Imperial’s MBA Career Week

MBA Careers Week panel 2024

In this blog, Full-Time MBA student, Teresa Gomes shares her highlights of our recent MBA Career Week. This week offers a range of career-focused activities in a combination of core Personal Leadership Journey and optional sessions. We offered over 30 Career sessions to our Full-Time MBA cohort, 18 of which were open across our MBA Suite and 12 were open to recent MBA Alumni. 

This week supports Full-Time MBA students in transitioning from career planning to strategy implementation, offering career coaching and networking opportunities with company representatives, sector experts and alumni. Students also had the opportunity to connect with other Imperial MBA cohorts across the Global Online and Executive MBA programmes during career sessions in different formats (on-campus and online). 

Services on offer included: 

  • Individual Coaching: a personalised 1:1 conversation with an industry expert. Our students participated in coached-led sessions covering topics like interview tips, transitioning experience, industry insights, organisational dynamics, and career advice. 

  • Small Group Practice: led by a consultant or industry expert, these sessions focused on skill development and knowledge sharing in a highly interactive setting.  

  • Group Sessions: facilitated by employers, alumni, and the careers team, these sessions included presentations, panels, fireside chats, and spotlights.  

  • MBA World Cafe Networking: innovative networking event connecting MBA students with alumni for career exploration. Students could choose from over 15 alumni profiles, providing a unique opportunity to interact with students from various MBA programmes.  

Teresa Gomes

Teresa Gomes, Full-Time MBA 

Nationality: Indian  

Most recent role and company: Manager at State Bank of India 

Education: Economics for both Bachelor of Science (from St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata) and Master of Science (from University of Calcutta) 

“I think attending Careers Week has been eye-opening for me in terms of figuring out in which direction I want my career to go.” 

My motivations for attending Career Week 

Imperial’s Career Week is a golden chance to engage with a diverse array of seasoned individuals, including alumni and high achievers across various industries. I wanted to make use of this great opportunity to tap into Imperial’s wealth of industry insights through engaging conversations on key career subjects. 

From the practice case interview sessions, I could brush up my problem-solving skills and engage with people not only from my cohort, but from the other MBA cohorts. This enabled a sharing of diverse perspectives.  

 “Talking to professionals from different fields and hearing about their journeys gave me a real-world perspective that you just can't get from a job description.” 

My personal highlight from this week 

The MBA World Cafe stood out to me; through the enriching discussions with the people in industry, I gained a profound understanding of the varied organisations and their internal culture that goes beyond surface-level knowledge. 

“Talking to professionals from different fields and hearing about their journeys gave me a real-world perspective that you just can't get from a job description. I got to chat with alumni, industry pros, and even dive into topics such as dealing with imposter syndrome.” 

Monday’s session: Career Exploration 

I had the opportunity to chat with the Senior Managing Director of a private equity firm. I gained a first-hand account of how investments are strategically crafted, keeping in mind the high-stakes nature of the process. What really sparked my interest was discovering the dynamic nature of the private equity industry. Through those narratives, I could imagine myself getting to explore different corners of the globe, delving into various industries, and forming opinions on their investment viability.  

My key takeaways from this session 

I went in with a certain level of curiosity and knowledge, but this exchange of communication opened my eyes to those aspects of the private equity field that I hadn't fully considered before. As he shared his personal experience of how he went about from not knowing about a particular industry, to gathering knowledge to signing the big investment deal made me realise the enormous possibilities of mastering things I have no idea about. The idea of not just investing, but also having the freedom to jet-set across different places and immerse into diverse industries was genuinely surprising. It's not just about numbers and technical skills; it's about the thrill of navigating uncharted territories and making big decisions in the end.

MBA Careers week 2024 speaker

Tuesday’s session: Innovation & Entrepreneurship 

It was an absolute pleasure to meet Charles, the co-founder of Blenheim Chalcot, and learn from his fascinating experiences. His entrepreneurial journey, especially navigating the dot-com bubble, emphasised the need for a diversified product portfolio to tackle macroeconomic risks. The success story of Blenheim Chalcot in transitioning from tech consultancy to venture building made it clear how important it is to have adaptability in business decision-making.  

“The event not only broadened my perspective on potential career paths but also fuelled my excitement for the dynamic opportunities that lie ahead.”

How this session helped me understand careers in this field 

Speaking with founders of disruptive start-ups such as Kloo, Koodoo, and Brocaly built with support from Blenheim Chalcot, gave me a first-hand look on the tremendous potential of technology, in particular artificial intelligence (AI). It was like stepping into a dynamic world where innovation meets impact. The event not only broadened my perspective on potential career paths but also fuelled my excitement for the dynamic opportunities that lie ahead. 

MBA Careers Week 2024 STAR method

Wednesday’s session: Interviewing & Salary Negotiation  

The session “Unleash your job search power”, led by Marcel Deveny, centered around the often-neglected aspect of job hunting – the power of soft skills. This talk enlightened us on leveraging our skills effectively to negotiate salaries and navigating tricky situations such as the gender pay gap with confidence, essentially putting our fears aside. 

We also learned how to tackle the intricacies of behavioural interviews using the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) technique. As we practiced with our peers, we realised that learning how to craft a compelling narrative by emphasising the action part was the key learning outcome of this exercise. What might seem convincing to us might not resonate with recruiters, and this is where feedback from peers comes handy. 

Thursday’s session: Global Careers & Networking 

The MBA World Café which marked the flagship event of the Careers Week, offered a wealth of wisdom through engaging conversations with the different alumni of Imperial who’ve made it to their dream careers.  As someone who’s passionate about finance, I was particularly keen on meeting people who have made it to the most competitive finance industry after their MBA.  

