Year two wisdom: BSc Economics, Finance and Data Science

BSc Economics, Finance and Data Science class of 2023 at White City

Himanshi Gupta is a second-year student at Imperial College Business School, pursuing a BSc in Economics, Finance and Data Science. She has a diverse background that includes extensive involvement in debating, Model United Nations, and quizzing during her school years in North India.

Her deepening interest in economics and its scientific applications led her to choose Imperial, where she appreciates the emphasis on critical thinking essential for navigating today’s complex job and financial landscapes. In this blog, Himanshi shares valuable insights and advice for first-year students to help them thrive in their university experience.


Himanshi Gupta

About me and why I chose Imperial

I was born on the East coast of India and went to boarding school in North India. There I was a massive debater, MUNner and quizzer. I also setup a non profit organisation to tackle period stigma by providing gamified and gender-inclusive menstrual education. While I was very scientifically inclined for the most part of school, I developed a quick and deep interest in economics in my final two years. My desire to study economics in a scientific backdrop made BSc Economics, Finance and Data Science at Imperial College Business School a top choice.

Additionally, I was drawn to Imperial’s focus on teaching one how to think, rather than what to think – a skill that is crucial for navigating the growing uncertainties in job and financial markets and by extension, the world.

Take advantage of the diverse range of experiences available both at Imperial and in London, as they can enrich your time at university. Stay organised to keep on top of your workload, but also make sure to allow yourself time to relax and enjoy the overall university experience.

One thing I wish I knew before starting University

I wish I had a clearer sense of direction for my university experience and future. While it's not necessary to have everything figured out, having some general goals can be incredibly helpful. When I started at Imperial, I was trying to do everything without a clear purpose. I've since learned that even a vague notion of your aspirations helps in allocating your time and energy more effectively.

Having some idea of what you want to achieve allows you to prioritise activities and opportunities that align with your goals, whether they're academic, career-oriented, or personal. It's okay for these goals to change – university is a time of growth and self-discovery. The point isn't to lock yourself into a rigid plan, but to have an anchor point that guides your decisions.

My advice would be to spend some time reflecting on what you want out of your university experience before you arrive. What skills do you want to develop? What experiences do you want to have? Having even rough answers to these questions can make your first year feel more purposeful and less overwhelming.

Embrace the challenges and opportunities that university life offers. Don’t hesitate to step out of your comfort zone and try new things—it’s all part of the experience. Remember that everyone is in the same boat, and it’s perfectly normal to feel overwhelmed at times. Seeking help when you need it can make a big difference.

Balancing my academic and personal life

The key to adjusting to university life was identifying my priorities—what I enjoyed and what added the most value to me.

In Year 1, the course is designed in such a way that if you follow the instructions, like completing pre-readings and doing problem sets on the recommended dates, you'll have plenty of time to enjoy a thriving social life and attend society events. Where I sometimes struggled was when I missed a pre-reading and had trouble keeping up in lectures, leading me to spend far more time reviewing.

I found that doing tasks as they come, rather than letting them pile up, is a solid strategy for Year 1—though I only developed this habit through some trial and error.

Making friends with course mates also made the academic workload feel less overwhelming and more manageable. Additionally, scheduling and using a calendar to block out time for relaxation are essential. London offers endless opportunities for rejuvenation to suit everyone's tastes. If you're looking for people to share downtime with, your hallmates, course peers, and society members are great places to start.

Adjusting to the academic expectations of university compared to secondary school

To adjust well to university-level academics, I had to come to a few important realisations. First, aiming to be the best is an unrealistic and hollow goal—there will always be someone better at something, but that doesn’t diminish your own merit. It’s also perfectly okay to seek academic help; the faculty are well-equipped and willing to support you.

I found that pre-reading is key to familiarity, which in turn drives understanding—some university content may be completely new, but tackling the recommended readings beforehand, even if they’re confusing, makes lectures far more efficient. Lastly, starting group projects early and completing problem sets on the recommended dates eases a lot of the pressure around assessment time.

Building good relationships with professors and classmates

Building good relationships with professors and classmates is easier said than done, but it’s essential to let go of any reservations or fears about how you might be perceived. Taking a genuine interest in people’s lives, while respecting their time and talents, helps lay a strong foundation for meaningful connections.

Attending professors’ office hours or meeting with tutorial leaders to clarify concepts or discuss optional readings is a great way to engage with teaching staff. Additionally, being active in class discussions not only deepens your understanding but also helps facilitate natural conversations with both peers and professors.

Resources and support systems

You might not always have the energy to attend events, but on days when you do, the "What's On" page on the Imperial College Union website provides a master list of activities ordered by date. One of the great things about university compared to high school is the abundance of people and freedom, which means there’s something for everyone.

Attending events in the first week helped me discover things I was naturally inclined toward, and as the year went on, I stumbled upon many more. It’s a good idea to keep your eyes and ears open for new opportunities and be willing to say yes to anything that sounds interesting. I found most of the events I enjoyed through posters around campus and by following society Instagram accounts. Additionally, there are formal systems in place to support students.

For BSc Economics, Finance and Data Science students, each has an academic adviser, a faculty member who may or may not be teaching the cohort. You can also reach out to tutorial leads and lecturers during their office hours for academic guidance. College-wide services like wellbeing and disability advisory support are available as well.

On a student level, Year reps, Departmental reps, and Union reps are there to voice both academic and wellbeing concerns. For career support, the Business School Careers team is a valuable resource. If you're staying in Halls, wardens and hall seniors are also there to help ease your transition into university life.

My advice to the incoming class

My advice would be to spend some time reflecting on what you want out of your university experience before you arrive. What skills do you want to develop? What experiences do you want to have? Having even rough answers to these questions can make your first year feel more purposeful and less overwhelming.

