The MBA application events roadmap with Imperial College Business School

Recruitment team at open day event

When considering going to Business School, it is important to do your research and get a good understanding of your chosen programme and institution. The more information you have, the more of an informed decision you can make. At Imperial College Business School, we host a carefully curated set of events and sessions, both online and in person, that are designed to support applicants from the initial stages of research through to enrolment.

In this blog, we outline an events roadmap, covering the numerous touchpoints on your journey to completing an application for an MBA programme at Imperial College Business School. We will outline the ideal events journey, demonstrating the importance of each event and what you will gain by attending. 


Step 1: Imperial's Open Day

An Open Day is your first opportunity to get a feel for the Business School. They are half-day weekend events held in-person at our South Kensington campus and give you the chance to determine if the Business School is the right fit for you and the experience you are looking for. At an Open Day, you can expect to attend: 

  • An overview of our MBA programmes
  • A faculty masterclass - a chance to experience a sample lecture from our academics
  • An introduction to our Careers and Student Life teams
  • A chance to network with, hear from and meet students, alumni and staff
  • Campus and facilities tours

Step 2: Information Session

Following the interest sparked by an Open Day, an Information Session can help to clarify whether the programme fits the style of MBA that you’re seeking, and offers an outline of what we, as a Business School, look for from you during the admissions process.  

These deep-dive webinars are the best way to get an overview of your chosen programme. They include information about programme content and structure, class profiles, employment outcomes and initial information on the admissions process. The session ends with a Q&A section, offering a chance to get any initial questions answered. 

"Open Days and Information Sessions are incredibly insightful. They not only showcase what Imperial has to offer but also provide an opportunity to interact with current students to see if it's the right fit. I highly recommend these events to anyone considering joining the programmes!" - Eva Look, Full-Time MBA

Receive bespoke advice

Step 3: profile review or one-to-one

Having done your research through our events, and deciding that you would like to apply, a profile review is a great way to get questions answered on a one-to-one basis. Whether this be about the programme, life at the Business School or the admissions process, the Recruitment team will be able to support whilst also providing bespoke advice on how to craft a competitive application for your chosen programme. 

If you would prefer to attend in-person, the team also host a similar style of meeting through our one-to-ones which take place at our South Kensington campus or across the globe when the team are travel to different regions. 

Step 4: 'Mastering the MBA Application Process' webinar

Before submitting your application, one final recommended step is to tune into one of our 'Mastering the MBA Application Process' webinars. These sessions are delivered directly by the Admissions team, and provide a step-by-step guide on navigating the application process from initial application to interview. The team also share real examples of successful applications, providing you with an insight into what makes a competitive application. 

These webinars are a great way to review your drafted application and check that you have gathered all the relevant details and supporting documents. 


Step 5: submit your application

After completing the events journey, you should now be ready to submit your application. Using our online application portal, you will navigate through the system, completing the fields to provide the Admissions team with the required information. Once complete, you will upload your supporting documents before submitting to the team for assessment.  

The round deadlines for each of our MBA programmes are available on the Admissions page for each programme, so if you would like to inform us of your application intentions and get any final support, we would love to hear from you.   

Though this final step marks the end of your application journey, it is potentially the start of an exciting new journey towards starting your MBA programme.

Throughout each step, the Recruitment team are here to support you. If you miss an event or want additional support, don’t hesitate to reach out. Email us on:

We wish you all the best with your application journey and hope to see you at one of our events soon!

Useful resources

Initial research

MBA Quiz - Which MBA is right for me?

Programme Brochures


Event booking

During your application

Online application portal

Admissions advice blogs

Introducing Values Day: Core Skills for Inclusive Leadership at Imperial College Business School


At Imperial College Business School, we believe that the future of business leadership is deeply rooted in inclusion, collaboration, and adaptability. That’s why we are thrilled to announce the launch of Values Day: Core Skills for Inclusive Leadership — a ground-breaking new programme designed to equip our students with the essential skills they need to thrive in today’s diverse and dynamic business world.

This initiative is designed by Prof. Sankalp Chaturvedi (Associate Dean, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion),  Dr. Maria Farkas ( Academic Lead, Culture and Inclusion) and Dr. Poornima Luthra

Why Values Day matters

In an era where automation and generative AI are reshaping industries, the value of distinctly human skills — like communication, teamwork, and leadership — has never been higher. Employers today are not just looking for technical expertise; they want leaders who can navigate complex interpersonal dynamics, foster inclusive environments, and drive innovation through collaboration. Values Day is specifically designed to develop these core skills, positioning our students as future leaders who can manage effectively in a rapidly changing business landscape.

The ACT philosophy: building inclusive leaders

At the heart of Values Day are two powerful philosophies: the ability to ACT inclusively and the recognition of the Opportunity Gap that opens when we do so.

ACT stands for:

  • Awareness of Self: understanding your own biases, social identities, and values
  • Consideration of others: recognising and valuing the differences in others
  • Taking action mindfully: Acting with purpose using evidence, rather than reacting with instinct

These ACT skills are foundational for working well with people who are different from yourself. They open the Opportunity Gap — the ability to see, value, and leverage the individuality of each colleague. By embracing these differences, we can all create more productive, creative, and happier work environments.

Student leading a group exercise
Leadership development at the Business School

What to expect on Values Day 

Values Day is designed to be an immersive and transformative experience from start to finish.

  • Morning session: the day begins with a welcome breakfast, followed by an exploration of values and culture through experiential learning techniques. This interactive session will help students reflect on their own values and understand how these shape their interactions with others
  • Self-assessment reports: students will receive personalised reports summarising the results of various self-assessments related to biases, social identities, and values. These insights will be contextualised within their larger programme, helping to increase awareness of the many ways individuals vary and how these differences impact communication and judgment
  • Afternoon session: after a catered lunch, the focus shifts to concrete, actionable skills. Students will learn how to replace 'gut' decisions with evidence-based choices, address systemic bias, respond to microaggressions, and gain confidence in using their voices to advocate for inclusivity
  • Ending celebration: the day closes with an innovative session using rhythm and movement to gain confidence with taking action, which is followed by pizza.

