. The programmes available are:

In this article you will find out more about each class, the students, their motivations for joining their programme and what’s in store for them.

Over the year the students will learn about their specialised subject through a variety of core modules, electives and projects, which will not only educate them in the field but help them to secure incredible roles within innovative organisations and drive impactful change on a global scale.

Welcome to the Specialised Masters’ class of 2021-22.

What does the new class look like?

Meet the Class Specialised Suite stats 2021-22. 449 students, 55% female. 77 nationalities

Fostering a diverse and inclusive learning environment is one of Imperial’s key priorities, and is reflected in the melting pot of backgrounds and nationalities that make up the newest Specialised Masters’ cohort. 

Having a class that is made up of such varied individuals challenges our students and encourages them to consider alternative ways of thinking. This year’s group have a wealth of learning opportunities available to them thanks to the 77 nationalities that make up the 449 strong cohort.

MSc Business Analytics

Ranked #5 in the world in the QS World University Rankings, MSc Business Analytics at Imperial prepares graduates for a future of data-driven and evidence-based decision making. Although grounded in rigorous technical and quantitative training, our programme is also highly applied. Electives and projects are sector-focussed, giving students the opportunity to tailor the programme to their interests.

The programme is available in two study modes, a one-year, full-time programme, studied at our campus in London, or as a part-time, two-year online programme, studied from anywhere in the world.

This year’s full-time, on-campus programme achieves strong female representation (60% female) and has students that come from a wide variety of academic backgrounds, with the most popular being: Business/Management (22%), Mathematics (19%), Finance/Accounting (17%) and Engineering/Technology (17%).

The online, part-time programme students have an average age of 28, with many of them choosing to take advantage of the part-time nature of the programme and continue working in their current role where they are able to apply the learnings to their day-to-day projects.

Meet MSc Business Analytics students

Vijaya Govindan

Lise Madeline

Nationality: French

Why did you choose to study MSc Business Analytics at Imperial College Business School?

My previous experiences confirmed my strong interest in data analytics in the technology sector. I joined the MSc Business Analytics programme because of how tailored it is to the current demands of the technology industry. The programme covers many aspects of data analytics with database structures and statistics to data modelling and reports with visualisation and machine learning modules. These modules give a strong and complete understanding of data analysis. In addition, the Business School provides many opportunities to build a strong network in different sectors as well as to connect with current employers.

Yu Chun Wang MSc Business Analytics 2021-22, student at Imperial College Business School

Yu Chun Wang

Nationality: Taiwanese

What are your future career plans?

I plan to work in the tech industry. Having interned at Google for more than a year, I found that the non-software departments were surprisingly lacking in business intelligence talent. While communicating across different functions could be challenging, it also brought a strong sense of accomplishment. It is astonishing to make an impact and see your efforts implemented in other's workflows. The key takeaway from those times is there are many hidden opportunities for those who can combine business logic and data analysis, and I am thrilled to take those opportunities. With the rigorous training from the MSc Business Analytics programme, I am sure that I will be well prepared to pursue this career.

Meet MSc Business Analytics (online, part-time) students

Kevin Kai Wen Hsieh MSc Business Analytics (online, part-time) 2021-22, student at Imperial College Business School

Kevin Kai Wen Hsieh

Nationality: Swedish

What are your future career plans?

My current role has allowed me to work on numerous digital transformation and analytics initiatives, which have been really eye-opening and key factors in my choice of career development. The MSc Business Analytics programme is a great complement to my work experience and will further equip me with the tools, knowledge, and skills to reach my goals. I will also be looking to make the most of the vast resources made available by the Business School careers team. As more and more industries expand their analytical capabilities, I hope to be able to advance my career and go deeper into the fields of digital transformation and digital analytics.

Timothy Ow MSc Business Analytics (online, part-time) 2021-22, student at Imperial College Business School

Timothy Ow

Nationality: Singaporean

What is your experience prior to studying MSc Business Analytics (online, part-time)?

My background is in project management and business development in the energy sector. I previously studied both an MSc and an MBA so this will likely be my last master’s. I recently transitioned into a business analytics role to build capabilities in utilising analytics for business situations. Through the programme, I hope to achieve new skillsets, learn best practices, and develop practical applications to current business situations. Of course, I also look forward to making like-minded friends from this programme. Eventually, I look to move back into a business role with these analytics capabilities.

MSc Climate Change, Management & Finance

MSc Climate Change, Management & Finance is a one-year programme that prepares the next generation of climate change and sustainability business leaders. On this ground-breaking programme, students learn from leading practitioners and world leading climate change faculty to put the latest academic thinking on business and climate science strategies into practice.

This year’s MSc Climate Change, Management & Finance cohort is made up of 93 students, with 57% of those students being female. A truly global cohort, 37 nationalities are represented in the class of 2021-22 having studied a range of undergraduate subjects such as Economics (20%), Arts/Humanities (18%), Business/Management (17%) and Engineering/Technology (17%) – all united by the desire to make the world a greener place.

Meet an MSc Climate Change, Management & Finance student

Ahmed Abdullah MSc Climate Change, Management & Finance 2021-22, student at Imperial College Business School

Ahmed Abdullah

Nationality: Tanzanian

Education: BA Economics, Yale University

What is your main motivation for studying MSc Climate Change, Management & Finance?

Studying the interdisciplinary combination of Climate Change, Management & Finance at Imperial is a unique blend of the theoretical and the practical. I feel it’s just what I need to equip myself with the tools to ensure that we develop and finance the best innovations to transition our institutions to halting climate change while ensuring global prosperity.

What do you hope to achieve with the programme?

I believe developing, financing and scaling technological innovations is a crucial component in what is required today and I’m looking forward to the opportunity to reflect, share ideas and meet others with adjacent expertise. I believe that this programme will further my intellectual, academic and professional interests, as well as equip me with practical skills to help determine measures to mitigate human impact on the environment. I am excited at the prospect of applying my experiences and learning new skills that could help us drive the changes needed to protect our planet.

MSc Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Management

MSc Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Management is a one-year full-time programme that builds students’ toolkit in the three key areas of innovation, entrepreneurship and management, teaching them how to manage successful outcomes to create, deliver and capture value from innovation. These students are future angel investors, unicorn founders, innovators and creators.

As well as the varied programme content, there are many opportunities for students to get involved in Imperial’s dynamic enterprising culture including the Imperial Enterprise Lab.

This year’s cohort of 101 students come from across the world, representing 42 different nationalities with 53% female students. On this programme, the most common degree that students have is in Business/Management (50%), while the other half of the cohort have a rich range of backgrounds. Subjects that students have studied prior include Economics (13%), Engineering/Technology (14%) and Finance/Accounting (9%). 

The nature of the programme means that all students, no matter their previous experience, are united by a true passion for entrepreneurship.