Embrace the challenges and opportunities that university life offers. Don’t hesitate to step out of your comfort zone and try new things—it’s all part of the experience. Remember that everyone is in the same boat, and it’s perfectly normal to feel overwhelmed at times. Seeking help when you need it can make a big difference.

Take advantage of the diverse range of experiences available both at Imperial and in London, as they can enrich your time at university. Stay organised to keep on top of your workload, but also make sure to allow yourself time to relax and enjoy the overall university experience.

The Dean’s Impact Scholarship: my journey to MSc Finance at Imperial

Naomi Stranz

We aim to contribute to both business and society by harnessing the potential of innovative thinking. We are pleased to present the Dean’s Impact Scholarship to individuals who showcase accomplishments and influence in five key areas, detailed in this blog. Naomi Stranz, a MSc Finance student shares her experience securing the Dean's Impact Scholarship, delving into its personal significance and offering practical advice for prospective students.

The school is renowned for integrating cutting-edge technology into its programmes, creating a unique intersection between business and innovation, and shaping pioneers and leaders of the future

Why did you choose to study MSc Finance at Imperial College Business School?

I chose to study MSc Finance at Imperial College Business School for several reasons. First, Imperial’s outstanding reputation and its position at the forefront of innovation were key factors. The school is renowned for integrating cutting-edge technology into its programmes, creating a unique intersection between business and innovation, and shaping pioneers and leaders of the future. Secondly, the fast-paced and intensive nature of the programme was appealing, as it offers immense opportunities for growth and preparation for the professional world. The rigorous curriculum ensures I will be well-equipped for the challenges ahead. Lastly, both Imperial and the dynamic city of London provide an incredible environment for personal growth. The opportunity to meet and learn from people from all over the world, while experiencing the vibrant and diverse culture of London, makes it the perfect place to expand my horizons. 

Being at Imperial has only reinforced that it has exceeded my expectations - I have already made great connections and had incredible opportunities, all of which have contributed to my personal and professional growth.

Receiving the Dean’s Impact Scholarship is not just an acknowledgement of my past efforts, but a source of motivation and encouragement to continue expanding my impact.

What does this scholarship mean to you?

I am honoured to have received the Dean’s Impact Scholarship, which recognises individuals striving to create meaningful benefits for businesses and society through innovative and disruptive thinking. This prestigious award highlights achievements in five key areas: entrepreneurship, technology and innovation, sustainability, social impact, and leadership.

I was selected for this scholarship specifically for the social impact I’ve made through my volunteering efforts in Latin America and my funding efforts to make education accessible in these disadvantaged regions. Receiving the Dean’s Impact Scholarship is not just an acknowledgement of my past efforts, but a source of motivation and encouragement to continue expanding my impact. It reassures me that the work I’ve done is seen and valued, and it inspires me to push further and make an even greater difference in the future.

How did you feel when you learned you’d secured this scholarship?

When I found out I had secured the Dean’s Impact Scholarship, I was delighted and elated. Sometimes, I tend to downplay my achievements because it can feel like I’ve only made small efforts. However, receiving this scholarship made me realise that those efforts are meaningful and have been recognised. It was a moment of true joy and fulfilment, knowing that the impact I’ve worked towards is valued and acknowledged.

What motivated you to apply for this scholarship at Imperial College Business School?

I was motivated to apply for the Dean's Impact Scholarship due to its focus on rewarding individuals who aim to make a meaningful difference in society. Given my passion for social impact and my goal of leveraging financial knowledge as a tool for positive change, this scholarship felt like the perfect opportunity to align my personal values with my academic journey. I saw it not only as a way to fund my education but also as a platform to amplify the work I have already been doing and to push myself further.

How will this scholarship support you?

This scholarship will support me in multiple ways, both academically and personally. Academically, it will allow me to focus fully on my studies without the added pressure of financial concerns, ensuring I can make the most of my time at Imperial. More importantly, it aligns with my personal goal of giving back. Many students at Imperial come from privileged backgrounds and thrive in a secure environment. I want to leverage this position to help others gain more equal opportunities to access education. The Dean’s Impact Scholarship not only enables me to pursue this goal but also provides me with the encouragement and resources to make a meaningful difference in the lives of others.

What opportunities has this scholarship provided you so far?

This scholarship has already provided me with several valuable opportunities, such as a networking breakfast where I had the chance to meet students from other programmes, as well as fellow scholarship recipients. The discussions at these events have been truly eye-opening, pushing me forward intellectually and broadening my perspective. 

Through these gatherings, I have not only made new friends but also built a supportive environment where we help and encourage each other, both academically and personally. These connections have been instrumental in enhancing my experience at Imperial College Business School.

What makes this scholarship unique?

What makes this scholarship unique is its emphasis on impact across a broad range of areas such as entrepreneurship, technology and innovation, sustainability, social impact, and leadership. It goes beyond academic achievement, seeking individuals who are driving change and making a real difference. The scholarship also fosters a community of like-minded individuals, encouraging you not only to excel in your studies but also to collaborate and innovate for the greater good.

What are the most important qualities scholarship committees look for?

I believe scholarship committees seek passion, drive, and a clear sense of purpose. It’s not just about academic success; they want to see candidates motivated to create change, with a proven track record of making a positive impact. Leadership and resilience are also important, as they look for individuals who can inspire others and overcome challenges in the pursuit of their goals.

How did you balance scholarship applications with other committments?

Balancing scholarship applications with schoolwork and other commitments was certainly a challenge, but I managed by staying organised and setting clear priorities. I ensured I dedicated specific time slots to focus on the applications and broke the process down into manageable steps. I also reminded myself of the long-term benefits a scholarship would provide, which kept me motivated to put in the extra effort.