The impact of Values Day

Values Day is strategically placed at the beginning of your Imperial journey to underscore the importance of leadership and inclusion from day one. By fostering an environment where students feel comfortable discussing differences, we aim to develop leaders who are not only aware of the importance of inclusion but are also equipped to champion it in their careers.

Imperial’s diverse community is one of our greatest strengths, and Values Day sets clear expectations for inclusive behaviours. Students will see first hand how these behaviours contribute to more effective teamwork, more creative solutions, and stronger social connections — skills that are essential for success in any business environment.

Inclusion: the cornerstone of effective business

Ultimately, Values Day is about more than just skill development; it’s about redefining what it means to lead in the modern business world. Effective leadership requires the ability to work well with others, communicate across diverse audiences, and make decisions informed by evidence.

When employees feel they belong and are valued for who they are, they are more productive, more creative, and more satisfied. This opens an immense opportunity gap that individuals and companies can leverage for increased performance, creativity, and happier, healthier employees.

We are excited to see how Values Day will shape the leaders of tomorrow, helping them to not only succeed in their careers but also make a positive impact on the world around them.

Welcome to the future of business leadership — welcome to Values Day at Imperial College Business School.

Blog by Dr. Maria Farkas

Company sponsorship: top tips for submitting a successful business case


Gaining support from your employer is an essential step in your MBA journey. Whether you are asking for financial support, flexible working patterns or time off, a well-researched business case will show your employer that you are serious about it. But how can you do this? In this blog, we provide our five top tips for building a successful business case.

Five top tips for a successful business case

1. Plan ahead

Choose the right time in the financial or business year to present your case. If your company is halfway through the financial year and you want to start your MBA the following month, this may not be realistic. Depending on your organisations size and internal processes, approval for sponsorship may also take some time. Be mindful of this and ensure that both you and your employer are aware of admissions deadlines for the degree programme you are pursuing.  

During the planning process, speak to your HR team, line manager and colleagues to find out if anyone else in the company has been sponsored previously and if so, chat with them to find out how they navigated the process. They may have some tips for you! 

2. Define your ask

Know what you are asking for and be clear about this in the conversations you have.

There are two main types of support that our students gain from their employer. These are: 

Financial assistance 

If you are asking for financial assistance, how much are you seeking? Are you asking for the full cost of the MBA or partial funding?

Time off or flexible work arrangements 

If you are asking for time off, will this be paid, or will it be taken from your annual leave entitlement?

Before having the conversation with your employer, think about what the minimum is that you would accept and whether you would pursue the MBA without their support. Finally, be prepared to negotiate. This is a skill you will develop further on your MBA, but you may need to employ this during conversations with your employer.

3. Know the timetable

This is key, particularly if you are asking for time off from your sponsor to pursue your studies.

Whilst our part-time programmes are designed to be studied alongside full-time work, there are some on-campus commitments that you and your employer need to be aware of. You’ll find the timetable for our part-time programmes, Executive MBA, Weekend MBA and Global Online MBA, on our website. Share this with your organisation so they can see the dates in advance.  

Be prepared to answer questions around how you will manage the time off but set expectations around this too; you will get most out of the classroom experience if you are fully engaged and immersed, so we recommend having your out of office turned on when you are on campus.  

4. Make your value proposition clear

Pursuing an MBA degree alongside work will have an enormous benefit for both you and your organisation. Think about the short- and long-term gains that this will have on you personally and professionally. Why is this choice of development the right one for you? 

For your company, communicate the return on their investment by sharing the tangible benefits of you studying the MBA. Identify some of the modules you think will be most relevant to your organisation and mention these in your business case. Our Programmes Handbooks provide the learning outcomes for each module on the MBA, which you can use to demonstrate how your learnings will be directly applied.  

Whilst there are numerous benefits for your employer, here are a few key ones to help get you started: 

  • Leadership development: our leadership modules help you become more aware of your strengths, weaknesses, traits and habits and build on this knowledge to improve your leadership practice through self-development 
  • Problem solving: you will have the opportunity to solve real business problems facing your organisation throughout the degree but specifically through the ‘Business Problem Solving’ elective and independent or final projects  
  • Networking opportunities: you will be networking with students and alumni from a global, world-leading institution, providing your organisation with diverse perspectives and potential new business opportunities 

5. Get in touch

We are here to support both you and your organisation as you prepare to pursue your MBA. We provide:   

  • A downloadable business case template 
  • One-to-one meetings to provide further guidance and feedback on your business case 
  • Meetings with your organisation, so we can talk through any questions they have about the programme, funding and next steps  

If you or your organisation would like to request a meeting, please contact us on to arrange this.

How Imperial's MSc Management opened doors for me

Eleni Ziaka - MSc Management Graduate 2024

Eleni Ziaka graduated from our MSc Management programme in 2023, and since then has gone on to work for a leading independent provider of global energy and commodity market intelligence. 

In this blog, Eleni reflects on her time at Imperial College Business School, and how her experience on the programme has helped transform her into a confident business professional who is putting her skills into practice in her new career pursuits. She sheds a light on the networking opportunities and career support she received from Imperial, as well the structure of the MSc Management programme.  

There are so many reasons why I will keep MSc Management close to my heart. From friendships that will last for a lifetime, to skills I never thought I’d develop to this level, and to the overall confidence it gave me to start my career path and startup. The professors are still an incredible support, and the alumni are always here to help. Imperial creates an environment where everyone feels like family and is here to help you succeed.