MBA Careers Week 2024 World Cafe

Networking opportunities   

I had the chance to speak to professionals such as Efua Mercer in sustainable finance at PwC, Jack Blyzinskyj in venture capital at Socii Capital, Obi as the Chief Investment Officer at Sibell Family Office, and Clemens Mieth, Associate Director at Mizuho Bank. These discussions provided a glimpse on the inner workings of the companies they represent. It's one thing to read about a role in a job description, but hearing about it from someone living and breathing that job gives an entirely different perspective. 

Friday's session: Future-proofing your career 

The session, "Unmasking Imposter Syndrome with Sophie Scott”, was about identifying signs of the syndrome and then dealing with them mindfully. As Sophie unveiled the different forms of the syndrome and how it affects an individual, most of us realise how we’ve been subject to it at some point of time and how it has affected our courses of action.  

My learnings 

What I gained from this session is that beyond just recognising the problem, it delved into effective strategies to combat it, emphasising the power of manifestation. A key takeaway was learning the "superman pose" as a self-assurance technique, providing a tangible tool to tackle self-doubt.  

The benefit of Imperial’s Careers week 

I think attending Careers Week has been eye-opening for me in terms of figuring out in which direction I want my career to go. Talking to professionals from different fields and hearing about their journeys gave me a real-world perspective that you just can't get from a job description. I got to chat with alums, industry pros, and even dive into topics such as dealing with imposter syndrome. The networking part was about connecting with people who've been there and done that. I believe that these learnings would certainly guide my decisions as I map out my career path.  

MBA Careers Week 2024  guest speaker

Choosing Imperial’s Weekend MBA

Olumide Akintunde headshot

Embarking on the journey of Imperial’s Weekend MBA was a strategic decision for Olumide Akintunde, who successfully completed the programme last year. In this blog, he unravels the reasons behind his choice, delving into the programme's unique offerings that became personal highlights. From the invaluable career support to the exceptional Imperial faculty, and the networking opportunities provided, Akintunde provides a firsthand account of his transformative experience. Beyond the classroom, he sheds light on the real-life applications of the knowledge gained and the organisation skills honed while effectively managing his studies alongside a full-time job. Olumide concludes by sharing his advice to those considering Imperial’s Weekend MBA.  

Nationality: Nigerian 

Education: Babcock University, BA History and International Studies & University of Reading, MSc, Applied International Development 

Company and role: GSMA, Project Manager 

My motivations for studying Imperial’s Weekend MBA 

I embarked on the Weekend MBA journey to deepen my understanding of key business concepts and strategies, particularly in operations, strategy, financial management, and leadership. This decision stemmed from my pivotal role in leading a sell-side transaction for a hospital in Nigeria positioning it for future growth, which highlighted the need for advanced business knowledge.  

I chose Imperial College Business School’s Weekend MBA for its renowned faculty, diverse student body, and robust curriculum that aligns perfectly with my career goals and being a leading institution with commitments to pioneering research and innovation at the intersection of science, engineering, medicine, and business. 

How the Weekend MBA aligned with my career goals 

Imperial’s Weekend MBA provided me with the opportunity to enhance my business knowledge and leadership skills, crucial for transitioning from the non-profit sector to for-profit ventures with interests in sustainability strategy, business and digital transformation. It equipped me with the knowledge and tools necessary to drive strategic growth initiatives, manage complex projects, and navigate dynamic business environments effectively. 

The Weekend MBA at Imperial College Business School is designed to accommodate busy professionals, offering a flexible schedule that allows me to balance work, personal life, and studies effectively.

The structure of Imperial’s Weekend MBA  

The Weekend MBA programme at Imperial College Business School is designed to accommodate busy professionals, offering a flexible schedule that allows me to balance work, personal life, and studies effectively.  

It comprises a series of core modules covering essential business topics, supplemented by a vast array of elective courses and practical projects tailored to suit individual career aspirations with teachings taking place one weekend per month. The programme also emphasises experiential learning, with networking opportunities, real-world application of classroom knowledge, mentorship, and exchange programmes in different parts of the world making the experience truly global. 

Applying what I have learned to the real world 

Throughout the programme, I've applied theoretical concepts and strategic frameworks learned in the classroom to my professional role, particularly in project management, financial analysis, and strategic planning. For instance, in a technology project, I integrated project management agile methodology with design thinking concepts, fostering a dynamic and innovative approach to problem-solving and project execution. This fusion not only streamlined tasks but also significantly enhanced the efficiency of project delivery, ultimately leading to improved project outcomes. 

Imperial’s Faculty 

The faculty at Imperial College Business School are exceptionally knowledgeable, diverse, engaging, and supportive, providing valuable insights and guidance throughout the programme. The resources available, including state-of-the-art facilities like multi-modal classrooms, online learning platforms, and access to industry experts, have been instrumental in enriching my learning experience and facilitating academic success. 

Weekend MBA cohort 2022-23
Weekend MBA cohort 2022-23

Networking opportunities  

The programme boasts of a vibrant community of individuals from diverse professional backgrounds, offering ample opportunities for networking and collaboration within the Weekend MBA cohort, the wider MBA suite and the Business School community with both current students and alumni. Through group projects, workshops, and extracurricular activities, I've had the privilege of connecting with peers from various industries and building lasting relationships with industry professionals. As a result, I’ve cultivated a robust professional network that transcends the confines of the classroom, enriching my learning journey and offering invaluable support in my professional endeavours.  