What’s your advice for scholarship applicants?

My advice would be to stay authentic and make your personal story stand out. Don’t be afraid to highlight the unique ways you have made an impact and the values that drive you. Committees are looking for applicants who are genuinely passionate about their work, so let that passion shine through in your application.

Discover Economics Workshops: a mission to increase the diversity of economics students

Economics Workshops

Imperial College Business School and Discover Economics are working together to increase the diversity of economics students.  

The Discover Economics initiative is aimed at students from state schools and the workshops are designed to inspire young people to consider economics as one of their post-16 or post-18 options, whether that is at university or through an apprenticeship. We offer one-off workshops, bookable by teachers/school coordinators for groups in Year 10 and Year 12 – scroll down to find out more!  

What are Discover Economics workshops? 

Discover Economics workshops are interactive sessions designed to introduce students to the world of economics in an engaging way. The workshops aim to break down the barriers that often make economics seem intimidating or irrelevant. By focusing on real-world applications and issues, the workshops help students understand how economics impacts their daily lives and understand the global issues they care about such as climate change, inequality and the cost of living. 

Who leads our Discover Economics workshops? 

Our workshops are led by BSc Economics, Finance and Data Science Student Ambassadors. Our ambassadors are knowledgeable about economics and passionate about sharing their interest for the subject with younger students. Student Ambassadors are provided with the subject content beforehand, and they have all the essential training like presenting information and safeguarding.  

Economics Workshops

What do the workshops cover? 

Each workshop is carefully crafted to be both educational and engaging. School or college coordinators can select their preference of subject areas that they feel their students would find interesting. This includes topics such as: 

  • Climate change,  

  • the cost of living,  

  • wealth inequality,  

  • the gender pay gap,  

  • panic buying,  

  • and video games and violent behaviour. 

Our workshops include a short introduction of Student Ambassadors, real world applications and issues in economics, and information about careers in economics. The workshops last about 1 hour and are interactive, so students participate in discussions and problem-solving exercises.  

“The session went down well with our students and the Q&A at the end was really useful as they had a range of questions such as 'how does technology affect the validity of data when looking at causality' to 'How quantitative is the course?'. The three students did an excellent job answering each question in details.”   Teacher from St Mary’s and St John’s CE School  

Economics Workshops

We want to make economics more accessible  

The purpose of Discover Economics workshops are to: 

  • broaden the appeal of economics to potential students,  

  • change their perceptions of economics,  

  • and attract more students from underrepresented groups, in particular state school students, women and minoritised ethnic groups. 

“All went well, the Student Ambassadors did an excellent job, I was really impressed with them.” Sixth Form Lead, Preston Manor Sixth Form 


Interested in booking a Discover Economics workshop for your Year 10 or Year 12 group? 

Discover Economics workshops are aimed at students who are not currently studying economics. However, if you are a teacher or school coordinator who has an economics class that would benefit from one of our workshops, we would consider arranging this.  Our workshops are typically in-person and for schools/colleges in London or surrounding areas. If you are in a different part of the UK and would like to take advantage of the Discover Economics workshops, we recommend you contact Discover Economics directly.  

Imperial’s Discover Economics workshops are coordinated by the Student Recruitment and Outreach team at the Business School. To book an economics workshop, please complete this form and a member of the Business School’s Student Recruitment and Outreach team will get back to you. 

My Imperial Women’s Scholarship

Stella Dourtme

Stella Dourtme, Global Online MBA student and a recipient of the Imperial Women’s Scholarship, shares her top advice for securing this prestigious award. The Imperial Global Online MBA Women’s Scholarships are awarded to women showing exceptional academic achievement and professional excellence, as well as a commitment to supporting women in business.

How did it feel when you found out you’d secured the  Imperial Women’s Scholarship?  

I was extremely excited and honoured to have been selected for this prestigious award at such an acclaimed institution! I felt empowered to pursue my dream and to be part of this amazing community of women leaders at the Imperial College Business School during my time as a student and beyond. 

What motivated you to apply for this scholarship at Imperial College Business School? 

In addition to providing financial support, scholarships offer an excellent opportunity to network with high-achieving colleagues and enhance one's competitive profile. Personally, I was particularly interested in the Imperial Women's Scholarship. This interest arises from my background in humanitarian work with UN Women in New York during the emergence of the MeToo movement where I met many influential businesswomen who are committed to women's empowerment. Additionally, my experience working with Zaha Hadid, a highly influential female architect in a predominantly male-dominated industry, further fuelled my advocating for more women in leadership and interest in this scholarship. 

To increase your chances, it is important to apply early and dedicate enough time to prepare.

What does this scholarship mean to you in terms of your academic and personal goals? 

As I pursue my MBA while working and facing the challenges of being a new mother, I represent a significant portion of applicants who are highly passionate about advancing their careers. However, it would have been impossible for me to be here without the financial support of the scholarship. Studying the Global Online MBA  programme will equip me with the knowledge and skills I need to achieve my goals of becoming a leader in the built environment design, technology, and real estate development sectors

What advice would you give to students who are aspiring to earn a scholarship? 

To increase your chances, it is important to apply early and dedicate enough time to prepare. Consider the full range of your skills and interests to effectively advocate for your candidacy. Engaging in activities outside of work is a great way to demonstrate leadership skills and personal interests beyond what you can achieve within your company or organisation. 


Why I chose to study MSc Investment & Wealth Management

Siya Gupta

Siya Gupta is a student studying MSc Investment & Wealth Management at Imperial College Business School. In this blog, she explores her motivations for choosing the programme, the value of practical experience combined with a focus on technology and leadership, and the impact of networking. 