From biomedical sciences to business

I come from a biomedical sciences background, with work experience in clinical trials. When I started working after my bachelor’s degree, I realised how much I loved the project management side of my work and I was constantly thinking of startup ideas I would like to pursue. 

After some research, I became convinced that MSc Management at Imperial College Business School would greatly benefit me because of the incomparable connections and like-minded students. 

How I found the shift to studying business

The programme was very well structured, which made it easy for students like me who did not have a business background. 

I’m very happy to have been introduced to accounting and economics as it is incredibly useful in any role to understand this, but especially if you’re wanting to pursue a startup. Personally, my favourite module was Innovation Management, as it teaches you all the basics of a startup, from ideation to reality. 

Expanding your network 

At Imperial College Business School, you don’t have to search for networking opportunities, they come to you! 

From induction week, I knew how much focus Imperial gives to networking. During the first week, we had daily networking events between students, alumni, industry specialists, and companies. 

Throughout the year, and usually after class, we had guest industry specialists, companies and alumni visiting Imperial to talk to us about experiences and opportunities, with plenty of time afterward for networking. 

Career support 

The Careers Week was a chance to attend careers events and make connections. And the careers services were incredibly helpful with helping you to create a standout CV and cover letter, preparing you for assessment centres, and more. 

I also joined a couple of mock assessment centres, where the team gave us constructive feedback after every session. This helped me understand what companies want to see, as well as learning more about tips and tricks to make me stand out as a candidate. I was very lucky to use everything that I learned in the assessment centre. 

Eleni Ziaka - MSc Management Alumni
Eleni Ziaka whilst she was studying MSc Management

Utilising my skills in the workplace

Through all the group projects and classes, I gained confidence in presenting and speaking in front of many people. This helped in my academic journey and has also made me a confident speaker at my current workplace, thus opening up more opportunities. 

It also helped me succeed in my interview for my current job. I received really positive feedback on my presentation skills. 

What I've been up to since graduating

Since graduating, I’ve been working as a Marketing Executive in a graduate programme at Argus Media. Since realising that lab-based jobs weren’t the right fit for me, I found that the commodities sector is an interesting sector to be involved in and learn more about. 

The end goal for me, though, is to create a startup. I am trying to gather all the knowledge and connections that I can in order to succeed. 

At Imperial College Business School, I was lucky to immediately click with my first team group. Not only did we work well, but we’ve ended up working together on a startup project. I am fortunate to have an amazing group of friends who still work alongside each other today with the prospect of creating something amazing. 

My advice to other students

Imperial College Business School is a top school that will open thousands of doors for your future. From unparalleled courses and incredible professors to connections that will last a lifetime. You will finish your course feeling confident with your skills, and you will become part of the Imperial family. 

My Global Experience Week to Kenya: sustainability in business

Global Experience Week 2024 student cohort

Global learning is a unique aspect of the Imperial MBA experience. In May, our Full-Time MBA and Weekend MBA students travelled to Nairobi, Kenya, as part of their Global Experience Week.

Over the course of the week, students had a chance to engage with local businesses and Non-governmental Organisations (NGOs), visit conservation areas and immerse themselves in the vibrant culture of Africa. This unforgettable experience allowed students to broaden their understanding and perspective on the critical themes of inequality and sustainability in a global business context. 

Caterina Menichelli, a Full-Time MBA student, and Bernard Gaimbu Takala, a Weekend MBA student, reflect on their experience in Nairobi, sharing key learnings around sustainability in business and how the trip has enriched their learning experience. 

The Global Experience trip to Kenya was an eye-opening journey that offered deep insights into the challenges and opportunities present in the African business landscape. It was an immersive experience that combined academic learning with practical exposure, fostering a greater appreciation for the diversity and potential within the continent. Caterina Menichelli, Full-Time MBA 

Caterina Menichelli, Full-Time MBA student 2024

Caterina Menichelli, Full-Time MBA

My Kenya experience

During the trip, we undertook several key academic activities that significantly contributed to my professional growth. We participated in workshops with local businesses, where we analysed their business models and proposed strategic improvements. These sessions sharpened my consulting skills and allowed me to apply theoretical knowledge to practical scenarios. 

We also attended seminars on the economic landscape of Kenya, led by experts from various sectors. These seminars provided deep insights into the unique challenges and opportunities within the Kenyan market, enhancing my understanding of economic and political factors influencing business operations in emerging markets. 

Overall, these academic activities not only enriched my knowledge but also equipped me with practical skills and a nuanced perspective on global business strategies.

Working with local Non-governmental Organisations (NGOs)

Learning from NGOs in Kenya was incredibly rewarding. It taught me the importance of adaptability and cultural sensitivity in implementing business solutions. I learned about the unique challenges faced by non-profits in resource-limited settings and the innovative strategies they employ to overcome these obstacles. This experience underscored the significance of social impact and sustainability in business practices.

Understanding sustainability in business

Engaging with local enterprises that prioritise sustainable practices demonstrated how businesses can thrive while contributing to environmental and social well-being. A key takeaway was learning that sustainability doesn't have to come at a premium. These enterprises showed that integrating sustainable practices can lead to innovative solutions and long-term success without necessarily incurring higher costs. This experience reinforced the idea that sustainability is not just a corporate responsibility but also a strategic driver for innovation and competitiveness in the global market. 

A personal highlight was visiting local startups like Arc Ride and BasiGo. Witnessing firsthand their innovative approaches to solving local transportation and sustainability challenges was truly inspiring. 

Interacting with the passionate entrepreneurs behind these ventures and seeing their dedication to making a positive impact reaffirmed my commitment to leveraging business for social good and highlighted the immense potential of innovation in driving sustainable development. 