Career support 

Imperial's Career Team provide comprehensive support and resources to enhance my professional development and career advancement. From personalised career coaching and industry-specific workshops to networking events and internship opportunities, the career services team equipped me with the tools and guidance needed to achieve my career goals and transition into new roles and industries. It is indeed a journey to self-discovery while exploring the topic of leadership- in the ‘interview a leader’ task, where I delved into the nuances of leadership, drawing inspiration from a seasoned leader in the corporate world. This holistic approach to career development fostered not only skill development but also a profound sense of purpose and direction as I charted my path forward.  

The faculty at Imperial College Business School are exceptionally knowledgeable, diverse, engaging, and supportive, providing valuable insights and guidance throughout the programme.

Work-life balance 

Balancing the demands of work, personal life, and the Weekend MBA programme required effective time management, prioritisation, and unparalleled levels of discipline. I leveraged organisational tools, established clear goals and deadlines, and maintained open communication with my employer, family, and classmates to ensure I not only meet but exceeded my obligations in all facets of my life. This delicate balance fuelled my productivity and ensured that I am fully present and engaged in every aspect of the programme. 

Challenges I faced along the way 

Navigating the rigorous academic curriculum alongside professional responsibilities has been challenging at times, requiring resilience and perseverance. However, overcoming these challenges has been incredibly rewarding, as each milestone and accomplishment brings me closer to achieving my academic and career aspirations. The opportunity to apply classroom knowledge to real-world scenarios and collaborate with talented peers has been particularly fulfilling in addition to building and expanding my network. 

My advice to applicants 

To those contemplating Imperial's Weekend MBA programme, I would encourage you to embrace the journey with open arms, immersing yourself in the abundance of resources, expertise, and opportunities at your disposal to truly enhance your learning journey. Stay proactive in your approach, connecting with fellow students, alumni, and faculty, and grasp every chance to translate classroom theories into practical solutions for real-world dilemmas. Amidst the challenges, maintain resilience and unwavering dedication to your academic and professional advancement, knowing that the invaluable skills and insights gained will pave the way for success in your career aspirations. Remember, the rewards far outweigh the challenges in the grand scheme of things. 

Discussing business and technology at 10 Downing Street

Imperial students outside 10 Downing Street

Last month, Harvard Business School faculty and Imperial MBA students took a deep dive into their "London, Entrepreneurship in the UK and Europe" Immersive Field Course. An important stop on their journey was hosted by Imperial College Business School in London, where both schools received a special invitation from Number 10 Downing Street for a networking reception. 

The UK government's commitment to positioning the country as an innovation and technology was evident at the event. Andrew Griffith, the Minister of State for the Department for Science, Innovation, and Technology, discussed the role of business schools in shaping future leaders in technology. Imperial's Interim Dean, Franklin Allen, also attended.   

Noelle Robbins, Full-Time MBA student shares her experience attending Number 10 Downing Street with her fellow MBA peers. 

Walking into 10 Downing Street 

Walking into 10 Downing Street was a surreal experience. The walls in the stairwell were lined with portraits of prominent British historical figures (Winston Churchill and Earl Grey, to name a few), serving as a reminder of the historical significance of the building. Being in the heart of British political power was both humbling and exciting.  

Attending this event was one of many invaluable networking opportunities I’ve had while at Imperial College Business School. I always appreciate meeting new people and learning from them, which is one of the unique benefits of attending Imperial’s Full-Time MBA programme

Noelle at No 10 Downing Street
Noelle Robbins and Aakanksha Jaiswal at the event

Networking opportunities 

At the evening event, my fellow students and I had the privilege of meeting MBA students from Harvard Business School (HBS), faculty from both institutions, as well as investors and business leaders from across the United Kingdom. Conversations ranged from discussing current global business trends to sharing personal experiences and insights. This was a great opportunity to not only expand our professional networks but also offered valuable insights into the diverse paths one can take after completing an MBA.  

Attending this event was one of many invaluable networking opportunities I’ve had while at Imperial College Business School. I always appreciate meeting new people and learning from them, which is one of the unique benefits of attending Imperial’s Full-Time MBA programme. Being based in the heart of London, we are fortunate to be located within a global business hub, meaning there are countless chances to meet top talent and industry leaders.  

I had the pleasure of attending a panel discussion with Imperial and HBS alumni in London. The panellists were lively and engaging, ranging from entrepreneurs to CEOs in the tech space. The event was preceded by time to network with HBS students, and alumni from both schools. 

Panel of speakers at 10 Downing Street
Panel of alumni speaking at the event

The main focus of the evening was to explore the experience and accomplishments of successful HBS alumni, specifically entrepreneurs and leaders. The panel discussion centred around their career trajectories, lessons learned, and perspectives on the current business landscape. The overarching theme was to inspire and guide current MBA students by leveraging the wisdom of those who had navigated similar paths. I found it quite promising to learn from individuals who had followed their passion, taken risks and were met with great success.  

Imperial students networking at 10 Downing Street
Students networking at the event

The highlight of the day 

For me, the highlight of these experiences was the amazing connections gained as well as the memories created with classmates. The experience of visiting 10 Downing Street and the connections made during the evening panel event, underscored the significance of cultivating relationships with individuals from various backgrounds. It was a reminder that networking not only opens doors to opportunities but also provides a platform for continuous learning and collaboration. One key takeaway for me was the importance of gaining knowledge and connections beyond the classroom walls. Stepping outside the academic setting allowed us to explore various job opportunities and career paths, broadening our perspective and highlighting the importance of networking. 

Imperial Enterprise Lab: exploring innovation beyond the classroom

Imperial Enterprise Lab

Imperial Enterprise Lab is a dedicated support service for students, staff and alumni who want to develop their entrepreneurial mindset, skills, and networks.  