“What makes this programme special is its affiliation to the CFA Institute. This connection enhances the credibility of what I'm learning and aligns it with global financial standards, helping me prepare for a successful career in finance.”  

Siya Gupta, MSc Investment & Wealth Management 

My journey so far has been nothing short of exhilarating, balancing a full-time programme with working full-time for a US-based firm. This experience has helped me develop my skills in both time management and discipline.  

When I was choosing where to study my postgraduate programme, I knew I wanted to learn from the best. Imperial College Business School’s reputation for world-class faculty, extensive networking and career opportunities, and various extracurricular activities was too exciting to pass up. The clubs and societies on offer provide an incredible platform for connecting with like-minded individuals, offering an educational experience that extends well beyond the classroom. 

So far, the MSc Investment and Wealth Management programme has been really eye-opening for me. I especially like the modules that blend core investment principles with modern financial strategies. As the youngest person in my cohort, I am able to share a fresh perspective while also learning a lot from my classmates, who bring their own experiences and insights. 

The programme is designed to shape future leaders. It focuses not only on the theoretical aspects of investment and wealth management but also on building practical skills that are essential for leadership. From complex problem-solving to strategic decision-making, I am learning to navigate the nuances of the financial world with confidence. 

The intersection of technology and business is at the core of our curriculum at Imperial College Business School. In a world where digital innovation is reshaping industries, our programmes integrate technological insights with business strategies. This is evident in modules that cover advanced financial statistics and programming languages like C++, VBA, Python, and R, which are essential tools for finance professionals like me. These skills have not only given me a competitive edge but have also prepared me to lead in a tech-focused business world. 

What makes this programme special is its affiliation to the CFA Institute. This connection enhances the credibility of what I'm learning and aligns it with global financial standards, helping me prepare for a successful career in finance. On top of that, the programme's practical approach, like team-building activities and trips, makes the learning experience both enriching and fun. 

I’ve had great networking opportunities throughout my time at the Business School for example, the event at Savoy where Imperial alumni connected from multiple programmes. There have been chances to get involved in research and the Student Investment Fund have really expanded my professional network. These experiences have improved my skills and given me insights into different career paths. The Winter party at the National History Museum was especially memorable, offering a perfect blend of fun and networking. 

In summary, my experience at the Business School has really shown me what Imperial is all about - intelligent business. It’s about solving real-world problems through innovative thinking, using technology, and leading strategically. As I continue my journey here, I’m sure that the skills and experiences I gain will help me make a real impact in the business world and beyond. 

Moving to London: Finding My Stride at Imperial College Business School

Saina Kalra

Saina Kalra is currently pursuing an MSc Strategic Marketing at Imperial College Business School. She has transitioned into this programme in London, blending innovative marketing strategies with advanced business insights. Join us as we explore her journey, the challenges she faces, and the triumphs she achieves in this exciting new chapter of her academic career.

I never imagined I would one day be shaping real marketing strategies in one of the world's most dynamic cities. My journey has been a whirlwind: a Global BBA across Singapore and France, stints at luxury powerhouses like LVMH and Estée Lauder, the fast-paced energy of Crocs, and advising giants like HSBC and Google Pay at the WPP group. But I felt something was missing; I wanted to be at the forefront of where marketing could make a real difference. Impact was my driving force and when I discovered Imperial College Business School, with its cutting-edge MSc Strategic Marketing,  I knew it was the perfect fit.
London swept me off my feet. It's full of history, innovation, and is a kaleidoscope of cultures. South Kensington, our campus location, is close to grand museums such as the Natural History Museum and Science Museum, bustling cafes, and Hyde Park's, offering a moment's respite.

Being embedded in a world-leading STEM institution, Imperial College London, infuses everything we do with a spirit of innovation. Imagine brainstorming sustainable packaging solutions fuelled by insights from our Materials Science department, or working with engineers on the next generation of AR-driven retail experiences. Those cross-disciplinary connections aren't just a perk; they're integral to the Imperial way of thinking.


The programme at the Business School itself is the perfect counterpoint. One minute I'm dissecting the psychology of consumer behaviour, and the next, I'm building data-driven digital strategies. We have electives on everything from Luxury Brand Management to the intricacies of AI in marketing. If there's a niche that sparks your curiosity, chances are there's an expert here to guide you.

There are many Clubs and Societies to participate in beyond the classroom. As President of the India Business Careers Club, I'm bridging the gap between theory and the vibrant Indian business scene. The Dean's Advisory Council lets me advocate for student well-being alongside some of the sharpest minds on campus. And through my role as an Imperial Move & Athletes ambassador, you're as likely to find me cheering on our sports teams as debating brand strategies in a seminar.

Saina stands on London Tower Bridge
In London exploring the famous Tower Bridge

My time at Imperial is still unfolding, but the change is already palpable. It’s an ecosystem that champions ambition, collaboration, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. This isn’t just about securing a fancy job title (though those opportunities are abundant). It’s about becoming a leader who understands the intricate dance between business and the betterment of society.

What sets Imperial apart is the sense of a larger purpose. Our professors aren't just academics; they're leaders who've shaped global brands and advised governments. This exposure, coupled with the cohort that hails from all corners of the world, has fundamentally altered my perspective on what marketing can achieve. No longer is it just about selling products; it's about driving sustainable consumption, about ethical communication, about using business as a force for good.

So if you're like the younger me, a dreamer with a hunger to make your mark, know this: a top-10 global university like Imperial doesn't just give you a degree. It gives you a launchpad to redefine what's possible – both within you and in the world.