Kenya Global Experience Week 2024 - students visiting local businesses
Learning about sustainability at a local business

Understanding business in Africa

Business in Africa is incredibly diverse and dynamic and the experience has shifted my perspective, highlighting the importance of understanding local contexts and the need for tailored approaches in global business strategies. It has also strengthened my leadership skills and my ability to think strategically about global business challenges and opportunities.

Tackling inequality in business

From the trip, I learnt that businesses can address inequality by fostering inclusive growth, investing in local talent, and supporting community-driven initiatives.  

It is crucial for businesses to create opportunities for marginalized groups and to implement practices that promote social and economic equity. By partnering with local organisations and focusing on sustainable development, businesses can play a pivotal role in reducing inequality. 

Exploring Nairobi

Beyond the academic aspect, I gained a deeper appreciation for the rich cultural heritage of Kenya and the resilience of its people. Immersing myself in the local culture involved engaging with community members, participating in traditional events, and exploring the local cuisine and customs. 

The experience broadened my worldview, improved my cross-cultural communication skills, and provided a renewed sense of purpose and motivation to contribute positively to global business practices. 

Caterina Menichelli, Global Experience Week safari trip
Caterina Menichelli and coursemates on safari

Key takeaways

The trip to Kenya provided several key takeaways that have profoundly impacted my understanding of global business. Firstly, I learned that cultural sensitivity is crucial for effective business operations in diverse environments. The trip underscored the vast potential of emerging markets, particularly in Africa, and also highlighted the power of collaboration. Working alongside local NGOs and businesses showed how joint efforts can lead to impactful solutions for social and environmental issues.  

Overall, the trip emphasised that innovation, sustainability, and collaboration are key drivers of long-term business success in a global context. 

Advice to other MBA students

Approach the experience with an open mind and a willingness to learn. Embrace the cultural differences, actively participate in all activities, and take the time to reflect on your learnings.  

Additionally, take advantage of the opportunity to bond with your cohort, including students from the Full-Time, Weekend, and Global Online MBA programmes. Building relationships with local partners and fellow students can enhance the overall experience and create a strong network of support and collaboration. Finally, remember that this is a unique opportunity to broaden your horizons and gain insights that will be valuable in your future career. 

Global Experience Week 2024 student cohort
Bonding with coursemates in Kenya
Bernard Gaimbu Takala, Weekend MBA 2024

Bernard Gaimbu Takala, Weekend MBA

My Kenya experience

The Global Experience Week to Kenya was very enlightening for me. It gave me a small insight into the dynamic and rapidly evolving business landscape of Africa. The trip offered a unique opportunity to engage with a diverse range of entrepreneurs and businesses, from a first-class legacy law firm to innovative startups in the sanitation sector. The experience underscored the immense potential for growth in Africa, especially with the anticipated influx of over 700 million young Africans into the labour force.

A sustainability standout

One standout example is Sanergy, a company we visited in Kenya that exemplifies the principles of a circular economy and closely aligns with the triple bottom line approach of People, Profit and Planet.

Sanergy operates a hybrid model that combines for-profit and non-profit arms to address the sanitation crisis in Nairobi's informal settlements. The model not only addresses environmental sustainability by reducing waste and promoting recycling but also contributes to social sustainability by improving public health and creating jobs for residents. 

What I learnt about business in Africa

The trip reinforced that there is immense potential for innovation and growth on the continent. Understanding and adapting to local contexts is essential for successful business operations in different regions.

It highlighted the critical role of private enterprises in driving development and sustainability, while also raising important questions about the balance between private sector initiatives and government responsibilities.  

Market trends in the marvellous City: my Global Experience Week in Rio, Brazil

Global Experience Week to Rio, Brazil, 2024 CROPPED

In May, students on our Full-Time MBA and Weekend MBA set off on an unforgettable trip to Rio, Brazil, for their Global Experience Week. Taking place over the summer term each year, the week-long trip is an opportunity for students to expand their understanding of business on a global scale, fully immersing themselves in local organisations and the culture of another country. 

From engaging with local businesses and attending thought-provoking sessions, to enriching cultural experiences that offer a taste of local life, the Global Experience Week is a chance to embrace both professional and personal growth.  

Teresa Gomes, one of our Full-Time MBA students, reflects on her experience to Rio, Brazil, sharing her key takeaways and eye-opening moments from the trip. 

From attending sessions on diverse topics such as digital marketing, fintech disruption, and public-private partnerships, to immersing myself in the vibrant cultural vibe of Rio, every moment was a treasure trove of unforgettable memories. All of it felt like a perfect mix of academic insights and cultural exploration that made this trip truly one-of-a-kind.

The significance of Global Experience Week

Being immersed in Brazil's business environment first-hand was eye-opening and the trip was super valuable for both my MBA studies and personal growth. 

Seeing how the brand, Reserva, prioritised personal connections and crafted spaces such as the Casa Reserva store to be warm 'meeting points', highlighted the Brazilian flair for relationship-building.

And Professor Augusto Sales explained in a talk that, in Brazil, people want to connect with you as a person before diving into business talk. His quote, "it's not what you say, but what is understood" spoke volumes about how context and culture shape communication.  

Little things like these showed me how much communication styles can vary across cultures. Understanding these cultural distinctions has widened my horizon and made me a far more globally minded professional. 

Global Experience Week to Rio, Brazil, 2024
Global Experience Week students embracing culture

Understanding business in Brazil

Stephanie Fleury's awe-inspiring story of launching one of Latin America's first fintechs, Din Din (now Bitz), was a notable experience for me. She spoke about how a casual conversation at a Halloween party in the US, where her friend mentioned "just Venmo me" for her share of the cab fare, sparked the idea to bring mobile peer-to-peer payments to Brazil. Her entrepreneurial journey and grit in overcoming obstacles really resonated with my personal developmental journey to London. 