Meet MSc Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Management students

Daniela Perea Melo

Daniela Perea Melo

Nationality: Colombian

Why did you choose to study MSc Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Management at Imperial College Business School?

Throughout history we have seen that dreamers are the ones who drive progress and change in the world. The "crazy ideas" of some of these people have come to shape the world as we know it today, and I believe that all entrepreneurs are dreamers.  I choose to study MSc Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Management because I want to be that change in the world. I want to turn those crazy ideas into huge enterprises that can give the world something good, something better; and I know I will gain the resources to do it through this programme. Imperial is one of the best universities globally and has a track record of giving their students the tools to help them achieve their dreams by supporting them through the entrepreneurial process. This is why I wanted to be part of the Imperial community.

Vijaya Govindan

Ryan Haidar

Nationality: American/Lebanese

What is your main motivation for studying MSc Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Management?

The opportunity to continue growing and improving my entrepreneurial abilities while also exploring how businesses and individuals innovate are some of my key motivations for pursuing the MSc Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Management programme. This is the first time in my life where I have been surrounded by such open-minded and entrepreneurially focussed individuals. I continue to stay motivated everyday by the sheer volume of possibilities and opportunities that will arise from this programme.

MSc International Health Management

This programme combines business-focussed teaching and cutting-edge research, giving students the chance to learn from internationally recognised faculty at the forefront of health management research. The programme is specifically designed to give an overview of the UK health system and its application in a global context.

This year’s class of 95 students represent a vast range of nationalities with students joining the class from all over the world. The top countries that the students have joined us from are China, India, UK, Malaysia and France. Due to the subject matter, the majority of students (62%) come from a Science/Medicine background looking to enhance their knowledge of business and the health management sector.

Meet MSc International Health Management students

Ria Vaidya

Ria Vaidya

Nationality: Indian

Why did you choose to study MSc International Health Management at Imperial College Business School?

Having completed a BSc in Neuroscience at Brown University, I have a strong understanding of healthcare from a biological standpoint. My main motivation for joining this programme was to deepen my understanding of healthcare from a business standpoint, to enable myself to create more impact in the field I am most passionate about.

Emily Hoi Yang Lo MSc International Health Management 2021-22, student at Imperial College Business School

Emily Hoi Yang Lo

Nationality: British

What are your future career plans?

I plan to work in the healthcare industry, particularly in consultancy. As the healthcare needs of people continue to change, more care is required to cater to the growing population. I want to take part in deciding how we as a society deal with providing the best quality of care for all citizens. Hence, I look forward to utilising my analytical skills and managerial knowledge gained through MSc International Health Management, in order to enhance patients’ experiences in the department or institution that I work for.

About Glen Mann

Content Marketing Coordinator
Content Marketing Coordinator working in the Programmes Marketing team at Imperial College Business School

Alumni blog: A practical guide to a successful start to university life

Students in London

As you and millions of young adults begin university life, across the United Kingdom and worldwide, I wanted to offer a handy set of guidance to equip you to make the most of this wonderful chapter of your life.

Congratulations on securing a highly coveted place at Imperial College London and the Business School - I wish you all a wonderful and fulfilling experience as you pursue your dreams!

Building your CV: It pays later to start early

1. Employers who hire graduates from university are looking for key competencies - such as collaboration, time management, decision making, problem solving. Evidence of these competencies can be found throughout your normal uni life - team assignments for modules, playing sports, organising a trip with friends, being part of student union, organising or participating in student events - everything you do can positively count!

2. Join a society or club (or even launch one if you spot a gap!) - it is a great way to meet new people outside your immediate subject of study/cohort and pursue something you are interested in. If you end up in a role in running the society / club, it's a great filler for your CV.

3. Give volunteering a go, especially if you are new to the UK or London, as it will give you an insight into life outside of the student world. Those volunteering in the UK should register with Vinspired (national youth volunteering programme) to get their volunteering efforts officially recognised (50 hours min over 12 months). These certifications are acknowledged by employers and are a great way to give something back to the community and build your CV too.

Academics: the apparent official reason for your uni life

1. Do attend all your seminar and tutorial sessions - it's probably the place where the penny drops from content shared in the lectures. Given the small group sizes, you can really clarify your doubts, reinforce your understanding of the topics. Attendance is usually monitored and sustained absences are likely to be questioned.

2. Regular attendance also allows your tutors to know you better, who can then in the future provide references - for further studies or employment.

3. The mantra while working on your assignments is SAVE, SAVE, SAVE - always back up your work in at least 2 places (PC memory + online/ uni network shared drive or USB). You do not want to make the very painful discovery of losing all your work at 3am, only six hours before your assignment submission deadline.

Employers who hire graduates from university are looking for key competencies - such as collaboration, time management, decision making, problem solving.

New to London? A guide to safety: even when you are having fun

1. Trust your instinct on safety - for the first few months, explore together with friends in groups.

2. Note that in the UK, it is illegal for mini cabs (private taxis which are not the iconic London Black Cabs) to tout for fare - you should never hail a minicab from the streets - only pre- book from reputed firms either via app or telephone.

3. Avoid wearing your university ID card publicly - it gives key information such as your name, your university, which can be used for unscrupulous reasons.

4. When travelling alone late in the evening, you can share your cab details or your “live” location via suitable apps (if you are walking), with a friend, so that they can support you better in the unlikely event of any incident.

The biggest change as you enter university life will be the need to self-govern - there is no one to supervise your life and make sure you achieve your objectives and aspirations. It's all on your very capable shoulders. You are talented and motivated, so I have no doubt you will absolutely ace university.

Hope you find this useful and sets you up for a successful year of university. I encourage you to add your own learnings and observations to this list and share it forward to the next batch of students who will follow in your illustrious footsteps.

My thanks to Carolyne Denzler (MSc Strategic Marketing 2013) to her support with this blog. We are all rooting for you. Good luck!

Jyotsna Chandrani (MSc Management 2007)

About Jyotsna Chandrani

MSc Management
Jyotsna Chandrani (MSc Management 2007), Director, Operational and Resilience Risk Technology Strategy Lead at HSBC, is an active alumni volunteer with the Business School and has also supported a number of equality, diversity and inclusion initiatives. Her feedback helped inform the Business School’s award winning Best Culture, Diversity & Inclusion Initiative’ that is now part of our students’ mandatory curriculum.

Jyotsna has mentored Business School alumni for several years, both informally and formally, and contributed over 50 volunteer hours. Her ability to combine a successful finance career while giving back to her community and the Business School makes her an outstanding leader.

Meet the Management Masters’ class of 2021-22

Walking outside ramp near Business School

In early September, we welcomed our latest cohort of Management students to Imperial College Business School. This bright and motivated group are eager to get started with their coursework and begin developing skills that will help launch their careers at world-leading organisations.