Mangala Prasetia, Global Online MBA student shares his journey at the Imperial Enterprise Lab and how this service has both honed his entrepreneurial skills and enhanced their time at Imperial College Business School. 

My motivation to join the Imperial Enterprise Lab 

As someone with a keen interest in entrepreneurship, the Imperial Enterprise Lab seemed like the perfect fit for my ambitions. In fact, when considering which schools to pursue an MBA, the entrepreneurial spirit, emphasis on innovation, and the service provided by the Imperial Enterprise Lab, was a key factor in my decision to study at Imperial College Business School.  

As someone actively exploring the possibilities of working for a startup or being an entrepreneur myself, the Enterprise Lab was a natural choice. The inclusive nature of this service fosters a "hack" mentality, and this is a skill that I wanted to further develop alongside my academic study. 

What is the Imperial Enterprise Lab? 

The Imperial Enterprise Lab offers a comprehensive array of services tailored to empower student innovators and entrepreneurs. These include co-working space to foster collaboration and networking, mentorship from seasoned professionals, workshops and events, support in securing funding and investment, and opportunities to participate in challenges and competitions to refine skills and gain experience. 

It is truly a vibrant hub for budding entrepreneurs; facilitating startups at various stages of planning, trialling, and funding.

The Enterprise Lab operates as an open and supportive environment. You can drop in to use the co-working space, attend events, or seek advice as needed. The Enterprise Lab welcomes anyone with an entrepreneurial spirit, even if you're just exploring possibilities. You can come and learn, network, and get inspired to develop your own venture. Many people join to participate in the annual challenges, but you can also gain specific skills, or simply be part of the supportive community.  

The Enterprise Lab's online communication platform, Slack, provides a collaborative workspace, offering advice and networking opportunities for all members. Students and entrepreneurs are regularly exchanging ideas and experiences both virtually on the app and in-person. 

What’s more, the service doesn't take equity like many university incubators. This equity-free support ensures that every student, regardless of financial constraints, can access valuable resources.

Imperial student Mangala on zoom call with other students
Mangala Prasetia on a zoom call with peers

Events & workshops 

The Imperial Enterprise Lab organise numerous events throughout the year to actively involve students in the entrepreneurial community. From inspirational speakers and community events, to watching the teams pitch for prizes. 

One of the recent events "Navigating the Startup Journey: Acquiring Your First Customers," was tailored to early-stage student and alumni founders. The session delved into diverse customer discovery techniques, providing valuable insights into effectively reaching our target audience. The workshop also addressed potential pitfalls, offering proactive solutions, and explored various channels to gain that crucial initial traction.  

Impact on personal growth 

In a short span, I've deepened my understanding of entrepreneurship, and feel like I belong to a vibrant and collaborative community. On a more personal note, I’ve also been able to participate in the Global Challenge Lab competition through the Enterprise Lab, and even placed in the competition!  

Engaging with the Enterprise Lab has provided a real-world perspective that complements my academic studies. The hands-on experience has not just enhanced my understanding of business and entrepreneurship, but also helped navigate through my own study on the Global Online MBA.  

Being part of the Imperial Enterprise Lab has been transformative. I've honed my entrepreneurial skills, gained practical insights into startup dynamics, and developed a network of like-minded individuals. The service has nurtured my ability to think innovatively and act entrepreneurially.

Nurturing future entrepreneurs 

In essence, my journey with the Imperial Enterprise Lab has been nothing short of exhilarating. From engaging events to practical experiences, the service has been instrumental in shaping my college experience and preparing me for a future in entrepreneurship. It's not just about theoretical knowledge anymore; it's about actively contributing to the entrepreneurial ecosystem. If you're a fellow student with a passion for innovation, or a brilliant business idea, I highly recommend exploring the Imperial Enterprise Lab - you might just find your niche in the ever-evolving world of startups! 

Choosing Imperial's MSc Economics & Strategy for Business

MSc Economics & Strategy for Business 2024

Sawan Oberai is studying MSc Economics & Strategy for Business; he shares his motivations for studying this programme at Imperial College Business School. The programme focuses on the application of core disciplines to real-world situations, via interactive lectures, challenging case studies, immersive business simulations and real-life consultancy projects. 

Follow along as Sawan shares how he is finding the programme so far and what it means to be studying at Imperial College Business School.  


 Sawan Oberai

About me  

My name is Sawan Oberai and I’m from New Delhi, India. Some facts about me: I am passionate about are sustainability and climate change, commercial aviation, cooking, and I love dogs! 

I studied economics at Sri Guru Gobind Singh College of Commerce, University of Delhi for my undergraduate. I am currently studying MSc Economics and Strategy for Business programme at Imperial College Business School. The programme combines knowledge from economics and management, with technology to help students leverage economic theory and apply it to real-life business problems. This is exactly what I wanted to study for my master’s! 

“Studying at Imperial College Business School is probably the best decision I have ever made.” 

Finding out I had been accepted at Imperial College Business School 

I was in my hometown (Delhi) when I received the most exhilarating piece of news: I had been accepted at Imperial College Business School.  

 Before sleeping, I checked my phone to see if there were any updates; I saw an email from Imperial that had ‘Congratulations’ in its subject. When I opened the email, I was overwhelmed with joy as it was an acceptance email! I ran out of my room to the living room where my parents were while screaming at the top of my lungs. After receiving a scolding for scaring them (fairly), I told them the news and they had a similar reaction to mine. It was so fulfilling as Imperial College Business School was my first choice. 

Why I chose Imperial College Business School

The combination of economics and management is very unique and hard to come across, but it was exactly what I wanted to do. To get to study my preferred combination at a Business School that trains you for the real world and is highly reputed was an opportunity I could not forego. Before applying, it felt like a far-reach to apply to Imperial but once I had the acceptance letter in front of me, it wasn’t a hard decision to make. 