Another standout was Marcello Povoa's session on digital marketing and innovation in Brazil. Learning how startups such as iFood leveraged network effects to fend off competitors such as UberEats was something I never thought about. 

And projects such as Lagoa Aventuras, which aimed to uplift local communities through eco-tourism initiatives, showcased how businesses could create positive social impact by collaborating with government entities.  

These insights have broadened my perspective on the diverse approaches to conducting business globally. This conveyed the message that success in Brazil's vibrant economic landscape requires a potent combination of innovation, cultural adaptability, and the ability to navigate regulatory complexities adeptly. 

An Expert Session on the Global Experience Week in Rio 2024
Attending a seminar in Rio

Key learnings

The key takeaways from this trip were multi-fold and have left a mark on my approach to global businesses.  

Firstly, the importance of cultural sensitivity and understanding local nuances, as evident from the 'Doing Business & Communicating with Brazilians' session, cannot be overstated.  

Secondly, the power of innovation in driving business success was a recurring theme, exemplified by companies such as Reserva and iFood.  

Thirdly, the need for adaptability and resilience in navigating a rapidly evolving global business landscape was a key lesson. Startups such as Bitz (formerly DinDin) and Pismo demonstrated how fintech innovations could disrupt traditional banking by offering seamless digital solutions tailored to Brazilian consumer needs, while adeptly overcoming regulatory hurdles and complex tax structures. 

Lastly, witnessing the collaborative spirit of public-private partnerships such as Lagoa Aventuras reinforced my belief in the potential of businesses to create positive social impact. This eco-tourism initiative aimed to uplift local communities while preserving cultural heritage, showcasing how corporations can drive sustainable development by collaborating with government entities and leveraging their resources strategically. 

Copacabana Beach in Rio, Razil
Copacabana beach in Rio de Janeiro

Exploring Rio

Truly immersing myself in the local culture was one of the most enriching aspects of the Global Experience Week, allowing me to connect with academic learnings.

Two standout experiences were participating in a lively samba dance workshop and hiking through the lush Tijuca Rainforest.  

The samba class was an electrifying initiation into one of Brazil's most iconic artistic traditions. And witnessing the incredible biodiversity in Tijuca’s verdant rainforest first-hand exemplified Brazil's commitment to sustainable development. I was enveloped by the landscape of rustling leaves, fauna, and beautiful waterfalls. 

These were far more than just activities; they allowed me to live and breathe the rich traditions, sights, sounds and textures that make Brazilian culture so vibrant. 

Advice to other MBA students

My advice would be to approach the GEW with a growth mindset and a willingness to embrace the unknown. Immerse yourself fully in the local culture, try new cuisines, learn a few phrases in the local language, and engage with the natives whenever possible.  

This trip is not just about professional development; it's about personal growth and expanding your worldview. Additionally, be prepared for surprises and unexpected adventures. Some of the most memorable moments often arise from spontaneous experiences or deviations from the planned itinerary.  

Finally, don't forget to savour every moment and do bring home a bunch of souvenirs to reminisce about your unforgettable journey.

Full-Time 2024 MBA student, Teresa Gomes

About me

From the City of Joy – Kolkata in India, my path to Imperial College London was shaped by a diverse blend of experiences and a passion for finance. After completing my degrees in Economics, I ventured into the fintech world before finding my calling in India's largest public sector bank, State Bank of India. 

When it came to selecting a programme to propel my career growth, Imperial's reputation as a top-ranked university combined with London's position as Europe's financial hub made it an obvious choice. The opportunity to tap into Imperial MBA's global perspectives, practical experiences, and innovative resources proved immensely appealing.

My experience competing in the Kellogg Design Challenge 2024

Kellogg Design Challenge Imperial participants 2024

The Kellogg Design Challenge (KDC) is the world’s largest MBA design challenge, and is a competition hosted by Northwestern University - Kellogg School of Management's Kellogg Innovation and Design Association (IDEA).

Each year, they bring together future business leaders from top business schools around the world to apply human-centred design to solve complex, customer facing business challenges. In 2024, they hosted 16 teams who each presented AI x design concepts aimed at revolutionising the consumer product discovery experience.

Jade Dhangwattanotai, a Full-Time MBA student, shares his experience of making it to the final stage of the KDC Challenge 2024.

I'm incredibly proud of my team for making it to the top 6 of the KDC. It has been a heartening experience, pushing the limits of our capability and knowledge. 
Jade Dhangwattanotai, Full-Time MBA 2024, Kellogg Design Challenge team member

Why we chose to take on the challenge

We were motivated to join KDC after experiencing the Design Thinking module from our curriculum. The module was both practical and stimulating and allowed us to solve real-world challenges using various frameworks and innovative thinking mechanisms.

We were eager to attend workshops, collaborate with professionals from world-renowned institutions, and interact with industry experts. Competing with students from some of the best global business schools added a competitive edge to this process, allowing us to think on our feet and showcase our skills on a global platform.

Innovation has undeniably been the core of our Imperial MBA journey, and KDC offers another such opportunity to put our learnings to the test and make a tangible impact. 

The competition process

The challenge is broken down into 5 stages: application, semi-final announcements, workshops and mentoring sessions, Challenge Day, and final judging.

The workshops and mentoring sessions equip teams with skills in design thinking, innovation strategies, and presentation techniques, led by experts from academia and industry.  

The KDC's core event is Challenge Day at Northwestern University in Evanston, Chicago. Teams pitch to a panel of industry professionals who select 16 semi-finalists. 

From these, 6 teams advance to the finals, where judges evaluate their final pitches. Winners are chosen based on human-centred design research, solution design, impact, and presentation quality.