How MSc Strategic Marketing has shaped me

Saina Karla headshot


Our MSc Strategic Marketing leverages the Business School's top marketing faculty and experts in strategy, entrepreneurship, and technology. The programme uniquely integrates marketing fundamentals with cutting-edge technology and data-driven decision-making. Suhani Gupta, a MSc Strategic Marketing student, shares her reflections on the enriching journey of studying this dynamic programme.

The MSc Strategic Marketing programme has given me a global perspective and showed that possibilities are endless, so keep on expanding your horizons.

London, a city rich in history and innovation, where cobblestone streets echo with countless tales. Just as Arthur Conan Doyle brought Sherlock Holmes' adventures to life on these very streets, my own journey began when I joined Imperial College Business School.

Choosing Imperial College Business School

With an engineering background and a stint at a top management consulting firm, I felt there were still missing pieces in my career puzzle. It became clear that marketing was the key to completing that picture.

Applying to the MSc Strategic Marketing at Imperial was a clear choice. It has turned out to be the ideal blend of everything I had envisioned. While the prestigious ranking and the Imperial's esteemed reputation are significant draws, what truly sets this programme apart is its comprehensive approach. It’s not merely marketing; it’s a fusion of strategy, entrepreneurship, and innovation. As I look back on my journey so far, here are my reflections. 

Saina presenting a lecture slide in class

Embracing the unknown

Embrace the unknown there and take risks. Initially daunting, I had to step out of my comfort zone to improve in areas where I felt less confident. The programme has helped me enhance my presentation and time management skills and take on leadership roles, fostering personal growth and newfound confidence in my abilities.

I always thought marketing was just about creativity, but as I near the end of my programme, I realised it’s much more layered. MSc Strategic Marketing has taught us to think strategically and adopt an entrepreneurial mindset, preparing us to be future leaders. It has made me even more curious and observant. Staying abreast of industry trends and continuously learning new skills is crucial to staying ahead in our careers.


Learning at Imperial

There will be opportunities for you to choose your electives, to fill gaps in your knowledge. I thoroughly enjoyed electives like Effective Crisis Management and Market Decision Making which were different from what I had studied and gave me an insight into what goes behind building a successful business. Apart from this, it is imperative to make the right choice for the summer term. I opted for a consulting project from the other options available because I wanted to apply my learnings to a practical setup and working with a client like Pladis, one of the largest biscuit manufacturers in the world has been one of the most rewarding experiences. 

Learning at Imperial goes well beyond the classroom. Since the beginning, I have been actively involved in various clubs, holding positions such as Chief Marketing Officer for the India Business Careers Club and Head of Retail for the FMCG, Luxury, and Retail Careers Club. I also dedicated time to volunteering for Imperial-supported events and social causes. Additionally, I enjoyed the opportunity to choreograph for the annual cultural event of the Indian Society. This involvement has not only enriched my educational journey but also equipped me with leadership skills and provided invaluable exposure to diverse aspects of student life, making my experience fulfilling.




Students from Indian Society strike pose

Team work

We’ve all heard the saying "Teamwork makes the Dream work," a significant portion of the coursework here revolves around group projects but experiencing it first-hand was more challenging than I expected. Collaborating with students from diverse backgrounds, each bringing a unique perspective, has been both intellectually stimulating and humbling. It required mastering the art of unlearning and relearning, more than just dividing tasks—it’s been about leveraging each person’s unique strengths to achieve a common goal. And, in this journey, you come to realise that your team members often become lifelong friends.


Value of Networking

You quickly learn that "one's network is their net worth." The programme provides countless avenues like Career fairs, and guest sessions, allowing you to forge strong relationships with leaders you look up to. A standout experience for me was the CMP lectures delivered by the industry experts that helped build a deeper understanding of several topics and breakfast with board events during the Woman@Imperial Week, where sessions offered the chance to engage in profound conversations with trailblazing women. 

The MSc Strategic Marketing programme has given me a global perspective and showed that possibilities are endless, so keep on expanding your horizons. Don’t come here only for just world-class rankings, groundbreaking research or industry-rooted courses, Imperial is about a transformational journey that prepares you for life and this journey for me has been the culmination of a childhood dream and I would do it all over again.

Saina and peers at a reception

Refreshed Imperial MSc in Management (MiM) to develop global business leaders of the future

Master's in Management 2025 Launch Blog Post

Imperial College Business School is delighted to announce exciting changes to its MSc in Management (MiM).

Following an extensive review with faculty, staff, students, alumni and external stakeholders, we will be launching a revised MSc in Management (MiM), commencing in September 2025.

The updated programme will unify the existing MSc Management and MSc International Management (MIM) into one, unique, MSc in Management (MiM) degree. By taking the best features of both programmes, we will equip students with a strong grasp of the core business and management concepts essential in today's dynamic marketplace, offer access to our wonderful faculty, and combine interactive applied learning with increased training in innovation and leadership.

The redesign reflects Imperial's wider aim to continue developing the future leaders the world needs. We will continue to attract, nurture and champion the best local, and global talent, and empower them with everything they need to make a meaningful difference.

As a result, we will no longer offer the MSc International Management and the MSc Management as separate programmes from 2025 onwards.

James Eteen

James Eteen

James Eteen, Senior Teaching Fellow & Academic Director of MSc in Management (MiM), shares insights into the new programme and the exciting features that make it a standout for developing the global business leaders of the future. 

What are the benefits of combining MSc Management and MSc International Management to create MSc in Management (MiM)?  

The overarching benefit of studying on the unified MSc in Management (MiM) will be job readiness for careers in consulting, finance and across a broad range of other sectors. The programme helps accelerate early-career success and prepares students to become business leaders. This is achieved in several ways:

  • leadership development: employers tell us that a strong leadership focus is essential for graduates to get ahead in their careers. Our MSc in Management (MiM) will prepare students for this from their first step in their career and beyond. 