Our programmes are carefully designed to equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge to become global business leaders. Each programme delivers cutting-edge, relevant business knowledge through a combination of both academic and practical learning. Students apply the in-depth programme content they learn in the classroom throughout the year by completing a variety of tasks such as group work and projects that can involve consulting for real businesses.

The Management Masters’ programmes that you can apply for at the Business School are:

Jolande Bot-Vos, Academic Director for MSc International Management and MSc Management said:

It is great to again welcome so many international students to our programmes. Learning together with people from so many different backgrounds and cultures is a great asset for the programme and for you. Together students bring a network of intelligence from around the world. You will be able to learn new things with each other and from each other, widening your global perspective on business. As the workplace operates in a global space this experience is invaluable. When asked, students often mention this new network of friends as one of the highlights of their experience at the Business School. 

What do the new classes look like?

MSc International Management

MSc International Management is designed to enable students with a background in business to develop their leadership capabilities with a global outlook. The Leadership in Action module* challenges students to draw on the skills and knowledge they gain throughout the year and immerse themselves in other cultures as they tackle complex, real-life business problems in a live client consulting project.

MSc International Management class statistics for 2021-22. 56 students, 38% female, 18 nationalities represented

MSc International Management is the programme to enhance and accelerate existing business knowledge and learn how to apply it internationally. In this year’s cohort, 50% of students come from an academic background in Business/Management, 16% with an Economics degree and 16% from an Arts/Humanities background.

*Subject to COVID-19 travel restrictions

Meet MSc International Management students

Halvard Ramstad

Nationality: Norwegian

Education: BSc Economics, University of Delaware

What is your background prior to studying MSc International Management?

While I was born and raised in Oslo, Norway, I completed my undergraduate studies in the United States. I was very fortunate to receive a scholarship that sponsored my bachelor’s degree and allowed me to continue to play soccer at the highest collegiate level in the US. During my BSc in Economics, I co-founded a company in Bergen, Norway, and managed the company as a chairman for a year while studying in the US. In my senior year, I worked as a business consultant intern for BIS Oxford Economics in Sydney, Australia. This past year, I moved to the Netherlands to study and completed a five-month audit internship for KPMG in their headquarters in Amstelveen, Netherlands.

What are your future career plans?

My goal is to work as a product manager for a firm in the Telecommunications, Media and Technology (TMT) sector. I strongly believe that your previous adventures in life through both your academic and professional experiences shape the career path that suits you best. I have work experience in entrepreneurship through co-founding and managing a company, which sparked my interest in working with product development and all the different aspects of the product lifecycle. During my bachelor’s degree, I elected to take various computer science courses to fuel my passion for technology and discovered that I want to work in the intersection between business and technology. Furthermore, through playing varsity soccer in the US and now rowing competitively at the Imperial College Boat Club, I have found that I love working in competitive cross-functional team environments. Lastly, the MSc in International Management at Imperial College Business School provides the perfect canvas for me to immerse myself in various academic clubs and to build strong foundational leadership skills to succeed as a product manager in the TMT sector.

Yuyao Pan

Yuyao Pan

Nationality: Chinese

Education: Environmental Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University 

Why did you choose to study MSc International Management at Imperial College Business School?

As a student whose undergraduate major is in science and engineering, I was frustrated to meet barriers while pursuing my career in business. Imperial’s MSc International Management offers me the chance to lay a solid foundation of financial knowledge while playing to my strengths in logical thinking and data analysis. I’ve been looking forward to getting access to various opportunities for building my future career, and I am now experiencing all that and more. Furthermore, Imperial’s inclusive environment makes me feel very welcome and I feel honoured to contribute my own diversity to it.

What are your future career plans?

I aspire to be a strategic investment director at an internet company like Tencent — recognising valuable opportunities, analysing synergies of acquisitions and improving profit models. I will pursue my first job as a trainee or a strategy consultant and I intend to use Imperial’s fantastic career assistance to help me on the way towards my goal.

MSc Management

MSc Management brings together students from diverse undergraduate backgrounds with the aim of preparing our students for a career in management, including consulting and professional services. This intensive, one-year programme is renowned worldwide for its broad coverage of all aspects of relevant business knowledge and its emphasis on real-world management skills. Unlike our MSc International Management, this programme is designed especially for students with no prior business background.

MSc Management class statistics 2021-22. 182 students, 50% female, 42 nationalities represented

This year’s cohort of 182 welcomes students from 42 different nationalities. A similar level of diversity is present in students’ academic background, with 48% having previously studied Arts/Humanities, 25% Engineering/Technology and 14% Science/Medicine/Maths. The wide variety of backgrounds present in the class creates the perfect environment for students to learn from one and other.

Meet MSc Management students

Alexander Segilia MSc Management 2021-22, student at Imperial College Business School

Alexander Segilia

Nationality: British

Education: Biological Sciences (Molecular Genetics), University of Edinburgh

What is your background prior to studying MSc Management?

Prior to joining Imperial College Business School, I completed my undergraduate degree in molecular genetics. During this time, I learned about and conducted cutting edge bioscience research. As part of my undergraduate degree, I studied abroad at the University of California, Berkeley. Here I used the groundbreaking gene editing tool CRISPR-Cas9, for which a Berkeley professor was awarded the 2020 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, to carry out my own research. Besides academic pursuits, I worked with multiple student consultant groups to provide pro bono consulting services to third sector clients across the UK.

What is your main motivation for studying MSc Management?

Following my study abroad year at UC Berkeley, and subsequent exposure to the dynamic interactions between science and industry in the San Francisco Bay Area, I realised my true passion lies in the strategic innovation and business development that supports the life sciences sector. Having studied a purely research based undergraduate degree, earning an MSc Management degree from Imperial College Business School is a critical next step. By studying this degree, I intend to learn about core economics and business principles, acquire a managerial skillset, and connect with other likeminded individuals looking to pursue similar career paths.

Pia Matilde Hernandez Guerrero MSc Management 2021-22, student at Imperial College Business School

Pia Matilde Hernandez Guerrero

Nationality: Dominican Republican

Education: Bachelors of Laws, Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE)

What is your background prior to studying MSc Management?

I studied a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) in the Dominican Republic, followed by two years of full-time work experience as a Corporate Lawyer in a tech industry company, and one year of part-time work experience as an Intern at EY, one of the Big Four accounting firms.

Why did you choose to study MSc Management at Imperial College Business School?

I chose to study MSc Management at Imperial due to its curriculum, entrepreneurial spirit, and internationally oriented community. Its curriculum offers the information and tools necessary to embark on a successful career in globally competitive markets. It provides real-world problem solving and an emphasis on experiential learning, leadership, and community. Likewise, the programme offers multiple opportunities, such as the option to specialise in a sector (i.e., finance, marketing, entrepreneurship, etc.), and the Global Immersion Week. Finally, what better place to develop a business career than in London, the financial capital of the world.