We developed an AI solution for Hyster Yale, a leader in the material handling equipment manufacturing industry. Despite our unfamiliarity with the sector, the learning curve was steep and further refined my ability to solve problems with limited background knowledge—an essential skill for a leader.
Ananya Agrawal, Full-Time MBA 2024, Kellogg Design Challenge team member  

Imperial Kellogg Design Challenge 2024 team members
The Kellogg Design Challenge 2024 team members

Addressing the design challenges of today

The solution we designed is ElevAI, an advanced AI tool that integrates Generative AI design with a Client Feedback Analysis system. 

ElevAI anticipates potential client modifications, visualises customer satisfaction predictions, compiles modified requirements, generates a verification document, and offers multiple design alternatives. This solution aims to automate the generation of design options, significantly streamlining the design process and enhancing productivity.

To inform and refine ElevAI's development, we employed an extensive research approach that included user interviews, surveys and focus groups, and prototype testing. 

Feedback on ElevAI has been positive, particularly in its potential to reduce time spent in design iterations. Continuous improvements based on user feedback and data analysis remain a cornerstone of our development strategy to ensure that ElevAI consistently meets the evolving needs of design professionals.
Vimesshen Nair Ravindran, Weekend MBA 2024, Kellogg Design Challenge team member

Developing a standout solution

Our solution distinctively addresses the significant pain points faced by design professionals, setting it apart in terms of effectiveness and innovation. 

Viability: ElevAI dramatically reduces the time and resources required for design processes. This reduction translates into substantial cost savings. 

Sustainability: By foreseeing potential design issues that could lead to manufacturing errors, ElevAI helps catch errors early on and reduce failure costs. 

Feasibility: While there are existing solutions such as Autodesk,, ElevAI leverages an extensive data-driven approach and integrates client feedback analysis uniquely. 

Kellogg Design Challenge 2024 competition
Kellogg Design Challenge 2024 competing groups

Making an impact with innovation

From our surveys, interviews, and research, we identified that each product design approval typically involves around 12 iterations, with each iteration taking at least two weeks. Our solution aims to streamline this process drastically. 

ElevAI aimed to make a significant impact in the business world by revolutionising the design engineering, large machinery manufacturing, and architecture industries. These sectors are traditionally reliant on extensive design processes that can be both time-consuming and costly. 

The challenge of addressing a real world issue through the competition's framework taught me the importance of resilience, creativity, and strategic thinking. This has prepared me to approach future challenges with a can-do attitude and a problem-solving mindset, which are essential for leadership roles and innovative projects.
Sharon Grace Philip, Full-Time MBA 2024, Kellogg Design Challenge team member

How Imperial supported us on our competition journey

The support from Imperial College Business School through sponsorship, academic guidance, and an extensive and engaged alumni network deeply enriched our experience and contributed substantially to our performance in the challenge. 

Alumni were eager to engage with us, often going out of their way to provide detailed feedback and share industry insights, emphasising the strength of the Imperial network.

The encouragement and endorsement received from our Programme Director, Michel Nowlis, was highly motivating. His personal congratulations and support for our participation in the final competition underscored the Business School's dedication to fostering student achievements.

We would like to give special thanks to Professor Ileana Stigliani, PhD, for her outstanding teaching in the Design Thinking module, equipping us to meaningfully contribute to this challenge. Her insights have been invaluable in shaping our approach to problem-solving and innovation. 
Isha Mehendale, Kellogg Design Challenge team member, Full-Time MBA 2024 

Jade Dhangwattanotai competing in the Kellogg Design Challenge 2024
Jade Dhangwattanotai competing in the KDC 2024

Key highlights

The culmination of our efforts in the final pitch was especially memorable. The build-up of energy leading to the final day and the subsequent celebration with new friends and networks made it feel like we were winners. This experience not only enriched our educational journey but also expanded our professional horizons in meaningful ways. 

One of the most significant benefits has been the substantial boost in confidence it provided. Learning to deliver a compelling pitch in front of stakeholders is a critical skill in any business environment.
Simran Kaur Thukral, Full-Time MBA 2024, Kellogg Design Challenge team member

Key takeaways

My experience on the KDC greatly deepened my understanding of how business, innovation, and design work together, especially when it comes to building effective teams and rethinking old ways. 

I’m deeply grateful for my teammates who have made the entire challenge so enjoyable. We are proud to have represented Imperial College Business School on an international scale. 

My MBA trek experience

A profile image of Marco Wai

Marco Wai, one of our Full-Time MBA students, reflects on his experience on an MBA Trek to Morocco. Student social treks offer a unique opportunity for MBA students to gain real-world industry experience and enhance their career prospects. From exploring Morocco’s unique market dynamics, to discovering hidden gems in local life, Marco highlights the benefits of immersing himself in another culture to learn and develop as a business professional. 

Our MBA Trek to Morocco 

An MBA trek is a student-organised trip. It’s a very common tradition for many MBA students studying at top business schools around the world and offers a chance to explore a specific region or industry to gain insights and build connections.  

In our case, we chose Morocco for its blend of business opportunities and cultural experiences. It was the first time to Africa for many of us and provided a unique opportunity to learn about global business practices while immersing ourselves in Moroccan culture. Some of our classmates brought their partners along as well, which was a great opportunity to bond and get to know each other better. 

The Social MBA Trek was a transformative experience for me. My personal highlight was our visit to the desert. The vastness of the dunes and the camaraderie of our group during the buggy ride created memories I'll cherish forever. - Neville Yeung

Why I participated in the Social MBA Trek 

Imperial College Business School’s MBA programme brings together students from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and languages. This 5-day social trek offered a unique chance for all of us to bond, allowing us to unwind and relax together after our final exams.  

Through shared activities like meals, hiking, desert trips and museum visits, we not only learnt about Moroccan culture but also exchanged insights from our own backgrounds, fostering deeper connections among our cohort. 