  • practicality: the programme combines academic theory with interactive applied learning to real-life business contexts, and strategic problem-solving is a common element throughout the curriculum. We make extensive use of software simulations, in-class team discussions and engagement with external companies.

  • diversity: bringing together a diverse cohort of students, from a range of prior degree backgrounds, whether business, economics, finance, the arts or sciences, reflecting the reality of teaming in the workplace. 

  • flexibility and choice: our students and alumni have shared with us the importance of choice in shaping their learning journeys. The unified MSc in Management (MiM) programme will provide greater access to shared electives, as well as integrative modules in the Summer Term. Students also have the option to extend their programme to 16-months to complete longer internships or global exchange placements for an additional fee. 

How will studying MSc in Management equip students with the skills they need to make a meaningful difference as a business leader?  

Prospective employers want our students to have engaged in formative experiences, have learned resilience and adaptability during their studies, and have developed leadership skills. AI and data skills are also in demand for future employers. Many of the academic modules require students to embrace the use of AI and other tools as a central part of the learning process.

We are committed to helping our students progress rapidly in their chosen careers. Our Organisation and Leadership modules focus on personal awareness and introspection, consideration of the psychology of self and leadership, and the development of interpersonal skills. This allows our students to graduate with the ability to navigate complex workplaces. 

Our students will also have access to one-to-one career advice and support throughout their studies.

91% of our 2022-23 combined cohort from MSc International Management and MSc Management accepted an offer of employment within three months of graduating. 

What are some standout features of the new programme? 

  • Our MSc in Management (MiM) embodies our Business School differentiators - a focus on innovation, entrepreneurship, social and environmental impact, responsible leadership and applied learning. 

  • With over 30 electives to choose from, students can decide to focus on developing skills around a particular concentration, or pick a selection of elective modules from across the full range available. 

  • The programme features the choice of integrative modules. Students can choose between an Entrepreneurship module, in teams of students will create an innovative business idea from concept to investor pitch, or a Sustainable Business Simulation, which provides an immersive environment where student teams run competing businesses. Later in the term, students will then have the choice between a Consulting Project - a substantial group-based project undertaken for an actual client - a Work Placement, or Extended Work Placement. These options allow students to bring together lessons they’ve learned from their academic modules and put them into practice in a supportive, real-world environment, where they will have access to extensive coaching support. 

Who is best suited for the MSc in Management (MiM) programme? Who are we looking for? 

Our MSc in Management (MiM) is suitable for ambitious candidates seeking a practical and interactive master’s degree in management. We welcome students from any degree background who can demonstrate a good level of quantitative achievement. 

For those who do not have a prior business or quantitative degree, we offer support in the form of interactive quantitative skills primers that must be completed prior to the programme commencing. 

Our 2023-24 MSc Management programme attracted a truly global cohort. We are proud to have hosted students representing 43 different nationalities, enriching the learning experience with a wide variety of perspectives and cultures. And we will continue to encourage applications from across the globe for our new programme.

Applications for the new MSc in Management (MiM) will open in August.

Meet the Weekend MBA class of 2024-25

Weekend MBA class of 2024-25

This year, we welcomed the Weekend MBA class of 2024-25 to Imperial College Business School. Stepping up to the challenge of a part-time MBA while continuing to work, the group embark on a journey that will transform their lives both personally and professionally in 23 months.  

The part-time format of the Weekend MBA sees students study a blended programme where they combine on-campus study sessions for one weekend a month in London, with remote study in their own time. An efficient route to C-suite level, Weekend MBA students will advance their management and leadership skills to become well-rounded leaders.   

This display of commitment running up to the start of the programme, crafting the perfect application, impressing in interviews and completing pre-study modules, places them in good stead to succeed and grow throughout the programme. Already making waves in their own careers, we find out more about this impressive class and what led them to join Imperial College Business School. 

The part-time MBA class at a glance 

This year 85 students have joined the Weekend MBA; the cohort (33% being female) has an average of eight years' work experience and counting. The part-time format of the programme means they will continue to work in their current roles and apply what they learn in the classroom from the outset.  

The majority of the cohort hail from Europe and the UK (33% and 29% respectively) and one third of this year’s class are from further afield, committing to the Weekend MBA from Asia/Pacific (22%), Africa & the Middle East (9%), and the Americas (7%).  

The diversity continues to trickle down into the industries that our students have built they careers in. While the three most common industries are IT/tech/telecoms (24%), banking/finance (17%) and consulting (14%), the remaining 45% have experience in a vast range of areas like engineering, pharma/biotech/healthcare and energy. This diverse range of experience is bound to bring unique takes in every class and discussion! 

Weekend MBA class of 2024-25

What lies in the years ahead?  

After establishing a foundational knowledge through their pre-study modules, the students kicked off the start of their programme with an induction week on campus. This consisted of a variety of introductory lectures, meeting faculty and socialising with fellow students.  

The programme then begins with core modules that focus on key management theory. Each module provides an in-depth foundation of business theory and practice, with opportunities to test understanding through case studies and simulations throughout.  

Once the foundations have been laid, the students will choose six electives. This freedom to tailor their programme means they can specialise in the following areas:  

  • Analytics and Operations  

  • Entrepreneurship and Innovation  

  • Finance   

  • Leadership and Organisation  

  • Marketing   

  • Strategy   

Developing an international outlook is crucial for students who want to become future leaders. Therefore, exploring global markets is a core element of the programme. The Global Experience Week is an opportunity for Weekend MBA students to discover a new business market, learn from innovative businesses and explore a different culture. Past Global Experience Weeks have included the Nordics, Brazil, and Kenya, where students explored how businesses can be transformed to tackle climate action. 