MSc Economics & Strategy for Business

Graduates of MSc Economics & Strategy for Business are provided with a unique perspective on global strategy, economics, digital applications, innovation and risk management. Teaching a programme that integrates cutting edge strategic analysis with contemporary economics, the talented faculty — composed of leading researchers and business practitioners — are perfectly placed to provide you with the skillset for a career in specialist economics and management services and financial services.

MSc Economics & Strategy for Business class statistics 2021-22. 178 students, 65% female, 31 nationalities

178 students joined the 2021-22 cohort, representing 31 different nationalities. As expected, 44% of students have an academic background in Economics, with the bulk of the remaining students coming from Finance/Accounting (26%) and Business/ Management (25%) backgrounds. This programme is a great stepping stone for those wanting to develop their current skillset and secure a role in the economic industry.

Meet an MSc Economics & Strategy for Business student

Claudia Abi Khalil

Claudia Abi Khalil

Nationality: Lebanese

Education: Business and Marketing, Lebanese American University

What is your background prior to studying MSc Economics & Strategy for Business?

I studied in Lebanon and come from a business marketing background, therefore I thought that it would be very beneficial to do an MSc in Economics & Strategy for Business to complement my knowledge — especially since I am planning to work in the field of strategy and business development.

Why did you choose to study MSc Economics & Strategy for Business at Imperial College Business School?

I was very interested in the core modules like Global Business, Digital Economics and Digital Strategy and Analytics for Applied Economics and Business among others. In addition, Imperial was the only university who offered such a program which incorporated both economics and strategy and I found this a very useful and valuable combination. I am very grateful for this opportunity and will surely make the most out of it!

MSc Strategic Marketing

Marketing fundamentals are skilfully interwoven with the latest in technology and innovation in this unique Master’s programme. MSc Strategic Marketing is available in two different study modes: a one-year, full-time programme studied on campus in London or as a part-time, two-year programme which can be studied from anywhere in the world, enabling you to continue your career at the same time.

Class statistics for MSc Strategic Marketing 2021-22. 282 students, 72% female, 49 nationalities represented

In September 2021 we saw 221 students join our on-campus, full-time programme while 61 joined our online, part-time programme. A large cohort with 49 nationalities makes this group a melting pot of different cultures. This year’s class is also notable for being composed of an incredible 72% female students. The majority of students (45%) have an academic background in Business Management, followed by 25% having studied an Arts/Humanities subject.

Meet MSc Strategic Marketing students

Joanna Masiyiwa MSc Strategic Marketing 2021-22, student at Imperial College Business School

Joanna Masiyiwa

Nationality: Zimbabwean

Education: Film and Media Studies, Yale University

What is your background prior to studying MSc Strategic Marketing?

Prior to studying MSc Strategic Marketing I graduated from Yale where I studied film and media studies. During my undergraduate studies I was involved in student films as a producer where I worked hands-on in the background to bring short films to life! Since graduating I have switched industries working for the Higherlife Foundation, an education-focused UK and Zimbabwean charity. On the side, I work on my budding start-up which is bringing creative digital solutions to the very oversaturated skincare industry.

What is your main motivation for studying MSc Strategic Marketing?

I hope this year at Imperial will equip me with the necessary tools to develop my passion for strategic and creative digital solutions for the growing digital landscape. I hope to gain a niche understanding the various ways the marketing landscape is continually changing and how I can apply these insights to my passion for the beauty and skincare industry. I also hope to gain an invaluable network of peers and friends alike who can support me as I move forward through my career.

Moises Nahmad MSc Strategic Marketing (online, part-time) 2021-22, student at Imperial College Business School

Moises Nahmad

Nationality: Mexican

Education: Certification in Big Data and Data Science, Duke University

What is your background prior to studying MSc Strategic Marketing (online, part-time)?

I have a bachelor’s in finance and I have been working in the fintech industry for more than three years now.

Growing up in Mexico City, coming from a family of Jewish Syrian descent, I believe my background has given me an internationally diverse perspective of life. I have had the opportunity to study, work, and live in four different capital cities in different continents. I have seen the affluence of Europe, the innovation of the Middle East, and the economic contrast that exists in Latin America. This outlook has guided me to acknowledge and understand the forces that drive the world ́s financial situation, and how marketing and the way we see the world further influences and allows such inequalities to continue to exist.

Having a finance background and moving into marketing was a fascinating transition, not only due to the importance and influence both industries have on how the economy and society are structured, but also in terms of the juxtaposition between both.

Why did you choose to study MSc Strategic Marketing (online, part-time) at Imperial College Business School?

I am currently based in NYC, working full time for a fintech company. I chose to study MSc Strategic Marketing (online, part-time) at Imperial for multiple reasons. Not only it is one of the top three Master’s in marketing globally, but it is also perfectly designed for what I was looking for. The work-based projects allow me to focus on my studies while also putting the knowledge to practice the moment I am able to acquire it. From day one, I knew I made the right choice because of how welcomed I felt at Imperial. I would describe the Imperial community as the epitome of the environment a young professional would want to network and continue their further studies in.

About Jayden Oliver

Marketing and Content Coordinator

Meet the Finance Masters' class of 2021-22

Students laughing in a group

This September we were pleased to welcome in another impressive cohort to our Finance Master’s programmes who are set to become the finance industry’s next generation of leaders and innovators. Our new crop of motivated young up-and-comers are excited to begin their one-year journeys on the following programmes:

A total of 610 students joined us across these five programmes, bringing with them a breadth of experience from a diverse range of backgrounds, with 67 nationalities represented across the cohort, and degree backgrounds that span from Economics (24%) to Finance/Accounting (23%) and Mathematics (24%).

Our Finance students will gain a wealth of experience in both quantitative and qualitative fields, helping them develop skills that will propel them into successful careers in corporate finance, investment banking, fintech, wealth management or any other area of finance.

Meet the Class Finance Suite stats 2021-22. 610 students, average age of 23, 67 nationalities

Each programme is unique with their own set of core modules and programme elements, electives such as Entrepreneurial Finance, Real Estate Investment and Innovation and Strategy in FinTech are shared across the Finance suite, providing opportunities for students from all five programmes to study together. The Business School also hosts multiple events throughout the year offering many opportunities for students to mingle and socialise across programmes and build a wide-ranging finance network.

Students are also encouraged to make the most of the countless extra-curricular opportunities on offer, such as the Student Investment fund, which gives students the chance to gain real-world experience in buy-side investments, or the Finance Careers Club, which provides members a platform to build knowledge and skills; while encouraging them to explore their career ambitions across the financial sector, both in London and internationally.