What it means to me to be studying at Imperial 

The first month in London did not feel real. I was having trouble internalising the fact that I am actually studying at my top choice (Business School and programme) and global top 10 university. 

For me, studying at Imperial College Business School is all about grabbing all opportunities with both hands. The Business School is way more resourceful than I could have thought. While the academics are first-rate, the extracurricular and cocurricular opportunities are endless. I am proactive in participating in a variety of workshops, sessions, and career events, and also love visiting any markets or pop-ups at the university. 

Studying at Imperial College Business School is probably the best decision I have ever made. 

How I am finding the programme so far 

The programme is really intriguing and flexible. Not only are the core modules really interesting and practical but we also have diverse choices of electives. 

I found the Corporate Strategy module to be my personal favourite so far; this all about a firm’s scope, determining which businesses and activities to include within the boundaries of the firm. The class isn’t really a lecture format but revolves around discussions. The assessment structure was also quite nice with us applying knowledge from our discussions and material to solve business problems. I am beyond excited to explore where the programme takes me. 

What I am most looking forward to  

I am excited to study the electives that I have selected as I have chosen sustainability-oriented modules (aligned with my interest area). Additionally, I am looking forward to undertaking the consulting project in the summer wherein real companies come to Imperial with real business problems. It feels surreal to get to solve actual business issues as part of the programme. 

My journey studying Imperial’s MSc Management

Aishwarya Banerjee outside ICBS

The MSc Management programme at Imperial College Business School integrates practical learning with research excellence, providing a comprehensive understanding of crucial business and management concepts in the context of a fast-paced and dynamic marketplace. 

Aishwarya Banerjee, a MSc Management student with a background in aerospace engineering shares her motivations for studying at Imperial, her experience on the programme so far, and the impact this has had on her personal and professional development.  

About me 

I come from the small, charming city of Jamshedpur in Northern India; and am now living my 'small town girl' dream in the bustling city of London. This journey is not just about education; it is about transformation and pursuing dreams. 

The question I often hear is, "Why MSc Management after aerospace engineering?" Well, after diving deep into the technical world and doing internships in the field, I realised I did not want a purely technical job. I was aiming for leadership roles, and managing projects, not just working on them. As I did not have prior foundation in business studies, I chose to pursue MSc Management at Imperial College Business School. 


The programme is more than just studying; it is about building real-life knowledge, creativity, and critical thinking. I love the fast-paced nature of the programme, which keeps me constantly engaged.


Why I chose Imperial College Business School 

When I first embarked on my university search, I found myself swimming in a sea of uncertainty. I aimed high, sending applications to my top choices, and soon enough, received a few positive responses, including one from Imperial College Business School. The moment I read my acceptance letter, it felt like an unbelievable dream - an opportunity to study at such a renowned institution. 

London location 

It was not only about the academics but also about the location of the Business School that drew me towards it. Located in the bustling centre of London, a city brimming with major organisations and limitless opportunities, Imperial stood as an ideal gateway. The networking possibilities both within the city and at the Business School seemed infinite.  

Living in London also meant fulfilling a childhood fantasy. As a Potterhead, being this close to the magical world of Harry Potter is a dream come true! 

Aishwarya Banerjee at Kings Cross Station
Aishwarya at Kings Cross Station

Imperial’s programme structure 

What truly set Imperial College Business School apart for me was its programme structure. The flexibility to choose from a wide array of electives meant I could tailor my learning to my interests and career aspirations.  

This versatility was something I did not find in many other institutions, which often only offered a dissertation in their final term. Imperial, on the other hand, provided diverse paths like entrepreneurship, consulting, social projects, and even work placements. 

Alumni Network 

Let's not forget about the alumni network at Imperial. Its vast and diverse, offering a window into various industries and career paths. This aspect alone presented an invaluable resource for understanding the different pathways one could pursue post-graduation.

Induction week 

My first week was truly unforgettable. We had an incredible array of activities that are now etched in our memories. From interactive workshops to seminars covering various job sectors, the experience was enriching. Our induction week took place in the famous Science Museum, exclusively reserved for us Imperial College Business School students. This experience at the museum was not only fun but also a superb networking opportunity where I learned a lot.  

We also had day trip to Reading for team-building activities like pole climbing, wall climbing, laser tag, and more. The diversity of our cohort, in terms of nationality and professional backgrounds, made working together even more enjoyable. 

Aishwarya Banerjee outside Royal Albert Hall
Aishwarya outside Royal Albert Hall

Imperial’s MSc Management 

The programme is more than just studying; it is about building real-life knowledge, creativity, and critical thinking. I love the fast-paced nature of the programme, which keeps me constantly engaged. Assignments challenge us to apply classroom learning to real-world problems, encouraging our ideas and recommendations. For me, the standout has been the Strategic Management module. The case studies used in this module have been very intriguing, allowing us to explore solutions and understand the rationale behind organisational decisions.  

We recently had a simulation as part of our Organisational Behaviour (OB) module, and it was fascinating to see such a theory-based subject being taught with a tech-driven approach. Starting this year, there has been an innovative transition to group dissertations that incorporate simulations, further demonstrating Imperial’s dedication to leading in contemporary business trends. 

One aspect of the programme that I am particularly excited about is the Entrepreneurship module. This was one of the key modules that drew me to Imperial. The module is designed to inspire students to generate their own start-up concepts and present them to a panel of judges. It is an incredible opportunity to develop my own business concepts and understand the practicalities of bringing these ideas to fruition. Presenting them to the judges is not just an academic exercise; it is a real-world test of confidence and entrepreneurial skills. 