An individual final project at the end of the second year marks the end of the programme. Students can put what they’ve learned into practice and create real strategic value for their employers.   

By the end of the programme, the cohort will have transformed personally and professionally, armed with an extensive toolkit that will allow them to enact impactful change throughout their careers. 

Slawomir Rybacki

Sławomir Rybacki 

Nationality: Polish 
Company and role: Senior Marketplace Manager, CEE at Uber 
Education: Glasgow Caledonian University, MSc International Operations and Supply Chain Management, University of Economics in Katowice, BEng Logistics 


Can you share a brief overview of your professional background? 

My professional background spans project management, operations management, and strategic consulting with companies such as Unilever, Amazon, Rolls-Royce, DSV, McKinsey, and now Uber. I currently hold the position of Senior Marketplace Manager for the Central and Eastern Europe region, where I ensure the optimal performance of the markets within this area. 

What motivated you to pursue a Weekend MBA?

My motivation to pursue a Weekend MBA has three aspects:

  • I am passionate about continuous learning and believe the MBA will make my profile more well-rounded by closing potential knowledge gaps. Although I have diverse experience, I recognise areas in business where I feel less confident and want to address these gaps to approach problems more holistically and contribute positively to my company and society.  
  • The MBA at Imperial College Business School offers knowledge from top scholars across business disciplines, enriched by interactions with like-minded individuals, which vastly expands the perspective through which one can view any business problem.
  • The part-time format allows me to work while studying, applying classroom lessons to real-time business operations, which has already proven beneficial in my day-to-day duties. 

What do you hope to learn or achieve during your time in the MBA programme?  

My primary goal is to enhance my leadership skills and prepare for more senior roles by gaining a broader perspective on best business practices, strategic decision-making, and innovative approaches to challenges. I also aim to deepen my understanding of several topics, such as marketing strategy and financial management. The case study method, discussions with professors and peers, and the diversity of the cohort will make this journey transformative both professionally and personally, reshaping my values and the questions I consider throughout my career. 

Laura Scavino

Laura Scavino 

Nationality: Italian, British 
Company and role: Data & AI and GenAI GTM Lead, Accenture
Education: University of Kent, MSc International Business Management 


Can you share a brief overview of your professional background?  

I am responsible for the Data & AI Go-to-Market (GTM) function for the Aerospace & Defence and Life Science industries at Accenture UK. In my role, I focus on driving innovative solutions and strategies to meet the evolving needs of clients, utilising various tools to leverage Data and Generative AI. My responsibilities include supporting go-to-market initiatives, managing client relationships, and contributing to the growth and success of our Data & Analytics practice. 

What motivated you to pursue a Weekend MBA?

I'm deeply driven to effect meaningful change through technology, innovation, and leadership. In my career spanning consulting, data, and AI, I've pursued opportunities to make positive impacts and contribute innovative solutions to pressing challenges, including AI's impact on daily life. Imperial College Business School offers a unique chance to further develop my skills, expand my knowledge, and build my network through learning from world-class faculty and collaborating with diverse professionals. 

I'm immensely proud of the opportunities provided by Imperial, including becoming an Ambassador, receiving the Women’s Excellence Scholarship, and being nominated as Chair of the Student Staff Committee by the Weekend MBA class. 

Upon completing the programme, my goal is to gain a comprehensive understanding of various business management aspects, empowering me to approach challenges with clarity and develop innovative, tangible solutions. I aim to apply these insights to my work in Technology, Data & AI, and Go-to-Market Strategy, emerging as a strategic thinker, effective leader, and impactful change-maker. 

What global experience are you looking forward to the most and why?  

I eagerly anticipate the Global Experience Week and the Capstone Project. These experiences offer invaluable opportunities to apply the knowledge gained during my MBA studies to real-world scenarios. During the Global Experience Week, I look forward to immersing myself in diverse cultures and business practices abroad, broadening my perspectives and honing cross-cultural communication skills. Similarly, the Capstone Project presents a chance to tackle complex business issues alongside industry professionals, applying theoretical concepts to deliver impactful solutions. These global experiences represent the pinnacle of experiential learning, and I am excited to embrace the challenges and opportunities they offer. 

Daniel Forman 

Daniel Forman 

Nationality: British 
Company and role: Global Marketing Manager, GSK   
Education: BSc Biology 


Can you share a brief overview of your professional background?  

I have an undergraduate degree in Biology and nine years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry, working for two multinational organisations. I've held sales and marketing roles at both local and regional levels. Currently, I am a Global Marketing Manager at GSK in the Oncology therapy area, where I collaborate closely with teams across various countries to support local product launches. 

What motivated you to pursue a Weekend MBA?

My motivation for pursuing the Weekend MBA programme is to develop a skill set that supports my current role and prepares me to achieve my future career ambitions. As a life sciences graduate working in the pharmaceutical industry, I see the WMBA programme at Imperial College Business School as an excellent opportunity to deepen my understanding of business principles and enhance my leadership capabilities.  

How do you plan to manage your MBA studies, home-life, and your job?  

I've found a great balance by dedicating weekday evenings to working on deadlines and reviewing case study pre-reading material for classes. It has been useful to plan my workload each week, with the aim of completing small tasks each day. I'm also grateful to be part of an amazing Weekend MBA cohort. 

Anubhav Saxena

Anubhav Saxena 

Nationality: Indian 
Company and role: FactSet Research Systems, Software Engineer   
Education: Purdue University, BSc in Computer Science with a minor in Psychology 


Can you share a brief overview of your professional background? 