Professor James Sefton, Academic Director, Finance Suite said:

As each academic year finishes, I like to ask students what they enjoyed most about the year. I receive many different responses but what I am told most frequently every year is ‘the friends I have made’. I am enormously pleased to think that, as Academic Director, I am contributing to creating an environment that enables real, special friendships to start.

MSc Finance

Ranked #11 in the world in the Financial Times Masters in Finance Ranking 2021, MSc Finance is our flagship finance programme. The programme is taught by leading faculty, who bring both industry experience and research expertise to deliver an advanced curriculum.  Paired with personalised career support and ongoing relationships with major employers in the finance sector ensure that the MSc Finance equips students with practical experience and the confidence required to present themselves to the world’s top companies.

The programme also helps our MSc Finance students to obtain their Chartered Financial Analyst designation as a member of the CFA University Affiliation Program.

The class of 2021-22 is comprised of 88 students of 34 different nationalities. The students are very academic, with 68% possessing a first-class degree. Students from an Economics degree background make up 59% of the cohort, followed by Finance/Accounting (9%) and Business/Management (9%).

Meet MSc Finance students

Chrissy Au

Chrissy Au

Nationality: Hong Kongese/Irish

Education: Nanoscience, Trinity College, Dublin

What is your background prior to studying MSc Finance?

Having been born in Ireland and raised in Hong Kong, I have a multicultural background. Studying my undergraduate degree in nanoscience at Trinity College Dublin, I learned how to be an innovative researcher and a team player.

Following this I pursued an internship at Crown Agents Bank within the operations team. I further took the opportunity to intern at two hedge funds in Hong Kong as an investment intern.

What is your main motivation for studying MSc Finance? 

I was in one of my nanoscience lectures when my professor told us a story about his friend. He is a material scientist in a big corporation where he wasn’t compensated nor awarded sufficiently for his lifetime’s work. This prompted me to explore and study finance to further prepare myself for future entrepreneurial endeavours. After pursuing a few internships in the industry, I came to the realisation that the financial industry creates and supports growth in a lot of other industries. Imperial’s MSc Finance strikes the perfect balance between theoretical and practical. I believe it will equip me with the essential coding skills and financial knowledge I need to kickstart my career in a sustainable manner. 

Dylan Bilski MSc Finance 2021-22, student at Imperial College Business School

Dylan Bilski

Nationality: American

Education: Economics, Bates College

What do you hope to achieve with the programme?

I see Imperial College Business School’s MSc Finance programme as the perfect platform to not only hone my financial skills, but also put me in the position to work in an international capacity. I’m hoping to use this programme to pivot into a career in either investment banking or consulting in London. I want to refine my financial modelling skills and really dig into finance theory to fully understand the foundations of financial concepts. I’m also hoping to make plenty of friends from this programme and utilise the diverse set of electives available to build towards my career goals.  

What are you most looking forward to outside of your studies? 

I’m looking forward to playing rugby for Imperial, building strong relationships with those in the programme, and exploring London and mainland Europe. I’m looking forward to getting to know the rest of my cohort more and building many memories with them. I’ve visited London before, but I’m ready to do all the touristy and local experiences all over again. I love to travel and am grateful to attend a programme that is in such close proximity to the many cultural hubs of Europe. As COVID restrictions ease, I’m looking forward to being able to experience each of these cities to the fullest.

MSc Finance & Accounting

Accredited by both ACCA and CIMA, the programme prepares students for careers in financial or professional services.

Boasting 174 students, the MSc Finance & Accounting programme is the largest of our Finance Masters’. An incredible 42 nationalities are represented in this class, with students predominantly drawn from China, France, India, Taiwan and the United Kingdom.

Students in this year’s cohort mainly come from either a Finance/Accounting background (45%), or Business/Management background (34%), and a small number of students also undertake this programme after studying in other areas such as Science/Medicine or Arts/Humanities.

Meet an MSc Finance & Accounting student

Asli Yigit Sert MSc Finance & Accounting 2021-22, student at Imperial College Business School

Asli Yigit Sert

Nationality: Turkish

Education: Management, Bilkent University

What is your main motivation for studying MSc Finance & Accounting?

Through this MSc programme, I would like to enhance my analytical skills. I will gain expertise in advanced quantitative financial topics (e.g. portfolio management, money market instruments, valuation) and learn using tools such as R for various applications in finance. I also want to acquire further skills in conducting research during the summer term with the research project so that I will be able to provide a strong conceptual and empirical basis for policymaking and have the expertise to provide high-quality models and tools. On top of these, with the help of the programme, I aim to gain a wider perspective, explore development areas, and find solutions for the finance world.

What are your future career plans?

I would like to continue pursuing my career in central banking or in other organisations that work for developing and ensuring societies’ welfare such as the World Bank, IFC, IMF, etc. I wish to be influential in financing public projects and programmes, conducting monetary policy, supporting policy reform, providing technical advice and analysis, managing financial risk, attracting and financing private/public sector investments. While working for a targeted institution of mine, I am also planning to apply for a PhD programme in finance. I value combining professional experience with research and academic skills.

MSc Financial Technology

Graduates of our MSc Financial Technology are provided with the skills to pursue a successful and exciting career in the ever evolving sector of fintech and beyond.

This year’s class of 91 students have the most diverse range of backgrounds of any of our Finance Masters’. Between them, they cover Computing, Economics, Engineering, Science and Mathematics fields, with no more than 30% of students joining us from any one of these areas.

In this programme, the intellectual rigour typical of an Imperial Master’s is combined with a practical understanding of the potential and limitations of cutting-edge financial technology. Strong foundation modules in finance theory and computer science, including machine learning and coding skills, drill students in the latest thinking and innovation in these new technologies.

Meet an MSc Financial Technology student

Ramil Ahmadov MSc Financial Technology 2021-22, student at Imperial College Business School

Ramil Ahmadov

Nationality: Azerbaijani

Education: Mathematics, University College London

What are you most looking forward to outside of your studies?

The Business School has a convenient location, diverse environment and so much to offer outside of study, ranging from employer and career related events to networking and society events, held both online and in person throughout the year. These events further help with personal and professional development while providing an opportunity to meet like-minded people from various backgrounds. Therefore, I believe keeping organised and planning is key to make the most out of my time here.

What are your future career plans?

Completing my undergraduate degree in statistics, economics and finance at UCL has enabled me to grasp fundamental concepts in different topics and provided me with broad further education and career options. Analysing datasets using R to extract insights, make statistical inferences and build predictive models allowed me to realise the importance of data-driven decision-making and integrate technology and programming languages to achieve the optimal efficiency in different sectors, specifically from a financial standpoint. MSc Financial Technology at Imperial College Business School was the obvious choice as both the programme structure and the professional support offered are perfectly aligned with my future career goals. Foundation and core modules build on my previous knowledge while wide range of electives allow deeper specialisation in certain fields of interest. I am especially excited about the modules Big Data in Finance and Machine Learning and Finance where the topics covered are of high interest to me and in high demand across industries.