Social life 

As one of the social leaders for my class of around 200 students, I help organise these events. We recently organised a social outing for our cohort at Winter Wonderland. We also had a James Bond-themed party for the Management Masters’ suite, complete with roulette, photobooths, and plenty of dancing. 

The programme staff are incredibly friendly and genuinely concerned about making improvements. They are also accessible and responsive, which makes a huge difference. 

Aishwarya Banerjee and peers
Aishwarya and peers at an Imperial event

Impact on leadership and personal development 

I learned early on that leadership is not about being the best or always winning. It is about drawing out the best in everyone, ensuring we all become the best versions of ourselves. Imperial re-enforces this philosophy especially in group assignments, which is a significant part of the programme. It is not a competition of who is better or worse; rather, these group dynamics are designed to help us leverage our individual strengths and collectively produce the best outcomes. These collaborations have enhanced our communication skills and team-building abilities which are crucial for professional success. 

Careers support 

The Careers Team at the Business School played a pivotal role in our professional development. They organised workshops for CV and Cover Letter writing and provided one-on-one meetings with career coaches, which were immensely beneficial. We even had a mock assessment centre, a crucial part of the UK hiring process, to prepare us for real job applications.  

 I am eager to attend the job fairs organised by the Careers team. This will be an excellent opportunity to engage with industry professionals, network, and glean insights into their career paths and tips for success.  

Overall, my time at the Business School is shaping up to be an enriching blend of academic rigour, practical learning, and unforgettable social experiences.

Meet the Finance Masters' class of 2023-24 

MSc students on campus

In September, we welcomed another great cohort of Finance Master’s students as they begin their one-year journey on the following programmes:   

620 students have joined Imperial College Business School across these 5 programmes, with 44% of students being female and the average age being 22. The cohort comprises 77 nationalities, giving students a diverse and enriching learning environment. These students come with diverse career and educational backgrounds, with many originating from fields such as Mathematics, Finance/Accounting, Economics, and Science/Medicine.

Finance Masters infographic

Our students can look forward to learning through a combination of the latest research, practical application, and studying a wide variety of topics at Imperial College Business School. Furthermore, each student can choose their own set of core modules and programme electives, enabling them to tailor and personalise their programme.  

The Business School has developed strong connections with leading companies in the City of London and beyond, providing opportunities for our students to build their skills and confidence in the real world. Each student will gain new, unique skills that will help secure them a successful role in corporate finance, fintech, investment banking, wealth management or any other area of finance they may choose.   

We look forward to seeing all our student’s achievements this coming year.   

MSc Finance  

Ranked #15 in the world in the Financial Times Master’s in Finance Ranking 2023, MSc Finance has a proven track record of securing students competitive jobs in the finance industry in sectors such as investment banking, asset management and consultancy. The programme also helps our MSc Finance students to obtain their Chartered Financial Analyst designation, as a member of the CFA University Affiliation Program.  

Our 2023-24 cohort is made up of 86 students, 28% of these being female and an average class age of 23. 38 nationalities are represented in our class, exposing our students to new cultures, and providing them with an opportunity for innovative global thinking. Our students join us from varying backgrounds including Economics (41%), Business/Management (18%), Finance/Accounting (17%), Engineering/Technology (13%), as well as Mathematics (9%).   

Emma Ford Imperial Headshot

Emma Ford

Education: University of Cape Town - Bachelor of Science, Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering
Nationality: South African

What hobbies or interests do you have outside of your academic life? Have you joined any clubs and/or societies?  

I am a part of the Women Mean Business and Finance Clubs which have been great for networking and learning new skills. I am also my cohort’s SSC careers leader which has been a great way to build on my prior leadership skills and make a difference for my class as careers have been one of our most time-consuming tasks during our first few months. The careers team is also great to work with and very helpful in implementing any plans we have for workshops, networking or skills building. 

What networking opportunities have you had since starting MSc Finance?  

I've been fortunate to attend nearly weekly networking events throughout the term. These have included office visits to prominent firms like Rothschild, UBS, Evercore, Nomura, MUFG, Verdier & Co, and Nordic Capital. Additionally, I participated in engaging campus talks featuring professionals from CarlSquare, FT Partners, UBS, Barclays, Standard Chartered, and Partners Group. The chance to connect and network with accomplished alumni during these events has been fantastic. We also had two impressive career fairs, with one leading to an interview with an international bank. The networking opportunities at Imperial have been exceptional, and I eagerly anticipate more in the upcoming semesters. 

Farhad Huseynli

Farhad Huseynli

Education: University College London - BSc Management Science with Engineering Mathematics

Nationality: Azerbaijani

Why did you choose to study MSc Finance at Imperial College Business School?  

I chose the MSc Finance programme for its unparalleled quantitative focus. Unlike other finance programmes, Imperial's curriculum places a strong emphasis on mathematical proficiency, which greatly appealed to me. I was thrilled to discover that our core modules include subjects such as Mathematics for Finance, Derivatives, and Financial Econometrics. One of the standout features of the programme is the opportunity to tailor our learning experience through elective courses. I had the privilege of selecting Advanced Options Theory and Advanced Financial Statistics, as well as programming electives. 

What sets Imperial College Business School's MSc Finance apart? Its applied approach. The programme goes beyond theoretical concepts and equips us with the practical understanding of how these concepts are applied in real-world scenarios. 

MSc Investment & Wealth Management  

MSc Investment & Wealth Management is a one-year programme, made up of the latest industry theory findings, alongside the opportunity to find innovative solutions to real-world investment challenges.   