My highlights   

I am simply amazed at how talented my classmates are. We have Jean Michel who can speak both Arabic and French, Raniah who can speak native Arabic, and Noelle who can speak fluent French. Since Morocco was once a French colony, my talented classmates’ language skills were very handy. Whether riding buggies in the desert, exploring museums, or savouring local cuisine, their linguistic prowess added depth to our experiences.   

Exploring hidden gems and the local culture 

In addition to exploring the local markets, we ventured off the beaten path to discover authentic Moroccan experiences. For instance, we attended a traditional music performance in a local cafe, where we were welcomed with open arms by the locals.  

We also went on a hike near the small villages and visited a local Moroccan's house, where they were kind enough to serve us homemade snacks and mint tea. These experiences allowed us to connect with the heart and soul of Moroccan culture in a way that goes beyond typical tourist attractions.

Full-Time MBA students on a MBA Trek trip to Morocco
MBA Trek group in the Moroccan desert

How the MBA Trek enriched my learning experience 

Real-world industry insights 

The Trek provided me with real-world insights into global business practices, particularly within the context of Morocco's unique market dynamics. By visiting local shops, restaurants, markets and some tourist attractions, I gained valuable perspectives that complemented my classroom learning in emerging markets. 

Stepping out of my comfort zone 

I was challenged to step out of my comfort zone and embrace new experiences after so many years living in Asia. Whether navigating through bustling markets or trying unfamiliar foods, I developed resilience and adaptability, crucial skills for success in today's dynamic business environment.

Beyond academics 

Participating in the Social MBA Trek was a game-changer for my personal and professional growth. My highlight was the immersive cultural exchange during our visit to the Jardin Majorelle garden. The beautiful plants and culture of the legendary Yves Saint Laurent is amazing. - Jade Dhangwattanotai

A global perspective 

The Trek also enriched me culturally, enhancing my global perspective. It honed my interpersonal skills through teamwork and leadership experiences and provided valuable networking opportunities, fostering meaningful connections beyond the classroom. Overall, it offered personal growth and cultural immersion, complementing my MBA education. 

Lasting friendships 

Through shared experiences like exploring museums, attending cultural performances, and enjoying local cuisine, the cohort formed deeper connections that extend beyond the academic setting. On the final night, we danced together in a ballroom and enjoyed traditional Moroccan music, which was a great way to end the trip. These relationships not only enhance our personal and professional networks but also create a supportive community within the MBA programme. 

Key takeaways 

The MBA Trek was instrumental in my personal and professional growth. Immersing myself in a new culture and navigating unfamiliar environments challenged me to adapt, communicate effectively, and develop resilience—all valuable skills applicable to both personal and professional life. Separately, I learnt so much more about Africa’s culture and the dynamics of living and working in an emerging market.

My online learning experience as a MSc Strategic Marketing (online, part-time) student

A headshot of MSc Strategic Marketing online, part-time student, Katarina Milovic

Studying online with Imperial College Business School eliminates geographical barriers, providing access to a high-quality and supportive educational experience, whilst giving you the flexibility to work anytime and from anywhere around the globe.  

Katarina Milović, a MSc Strategic Marketing (online, part-time) student, highlights how online learning has been instrumental in balancing her studies with other commitments, provided opportunities to connect with peers on a global level, and empowered her to pursue her career goals. 

Online learning has not only made university an incredibly rewarding and enjoyable experience but has also propelled me towards personal growth and self-discovery in ways I hadn't imagined possible.

About me 

I'm driven by the passion to create positive change through social entrepreneurship and marketing. From spearheading the development of a government communications service in Serbia, to embarking on the journey of co-founding two non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and nurturing my own startup venture, I thrive on the challenge of bringing innovative ideas to life and making a difference in the world. 

Why I chose to study online with Imperial College Business School 

My decision to enrol on MSc Strategic Marketing (online, part-time) at Imperial College Business School stemmed from a unique blend of factors tailored to my portfolio career objectives: 


Opting for an online programme provides me with the flexibility necessary to seize diverse opportunities. I’m currently immersed in the BOLD Fellowship of Entrepreneurship and Economic Development in New York, US, where I'm co-founding an initiative aimed at empowering aspiring female entrepreneurs and leaders, while refining my startup idea through an intense 12-week programme. 


The programme's remarkable online nature makes it ideally suited for individuals at various stages of their careers, and I've had the privilege of connecting with professionals from diverse backgrounds. 

Dynamic marketing principals  

Imperial’s MSc Strategic Marketing (online, part-time) is tailored to provide a comprehensive understanding of marketing principles and strategies, preparing us to navigate the complexities of today's business landscape with confidence. My fascination with human behaviour and my desire to pursue a business-focused path post-bachelor's makes the programme the perfect blend of psychology and business for me. 

Opting for an online programme at such a prestigious university has been instrumental in my personal and professional development journey. The opportunity to learn from esteemed faculty and collaborate with ambitious peers has enriched my experience. 

Managing full-time work and part-time online study 

Navigating the demands of full-time work alongside part-time online study certainly presents its challenges, especially when faced with significant transitions such as changing jobs and managing multiple projects across various locations. However, I've found that the key to overcoming these hurdles lies in recognising that I don't have to tackle them alone. 

The programme’s cohort serves as an exceptional support system, fostering a sense of camaraderie and friendship despite the geographical distances between us. I'm deeply grateful for the bonds formed within this community, as they have enriched my learning experience and provided unwavering support along my journey. 

The Programmes team has exceptional dedication to student success. They consistently prioritise our needs, offering additional tutorials for challenging subjects and arranging extra career workshops on campus, which is especially beneficial for students based in London.