MSc Investment & Wealth Management

MSc Investment & Wealth Management is an intensive, one-year programme both grounded in theory and also highly applied, with the opportunity to find solutions to real-world investment challenges. The London location and the College’s connections with major finance sector employers means that the programme is perfectly placed to launch students into high-flying careers in investment, private equity, and asset management.

With 28 nationalities represented in a cohort of 84, this is a highly diverse group of students. The most common degree backgrounds among MSc Investment & Wealth Management students were Economics and Finance/Accounting, making up 40% and 24% of the cohort respectively.

Meet an MSc Investment & Wealth Management student

Sophie Hor MSc Investment & Wealth Management 2021-22, student at Imperial College Business School

Sophie Hor

Nationality: British

Education: Biochemistry, King's College London

What is your background prior to studying MSc Investment & Wealth Management?

I was born and raised in Kent and moved to Hong Kong in 2010 where I attended an international school. During my A-levels I came back to the UK and following this I pursued a BSc Biochemistry undergraduate degree at King’s College London. Through this I realised my biochemistry background within the field of life sciences would allow me to make better evaluations and more informed decisions when it came to investing in the healthcare sector. I decided to pursue a Master’s related to finance because of the changing landscape and ever-growing importance for adequate wealth management during these uncertain times.

What are you most looking forward to outside of your studies?

I am most looking forward to meeting all types of new people from different backgrounds. With London being such a diverse city, I hope to meet many likeminded and unique individuals who will morally support me on a professional, but more importantly, personal level. Whether it be outdoor activities, sports or grabbing a meal together, I look forward to spending quality time with my future peers exploring London and beyond.

Additionally, I believe the encouragement that the Business School provides to all students to participate and engage in leadership roles will be a once in a lifetime opportunity. Through various clubs and society events hosted by the School, I truly believe these experiences will make my time at Imperial unforgettable.

MSc Risk Management & Financial Engineering

MSc Risk Management & Financial Engineering is crafted to prepare graduates for careers in financial engineering and risk management. Accredited by the Professional Risk Manager’s International Association (PRMIA), this highly quantitative programme is for technically minded students who want to engage in deep, analytical study of risk management and financial engineering.

This programme has a near gender balance – out of the 172 students in this year’s cohort, 48% are female. As might be expected, a large majority (59%) of the students on this cohort come from a Mathematics background, with the rest sharing equally quantitative experience in fields such as Economics and Engineering. This year’s class is also extremely academic, with 83% holding a first-class degree.

Meet an MSc Risk Management & Financial Engineering student

Haazim Fawzy MSc Risk Management & Financial Engineering 2021-22, student at Imperial College Business School

Haazim Fawzy

Nationality: Sri Lankan

Education: Mechanical Engineering, University of Nottingham

What is your main motivation for studying MSc Risk Management & Financial Engineering?

During my undergraduate studies, my career interests transitioned from engineering to finance. To facilitate the change between fields, I wanted to build my finance knowledge. Coming from a technical background, studying MSc Risk Management & Financial Engineering provided the best bridge between the two fields. The uniqueness of the programme meant I am able to apply high quantitative rigor into financial applications, leveraging the skills I already have towards my career ambitions. I was attracted to the opportunities to work on case studies and financial modelling in group projects, simulating what I would expect to see in the working world, but giving me the sand box to learn from my mistakes.

Additionally, being able to choose my electives according to my career goals means that I am given the chance to graduate from the programme with a distinctive profile. The opportunity to pair up corporate finance with quantitative modules allows me to choose the balance which will best help me succeed in the future.

What do you hope to achieve with the programme?

I want to graduate from Imperial with no regrets when it comes to professional networking. I hope to meet and work alongside diverse groups of people that I can learn from and form lasting connections with. Being a part of a global pool of students, there is no shortage of life experiences that Imperial can impart on me during my programme.

My aim is also to push myself academically, taking every opportunity I am given. This includes developing my coding skills with the vast selection of programming languages taught and utilising the Bloomberg access provided by the business school. Coupled with electives such as ‘Introduction to Quantitative Investing’ & ‘Asset Allocation & Investment Strategies’, I am excited for the year ahead.

Finally, my goal is to maximise the highlights of being part of the Business school. Taking part in the career clubs and applying for the Student Investment Club are some of the opportunities I want to take advantage of. Likewise, Careers is one of the biggest features of the school, with specialists available to guide me towards a successful future. My target is to make the most out of what I am offered.

Listen to our podcast, Inside IB, to learn more about how to navigate the MSc Finance application process

About Jayden Oliver

Marketing and Content Coordinator

Meet the Global Online MBA class 2021-23

Students walking on street outside the Business School

We’re pleased to welcome the Global Online MBA 2021-23 cohort to Imperial College Business School. The online, part-time format MBA programme means that students can become part of the Business School community from anywhere in the world. So, with 98 students joining us in September 2021 and 96 in January 2022, it’s set to be an exciting two years on the path to completing their MBA!

With some of the best edtech technology at our disposal, the Global Online MBA delivers an exceptional online learning experience. Ranked #2 in the world in the Financial Times Online MBA Rankings 2022, we are proud to provide our students with the same high-quality teaching that they would receive if they were on-campus.

Global Online MBA students are impressive to say the least. The part-time format means that our students have taken on the challenge of developing their skillset while usually continuing to work in their demanding full-time roles. This takes hard work and dedication, but will result in a great reward and sense of achievement upon graduation.

What does the new class look like?

The composition of a class has a great impact on the student experience, so bringing together a mix of cultures, backgrounds and professional experience is a priority. The 2021-23 cohort of the Global Online MBA is no exception – the 194 students in the class represent 62 nationalities.

These motivated individuals bring an average of 11 years of work experience spanning across a wide range of industries including tech, healthcare and banking/finance. Students with STEM backgrounds often come to Imperial to take advantage of the close relationship that the Business School has with Imperial College London. Our MBA students who are budding entrepreneurs often work with the Enterprise Lab to develop their startup idea, take part in accelerators and get support on funding.

Global Online MBA Meet the class statistics January 2022 graphic
"I’m pleased to welcome the September 2021 and January 2022 cohorts of the Global Online MBA class. What’s special about an online programme is that it has the ability to bring people together from every corner of the globe, making each and every class discussion unique. This level of diversity gives our students the opportunity to learn from one another at every step of the programme."
Academic Director, Imperial MBA
Markus Perkmann

Updated programme

The September 2021 cohort are the first to start the updated version of the Global Online MBA, which gives students the ability to tailor the programme to suit their preferred subject interests through flexcore and elective modules. The refreshed programme has new electives in:

  • Analytics
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Marketing
  • Strategy

We understand that sometimes life can throw unexpected twists and turns and priorities may need to change over the duration of the programme. Therefore, students can now choose to complete their programme in 21 (shorter), 24 (normal) or 32 months (longer duration).