The London location and the College’s connections with leading, global finance sector employers means that the programme is well placed to propel students into successful careers in investment, private equity, and asset management.  

This year, we are joined by 91 students, 47% being female with an average class age of 22. Our class represents 29 nationalities, giving students the opportunity to create global business connections, Calibri Bold contribute different ideas and solutions in the classroom and thereby learn from one another. 38% of the class come from a Finance/Accounting background, 32% from Economics, and 8% from Engineering/Technology. 

Haixin Bai

Haixin Bai

Education: The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen - Finance

Nationality: Chinese

Why did you choose to study MSc Investment & Wealth Management at Imperial College Business School?  

Attracted by its unique programme name, I was surprised to discover that the one-year Master’s in Investment & Wealth Management provides everything necessary to progress in the field of investment. The programme seamlessly integrates cutting-edge research and practical problem-solving, accelerating our capabilities in portfolio construction, understanding the macro environment, managing risks, and beyond. Moreover, the Business School's prestigious reputation and recognition by industry leaders offer us a gateway to numerous exciting opportunities.  

How was your first week on-campus?  

The induction experience and my first week on campus were amazing. Meeting the programme team, professors, and fellow students laid the groundwork for a fulfilling academic journey. A vast array of resources could be explored with guidance, including the library and career support services. The diversity and friendliness of the student cohort have created a truly welcoming environment. 

MSc Risk Management & Financial Engineering  

MSc Risk Management & Financial Engineering prepares our future graduates for careers in financial engineering and risk management. Our programme is credited by the Professional Risk Manager’s International Association (PRMIA), and it is a highly quantitative programme for technically minded students. Our students have joined us, eager to engage in the deep, analytical study of risk management and financial engineering.  

With a cohort size of 171 and 35 nationalities represented, this is a diverse class. 50% of the class are female and the average class age is 22. Our students join us from a variety of backgrounds including Mathematics (51%), Economics (16%) and Engineering/Technology (15%). 

Julie-Ann Charles-2

Julie-Ann Charles

Education: University of the West Indies Cave Hill Campus, BSc Economics and Accounting 

Nationality: Dominican

Why did you choose to study MSc Risk Management and Financial Engineering at Imperial College Business School?  

My experience working with small to medium enterprises over the past two years provided me with a heightened appreciation for the efforts and ingenuity of entrepreneurs. Their commitment to innovative ideas, technologies, and solutions remains a pivotal factor in propelling economic development and sustainable growth. However, I observed that many encountered persistent challenges in accessing capital and diversifying risks. This inspired me to deepen my understanding of investment and corporate transformation strategies, ultimately influencing my choice to study MSc Risk Management and Financial Engineering at Imperial College Business School. 

How does the curriculum of MSc Risk Management & Financial Engineering align with your career goals?  

Modules like Financial Engineering and Investments and Portfolio Management directly cater to my goal of understanding and developing sophisticated financial strategies. Many entrepreneurs, particularly in the Caribbean, are risk averse due to limited resources, geographic disadvantages, and vulnerability to external shocks. If I can compensate for this lack of knowledge and encourage market speculation, this could enhance diversification of their income streams, potentially reducing dependence on their business's core operations and promoting sustainable growth. Overall, I am certain that the programme’s comprehensive and multifaceted approach will enable me to stand out in the risk profession. 

MSc Finance & Accounting  

MSc Finance & Accounting is accredited by both ACCA and CIMA, it aims to prepare students for careers in financial or professional services.   

Our programme touches on some of the world’s best research in corporate finance; it is a highly pragmatic programme, allowing students to find innovative solutions to real-world business and valuation challenges. The wide choice of electives on offer here, enables our students to tailor their learning to meet their career aspirations.   

The Business School’s central London location means students can build ongoing relations with major employers in the finance sector, as well as the opportunity to network with leading global organisations and the world’s top companies.  

The class comprises 182 students, 42% being female with an average class age of 23. Imperial places an emphasis on diversity so we are pleased to represent 40 nationalities in this class. Many students have come from a Finance/Accounting (53%), Business/Management (26%), and Economics background (14%). 

MSc Financial Technology  

Graduates of our MSc Financial Technology will gain and enhance the skills required to leverage a successful and innovative career in the ever-evolving sector of fintech and beyond.  

Our one-year MSc Financial Technology programme enhances our student’s in-demand quantitative and analytical skills, including coding and programming capabilities. The programme brings together highly relevant modules and electives to provide students with knowledge of the financial sector and practical experience through an immersive learning syllabus. A range of programming tools such as Bloomberg facilitate live implementations of financial models in the classroom and allow our class to analyse real world investment decisions and data.  

90 students join this class, 50% of them being female with an average class age of 22. 27 nationalities are represented in this cohort, exposing our students to innovative global thinking. Many come from a Mathematics (23%), Computing (21%), and Finance/Accounting (17%) background.  

My decision to study MSc Economics & Strategy for Business

Sejal Gupta at Royal Albert Hall

The MSc Economics & Strategy for Business programme seamlessly combines advanced strategic analysis with modern economics, equipping students for thriving careers in specialised economic and management consulting as well as financial services.

Sejal Gupta is a student studying MSc Economics & Strategy for Business at Imperial College Business School. In this blog, she shares her motivations for studying the programme, what makes it unique, and how it's shaping her into a future business leader.

Imperial College Business School was a no-brainer for me. Being in London is like being at the epi-centre of the business universe, and I wanted a front-row seat to witness and learn from the best.

About me 

I have an insatiable appetite for all things business, economics, finance, and politics. The way these subjects influence the human mind and shape our world is what truly fascinates me. Hence, why the MSc Economics & Strategy for Business programme at Imperial College Business School has been the ideal environment for me to explore and flourish within this dynamic business landscape. 