After completing my undergraduate degree in Computer Science at Purdue University in the United States, I began my career as a Software Engineer at FactSet Research Systems in Chicago. Working at the intersection of technology and finance provided an excellent opportunity to gain a comprehensive understanding of both fields. 

After two years at FactSet, I relocated to Seattle to develop Amazon's next-generation distribution software, which offered me invaluable insight into how industry leaders enter new markets and prioritise innovation. Returning to FactSet in London has allowed me to gain substantial exposure to a new region and market, and I continue to work on increasingly important projects. 

What motivated you to pursue a Weekend MBA?

Imperial's world-class business education and enriching environment perfectly complement my strong technical background, enabling me to advance my career into a managerial role and, in the future, focus on my entrepreneurial ambitions. One of the key factors behind my decision to pursue the Weekend MBA was its structure, as the schedule and design allow me to work towards the MBA while remaining employed full-time. The ability to implement lessons from the classroom into my job from day one is a significant advantage of the Weekend MBA programme. 


Online learning and me: my return to education

Flaviano Moreira

Flaviano Moreira is a Brazilian MSc Business Analytics (online, part-time) student living in Saudi Arabia. At 50 years old and having already completed an MBA, Flaviano has returned to learning. In his blog, Flaviano discusses the holistic learning experience of his online programme at Imperial College Business School, covering the on-campus Induction Week, collaborative online learning, and remote participation in clubs and societies.  

“Imperial offers many opportunities for engagement, and the school is well-prepared to allow online students to benefit fully.” Flaviano Moreira, MSc Business Analytics (online, part-time) 

In 2023, I decided to study MSc Business Analytics as a part-time online student at Imperial College Business School. I have a passion for numbers and have been honing my analytical skills as a consultant in logistics for several years. When I first pursued my studies, data science did not exist,. I found this programme at Imperial and saw it as a great opportunity to reconnect with student life, learn new skills, and prepare myself for future professional challenges. 

I also want to improve my digital skills as I was born in an analog world; I aim to enhance my understanding of the technologies around us and connect better with younger generations. As a consultant, I encounter many young professionals, and it is important to understand their motivations to drive performance in a consulting environment. 

My on-campus experience  

At the start of my journey at Imperial, our cohort was the first to come to London for Induction Week instead of just for exams at the end of the term. When I arrived in London, I was excited to meet my cohort but also a bit nervous due to the age gap, but it was an amazing experience. The week in London was wonderful for bonding with classmates and learning from each of them. They are a great group of people with diverse backgrounds, eager to learn, share, and enjoy time together. It was mentioned that we would learn from each other as much as from the programme content, and I couldn't agree more. 

Imperial prepared a wonderful week for us, covering every detail with great care; it was very useful to be introduced to the various tools we would be using during the term. As a newcomer to various programming tools and environments, having this introduction surrounded by professors and Teaching Assistants (TAs) helped break the ice and ensured a smooth transition when we returned home. The events were designed to allow us to explore the campus, learn about the services provided, and get to know our fellow students better. I found it particularly valuable that Imperial showcased former students who led some of the sessions, providing insights and allowing us to envision our futures through their experiences.  

We left Induction Week eager to continue, full of energy, and with new friends. I also took the opportunity to meet some professors and start discussing my Master's project. The professors are approachable and supportive. 

My online learning environment  

Back home, The Hub - our online learning environment - is great. It contains all the information we need, including materials, reading articles and books, and online classes. It is a comfortable and safe space. The activities are organised to support the learning journey, fostering the exchange of information and learning from others. One of my favourite features is the ability to see other students' answers to questions, providing different perspectives and feedback from tutors, which enhances the learning experience. This incremental knowledge-building prepares us for more challenging activities. 

The course balances teamwork and individual work, which I believe Imperial masters. In a technical programme, it is important to craft course material that develops one's abilities while also incorporating teamwork. Teamwork is both challenging and rewarding; we work with bright minds with diverse backgrounds, enriching the experience. Learning each group's dynamics and ways of interaction is relevant and supportive to daily working life. For me, it has been particularly interesting to work with a younger generation and bridge this gap. The Business School helps by placing us in teams within similar time zones, and people are flexible and willing to participate. So far, I am very happy with the collaborative learning - we have accomplished many tasks together, developing trust and companionship. Group members become a safe port to share information, ask for support, and help each other. 

My flexible study schedule  

While studying alone, I prefer to stay at my workplace, which is quiet after most people leave, this allows me to concentrate. We also have a WhatsApp group for the entire cohort and use Microsoft Teams to stay connected and reach the TA team. This allows us to discuss and continue learning together. My study routine involves extending my hours at the workplace to balance work and study.  

The programme is challenging and interesting, and as I might be a bit rusty, I need to study for a significant amount of time. On weekends, I combine studying with rest and go to the gym, which is essential for maintaining my energy. 

My Imperial community  

Imperial offers many opportunities for engagement, and the school is well-prepared to allow online students to benefit fully. There are many options to engage with interesting people. I have already participated in the Analytics for Society Award, where my team and I prepared a project on managing risk in microfinance and won an award. It was rewarding and special to collaborate with colleagues on this project. I am also the Research Head of the Real Estate Club at Imperial, where we prepare weekly posts and monthly reports on the real estate sector. Working in this group of four has been a great experience, teaching us how to organise ourselves, improve our skills, and share good moments. One club activity included a week in New York, where we met 87 students from Europe and North America, attended a two-day seminar at Columbia on AI in Real Estate, visited iconic buildings, and networked with leading companies. 

Lastly, I am an ambassador for the school, participating in roundtables to share our experiences. This has been another rewarding activity, allowing me to connect with people seeking to enhance their careers. It is fulfilling to share my journey, answer questions, and discuss future options with people around the globe. All in all, this has been an amazing journey.