Academic Dirctor, Markus Perkman notes:

An online, part-time programme does present the challenge of maintaining a work-life balance; however, I am confident that this year’s cohort will face it head on and make the most out of their time on the MBA. The updated programme gives our Global Online MBA students a chance to tailor their learning and truly make the programme work around their life and career goals. I encourage our students to take the first year to figure out what subjects they find most interesting so that when the time comes to choose their flexcore and elective modules, they pick the ones that are most relevant to them.

Meeting in-person on campus at induction

While the Global Online MBA programme is predominantly online, we offer students the chance to come to campus and meet each other face-to-face at the start of the programme for induction, in addition to a second on-campus session later in the programme.

This year’s Welcome Day saw Imperial take over the Science Museum – which neighbours our South Kensington Campus! With exclusive access to the museum while it was closed, Imperial students explored the exhibits, watch a welcome movie in the IMAX and view the breath-taking London skyline right at the top of the building.

Meet the Global Online MBA students

Augusto Cesar Soares dos Santos Jr, student at Imperial College Business School

Name: Augusto Cesar Soares dos Santos Jr

Role: Clinical Nephrologist, Hospital das Clinicas UFMG

Nationality: Brazilian

Can you describe your career journey up until now?

I’m an MD PhD with a specialisation in Internal Medicine and Nephrology. During my professional career, I have participated in several international medical education programmes from which I developed my leadership skills and actively participated in the elaboration of recommendations, global reports, webinars. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, I have been fighting misinformation and bad scientific practices. In short, my cause is about developing business models capable to relocate the patient to the centre of the driving force of innovation, allowing our communities to benefit from more sustainable and human healthcare systems.

What is your main motivation for studying the Global Online MBA programme?

Healthcare is facing a revolution triggered by the recent transformations posed by the digital age. Much of this revolution was already underway but was further accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Telehealth, machine learning, artificial intelligence, big data are just some examples of technologies that are making a growing number of startups around the globe to transform the healthcare sector. This scenario of technological advances and future innovation possibilities represents an exciting outlook for patients, researchers, governments, and industry. However, at the same time, this wave of innovation comes with a new set of challenges. When I was younger, I was introduced to the idea that people from different cultural and professional backgrounds, when working together, could better transform these endeavours into innovation. I truly believe that critical thinking, scientific reasoning and diversity are essential ingredients for a better future. In this context, studying the Global Online MBA at the Imperial has provided me with this perfect environment.

Clette Efoma, Global Online MBA 2021-23, student at Imperial College Business School

Name: Clette Efoma

Role: Head of Compliance & Data Privacy, Standard Bank

Nationality: British

Can you describe your career journey up until now?

I started my career in the banking industry working part-time while completing my Bachelor’s degree. After graduating, I worked for a financial organisation specialising in leasing in Dublin. Following from this I was later able to secure a role with Société General Equipment Finance in the UK, managing asset and returns of equipment leased to clients which in the majority of cases were government entities

Having spent over seven years in leasing, I made a career change and started working for a large telecommunication company. I was in charge of managing risk and compliance. Having spent five years in the industry, I once again decided to transition back to the traditional banking industry to work for a leading African corporate and investment bank as the Head of Compliance & Data Privacy Officer. I am now responsible for all compliance, regulatory, advocacy, advisory and training.

What is your main motivation for studying the Global Online MBA programme?

The Global Online MBA  appealed to me for several reasons. Studying online allows me to combine my studies with my personal commitments including working in a very demanding role while also caring for my young family. I can study anywhere and at any time to suit my busy schedule. The opportunity to network with an international cohort is also extremely attractive. There is so much to learn from such a diverse group of people. I believe this MBA will provide me with a solid foundation to achieve my career aspirations of becoming a CEO. Leadership, management and administration are fundamental skills that I am keen to master before pivoting to my aspirational role. 

As new technologies are developed, new financial capabilities appear, new players enter the market, and the world becomes even more connected. I want to be at the forefront of innovation to grasp the opportunities presented. I consider this MBA to be the best move I can make for my career progression and to remain relevant in this fast-changing world.

Zakaria Ouraich, Global Online MBA 2021-23, student at Imperial College Business School

Name: Zakaria Ouraich

Role: Compliance Officer, LaSelle Investment Management

Nationality: Moroccan

Why did you choose to study at Imperial?

Having studied in the UK before, I was keen on studying an MBA at a UK-based university. I was looking for a reputable, part-time MBA programme that could be done remotely. Imperial happened to fit all these criteria. It goes without saying that Imperial has an excellent reputation worldwide.

Furthermore, I looked at the Global Online MBA programme and I really liked the fact that some modules are tailor-made for me in my current career.

What are your long-term career goals and how do you believe the MBA will support them?

My long-term career goals are to reach a position where I can make strategic decisions at the level of a firm and shape it. I do believe that I might have the potential for that, but there is much more for me to learn. The MBA will help and equip me with the necessary knowledge that will boost my career towards that goal. The structure of the programme will enable me not only to improve my technical knowledge but also to work on my soft skills and develop leadership skills. That is something that is very important to me.

I also believe the opportunity to study and work with classmates from various cultures and industries is something that will significantly help me develop 

Adanna Amadi, Global Online MBA 2021-23, student at Imperial College Business School

Adanna Amadi

Role: Senior Manager, Financial Planning & Analysis, IHS Towers

Nationality: Nigerian


Can you describe your career journey up until now?

I started my career in an investment banking firm, working as part of a team providing expert financial and portfolio management advice to both large and mid-sized companies. During this time, I had my first taste of business by setting up and running the client relations unit where we catered to structuring and diversifying client portfolios. In preparation for the next phase in my career, I studied and qualified as a Chartered Accountant. I secured work experience with KPMG, where I led teams advising various clients across diverse sectors on mergers, acquisitions, capital raising and corporate restructuring in Western and Southern Africa.

I then transitioned to my next role in financial planning and analysis at IHS Towers — the largest telecommunication infrastructure company in the EMEA region. I am responsible for delivering on overall business and management reporting, working closely with business unit heads to drive clear analysis and understanding of business performance. While at IHS Towers, I qualified as a Chartered Global Management Accountant (CGMA), honing my skills on the use of decision-relevant financial and non-financial information to generate value for my organisation.

What are your long-term career goals and how do you believe the MBA will support them?