Katarina Milovic attending Web Summit in Lisbon in 2023
Katarina Milović attending Web Summit 2023

My highlights from the programme so far 

One rewarding moment that stands out is the privilege of representing Imperial College Business School at the Web Summit in Portugal as a Women in Tech participant. During this renowned tech conference, we had the opportunity to immerse ourselves in the latest innovations, attend insightful talks and panel discussions, and network with industry leaders and fellow attendees from around the globe. Additionally, attendees were invited to participate in the Startup Guide Summit, providing further insights into entrepreneurship and innovation. 

Another rewarding highlight was our strategic market management assignment which provided an opportunity to unleash our creativity. Collaborating closely, my team developed a new product and formulated a comprehensive launch strategy, drawing upon insights gleaned from our coursework. It was immensely gratifying to see our ideas come to fruition and to witness the impact of our strategic decisions. 

There are also plenty of social and professional events, such as the Winter Party, where I got the opportunity to meet up with students from my online cohort in January.

Katarina Milovic MSc Strategic Marketing (online, part-time) learning group
MSc Strategic Marketing (online, part-time) cohort

Learning through our bespoke virtual environment, The Hub 

The flexibility offered by The Hub allows me to learn at my own pace. Unlike traditional classrooms with fixed schedules, I can access course materials and lectures at a time that suits me best. This flexibility has been invaluable, especially when balancing my studies with other commitments. 

Secondly, The Hub's interactive activities have significantly enhanced my engagement with course content. Through features like online discussions, quizzes, and multimedia resources, I'm able to actively participate in my learning process. This interactive approach not only deepens my understanding of the material but also fosters a sense of collaboration and community with my peers. 

What I find particularly beneficial about The Hub is the opportunity to see diverse examples from my peers, showcasing the multitude of ways in which theory can be applied in different contexts. 

The benefit of weekly online sessions 

The interactive nature of these sessions allows for real-time discussion and the opportunity to delve deeper into course material. Furthermore, professors often provide additional examples and practical applications that help solidify my understanding of the content. These sessions serve as invaluable resources for reinforcing learning and ensuring clarity, enhancing my overall educational experience.

How I stay motivated when learning online 

Staying motivated and focused during intensive study periods, particularly when juggling multiple deadlines, is a challenge that I approach with a combination of strategies tailored to my strengths and the nature of my programme. 

My motivation stems from a genuine passion for my studies, coupled with clear goals, a reliance on my peers for support, and the community-driven nature of my programme. By staying connected to my purpose and leveraging the resources available to me, I am able to navigate intensive study periods with focus and determination. 

Reflecting on my online journey so far 

Online learning has been truly transformative for me. Initially, I embarked on this programme with a sense of uncertainty about my future steps. However, the supportive network provided by Imperial College Business School, ranging from fellow students to the dedicated Careers and Programmes teams, has been invaluable in helping me navigate through this uncertainty. The knowledge and skills I've acquired have empowered me to confidently pursue my career goals, particularly in the development of my current startup venture.

Unlocking global business perspectives: Imperial's Global Immersions

Students stand for group photo outside Boston building

At Imperial College Business School, we equip our students to engage with business on a global level. The Global Immersion elective on our Masters' programmes offer students the chance to travel across the world to gain first-hand experience of the business dynamics in a different country.

These Global Immersions include visits to various companies representing diverse industry sectors, along with social and cultural activities. They also provides an opportunity for valuable networking opportunities as students travel alongside peers from a range of programmes within the Business School. 

This week around 300 of our Masters’ students chose to travel to either the US or Singapore. Each of the five trips taking place focus on a different theme, and range from visits to major investment banks, to exploring how data and advancing technologies function in a real-world corporate setting. 

The importance of Global Immersions 

By engaging in international experiences, students gain a unique perspective on global business practices and develop a broader understanding of different cultural contexts. They experience first-hand how businesses operate in diverse environments, which fosters adaptability, cross-cultural communication skills, and a global mindset. These qualities are increasingly vital in today's interconnected and globalised business landscape, and this skill set is highly sought after by employers.  

Find out more about the five different trips that took place this week, including the companies involved and highlights: 

Global Digital Applications  

  • Destination: Boston & New York, US 

  • Programmes: MSc Management, MSc International Management, MSc Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Management 

This module explores how data and artificial intelligence is being applied in real-world corporate settings. Students visited both Harvard and MIT to learn more about their innovation labs and the future of business applications of AI and data. In New York, students met large corporates such as Estée Lauder and JP Morgan to learn how they use AI and data to enhance their businesses. 



Global Immersion interactive classroom sessions
Students participating in an interactive session
Students stand outside of Harvard
Visit to Harvard Business School

The Future of Cities 

  • Destination: Singapore 

  • Programmes: MSc Management, MSc International Management, MSc Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Management 

This module explores Singapore as a Smart City and how local innovations make it unique. Students visited Changi airport to learn why their strategic vision makes it the world's best airport. Other visits included a trip to Volocopter, an electric drone operated helicopter providing novel approaches to transportation. 


Students pose for photo in Singapore outside
Global Immersion in Singapore

Corporate Finance for Practitioners 

  • Destination: Singapore 

  • Programmes: MSc Finance, MSc Finance & Accounting, MSc Investment & Wealth Management, MSc Risk Management and Financial Engineering 

This is a taught elective which incorporates visits to banks located in Singapore. Student lectures were hosted by the Wealth Management Institute, and we visited major international banks such as Bank of Singapore, HSBC and DBS. 


Singapore landscape

Introduction to Quantitative Investing 

  • Destination: New York, US 

  • Programmes: MSc Finance, MSC Financial Technology, MSc Investment & Wealth Management, MSc Risk Management and Financial Engineering 

This is a taught elective which incorporates visits to banks located in New York. Student lectures were hosted by Cornell Tech at their Roosevelt Island campus, and we visited major investment banks such as UBS and Two Sigma, as well as the Deutsche Bank trading floor. 

Global Immersion visit to JP Morgan
Visit to JP Morgan