As an emerging leader in my organisation, I realise the need to adopt a different mindset, especially in the areas of leadership, innovation and digital transformation. Imperial College Business School is a world-renowned school that offers electives such as Strategic Networks for Innovation and Change, Digital Transformation: Leading Real-World Change, and Design for Business Transformation. I believe it will help shape my professional career growth, opening the door for me to pursue a position as a top female executive in the future.

Furthermore, it is my long-term objective to use technology as a broad-ranging, consciousness-raising social facilitator. I want to unite the theoretical and practical aspects, which I believe is the root to the development of the African continent. I desire to close the technology gap and digital divide between developing and developed nations.

Allowing something to develop beyond the generic and using innovation and digital transformation fascinates me. It can foster the realisation of business goals, innovating businesses processes. My interests lie on the social impact that can be affected by developing business and communities, within previously socially underdeveloped environments.

I have contemplated studying for an MBA for a long time, but I could never find the right balance until I found Imperial’s Global Online MBA. At this stage in my career, I feel that, despite my robust academic background, I still need that entrepreneurial mindset which could open new possibilities. I believe that an MBA will provide me with all these capabilities, enhance my professional profile significantly and allow me to excel in my chosen field.

Chih Chien Lee, Global Online MBA 2021-23, student at Imperial College Business School

Chih Chien Lee

Role: Manufacturing Business Manager, Google 

Nationality: Singaporean


Why did you choose to study at Imperial? 

The manufacturing industry saw many challenges in recent years, including US import tariffs, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the on-going semiconductor shortage. These problems have a direct impact on my work in sourcing and procurement, and they require creative solutions to overcome. An MBA will equip me with the skills I need to navigate uncertainty, build strong teams, and make informed decisions. The Global Online MBA at Imperial is a rigorous programme delivered on a well-designed platform, which makes the learning process interactive and enjoyable. Imperial’s reputation as a top university in the world, the diversity of my cohort as well as the extensive alumni network makes it the perfect choice for me. 

Did you have any reservations about doing an MBA? 

I was most concerned about going back to school so many years after I completed my undergraduate degree. I wasn’t sure if I could keep up with the coursework. However, I found the primers very useful because they not only prepared me for the actual curriculum, but also allowed me to experiment with different daily routines and time allocations for work, family, study, fitness, and rest. My wife and I have two young children, so these routines are essential for us to plan activities for the family.

Eleanor Magdzinski

Eleanor Magdzinski

Role: Equity Research Associate, Sprott Capital Partners

Nationality: Canadian


What are your long-term career goals and how do you believe the MBA will support them?

I aspire to secure a senior level management position in the metals/mining industry (e.g. corporate development or technical services). Up until recently, my experiences as a mining engineer were deeply rooted in mine operations, where I was fortunate enough to hold various positions from Underground Miner to Lead Mine Systems Engineer. With plans to specialise in the finance stream, I sought an MBA at Imperial to broaden my understanding of business and strengthen my financial acumen. In light of this, I hope to bridge my knowledge gap between day-to-day operations and the greater global business function, as well as develop the skills I need to be a competent leader of tomorrow.

How do you plan on getting involved in Imperial life outside the MBA?

I have joined both the Finance Club and Women in Business society to gain further exposure to two areas about which I am particularly passionate. I recently started a new position and am keen to connect with others currently working, or aspiring to work, in the finance space. Additionally, having spent my career working in an industry where the percentage of women employed only accounts for ~8-17% of all positions, I have an interest in supporting women within male dominated industries and eliminating gender disparity in the workplace.

Katerina Kindyni, Global Online MBA 2021-23, student at Imperial College Business School

Katerina Kindyni

Role: Senior Manager - Credit Risk, Climate Risk and ESG Lead, Ernst & Young 

Nationality: Cypriot


Why did you choose to study at Imperial?

Imperial has always had a fantastic reputation in the fields of science and business and it's also very well known for innovation towards effective action on climate change and the environment. During my time at Imperial, I wish to expand my knowledge in areas such as sustainable finance, leadership and innovation and help shape the climate and ESG agenda within the financial sector.

How do you plan on getting involved in Imperial life outside the MBA?

I would like to become an active member of the 'Centre for Climate Finance & Investment' and unlock solutions within capital markets to address challenges posed by global climate change. By joining the centre, I wish to better understand how the financial sector can manage the risks associated with moving to a zero-carbon future and get deeper insights into new investment opportunities in renewable energy, clean technologies and climate-resilient infrastructure.

Vishal Patel

Vishal Patel

Role: Medical Advisor, Glaxo Smith Klein & GP, NHS 

Nationality: British



What is your main motivation for studying the Global Online MBA programme?

I have worked in the healthcare sector for over a decade. Currently, I lead the UK & Ireland medical strategy for a global pharmaceutical company. It was here that I noted gaps in my thought process regarding global thinking and strategic planning. Upon reflection, this was the downside of the educational and healthcare system where we are taught to think and work in rigid boxes. The Global Online MBA will allow me to successfully fill in these gaps as well as equipping me with tools to break the boxes, therefore, allowing me to reach my goals. Having worked with people who have completed the MBA, I’ve often admired the way they approach problems and formulate solutions. This is something I wish to emulate whilst connecting and forming lifelong relations with the diverse mix of professionals on the MBA programmes. 

Can you describe your career journey up until now?

‘Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world’ is a quote from the late Nelson Mandela. Due to unforeseen circumstances such as poverty and early parental death, my parents did not have access to an adequate education in their childhood. In my childhood, they both instilled early on the importance of education and they sacrificed everything to give me the head start and security in life that they didn’t have.

I initially trained and worked as a pharmacist. Early on I came to the realisation that I was not reaching my full potential and I could do more for the patients especially from a clinical perspective. The hard decision was made to leave full-time work and study graduate medicine in a different city, away from family and friends. The culture shock was a challenge and on weekends I would travel home to support my family. I continued part-time work as a pharmacist to help pay for university costs such as accommodation and fees. 

Nine years after going back into full-time study, and a further two diplomas later, I qualified as a General Practitioner (GP). In addition to working as a GP, I simultaneously worked within the Clinical Commissioning Group as a medicines management lead for the largest NHS trust in the United Kingdom (UK) and for the Local Medical Committee. These roles were vital to support local GP practices and patients especially when covid derailed the UK healthcare system.

I now work for a global pharmaceutical company within the Medical Affairs department and continue my GP clinics to support the NHS. Despite my atypical career pathway, it has taught me many life lessons along the way. Any progress or success in life requires determination and personal sacrifice. It certainly is not a solo effort. I am grateful for the strong values my parents have instilled, their unlimited prayers, sacrifice and their collective support. Without them, I would not be where I am today.

About Sarah Hetherington

Content Marketing Coordinator
Content Marketing Coordinator working in the Programmes Marketing team at Imperial College Business School.

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