The Imperial choice 

Picture this – the heart of London, a stellar alumni board, an outstanding faculty, and a curriculum that’s as dynamic as the city itself. Imperial College Business School was a no-brainer for me. Being in London is like being at the epi-centre of the business universe, and I wanted a front-row seat to witness and learn from the best. 

Gupta Sejal and MSc Economics & Strategy for Business cohort
Sejal Gupta and cohort outside Royal Albert Hall

The joy of intellectual stimulation 

Fast forward to the present, my experience has been nothing short of exhilarating. The programme has managed to strike a balance between being interesting and intellectually stimulating. We aren’t just students; we're future CEOs and board members in the making. 

One highlight of last term was our Corporate Strategy elective. Instead of traditional textbook learning, we were thrown into the deep end with a real-world challenge. My team took on the mighty Netflix, dissecting its decision to dive headfirst into the streaming arena. This exercise opened our eyes to all types of considerations that companies face when making strategic decisions. 

Nurturing future leaders 

I've had the chance to hone my leadership skills by taking on the role of Student-Staff Committee (SSC) and actively participating in various clubs and competitions. It's a holistic approach to leadership development that goes beyond the confines of a classroom. 

Sejal Gupta & peers at the Natural History Museum
Sejal and peers at an Imperial event

Eager anticipation for electives 

The programme offers a fantastic array of electives, and I’m eagerly counting down the days until I can delve into the world of geopolitics. The anticipation of interacting with a diverse cohort and exploring these specialised subjects is thrilling.  

Where technology meets business 

Innovating and applying technological solutions are an integral part of the programme. Learning coding skills in the first semester was an eye-opener, as it highlighted the essential role that technology plays in today's business landscape. Whether analysing case studies or real-world scenarios, we consistently explored the dynamic relationship between technology and business.

Imperial’s MSc Economics & Business Strategy programme is not just an academic pursuit; it's a transformative journey. It's about gaining insights, refining leadership skills, and embracing the dynamic intersection of technology and business.

As I begin to navigate through this academic journey, I can't help but feel like I'm not just learning about the world; I'm actively shaping its future. I am excited by the adventures that lie ahead and the invaluable lessons to be learned on this programme in the bustling heart of London!

Full-Time MBA students practise pitching to the Royal College of Music’s Performance Laboratory 

Royal college music - student in the performance laboratory

As part of the Full-Time MBA programme, our students had the opportunity to put their pitching skills to practise, in front of the Royal College of Music’s Performance Laboratory. The Performance Laboratory, originally intended for musicians, allows performers to develop and refine their skills to enhance their stage presence and performance/ presentation skills. An AV recording system allows musicians to watch and review their performances immediately afterwards on web-enabled devices. 

This unique experience is part of the Personal Leadership Journey, and is one of the many ways Imperial supports students with executive communication skills. The Personal Leadership Journey is a Careers-led module that runs throughout the programme. It is designed to give our students the key skills they need as a global professional through workshops, reflective exercises and one-to-one meetings. 

David MacDonald shares his experience using the Laboratory, how this has helped increase his pitching confidence and gave him a new skillset that he can apply to his future career.

David Macdonald at Imperial College Business School
David Macdonald, Full-Time MBA

About me

I had worked in the UK energy industry for the past 8 years and was motivated to study the Full-Time MBA at Imperial College Business School to improve my business knowledge and skills to help influence the energy transition.  

Nationality: British 

Education: University of Edinburgh, Master’s in Chemical Engineering 

The purpose of the Performance Laboratory 

One of the main skills we need to succeed in our careers post MBA is being able to give a powerful and impactful pitch. At the Royal College of Music, they understand the importance of performance and some of the small details that can turn a presentation from good to great. The Performance Laboratory is a great experience to learn both some areas you are strong in while also finding areas you have an opportunity to improve in.  

The Laboratory allows you to observe the non-verbal aspects of your pitch. Our presenter, Dr George Waddell was able to mute the audio so you could observe what your body language was portraying as you presented. Even more interesting was observing each other while not presenting as you could observe some traits that could be distracting to an audience and detract from the person who was presenting.  

Building confidence from the Laboratory 

The Laboratory shows 200 people in a room giving you a chance to practice giving eye contact to different parts of the room and how to respond to different audience body language. By practicing in this simulated environment, it helps condition us to be less nervous on the day, building our confidence to be able to deliver on the day of the presentation. 

Royal college music - student in the performance laboratory
Performer rehearsing at the Performance Laboratory

The impact of the Performance Laboratory 

The Performance Laboratory feedback helps get me ready for some of the important pitches we must give throughout the year. Learning these skills early in my course will improve my confidence when giving a presentation to different audiences. It also reminded our team how vital it is to practice not only our individual parts, but also how to perfect the entrance, the handovers and the finale.  

Transferable skills from my MBA programme to my future career 

Watching a video of yourself presenting is something a lot of people, me included, find a bit uncomfortable. It does however give you a better idea of what other people are seeing and sometimes you may be displaying emotions and body language that may contrast the message you are trying to send. This will also be important to remember during job interviews in the future and will be something I will always practice improving for the future!

My advice to future MBA students using the Laboratory 

If you want to change your pitch from good to great, consider using a virtual simulator. It has three key benefits over the traditional form of practicing;  

  1. You can practice your response to an uninterested or disagreeable audience, making it much less likely to throw your performance off on the day.
  2. By watching the recording of your pitch, you will see some body language traits you were not aware of and understand how to accentuate the positive traits and stop the distracting ones 
  3. It helps you understand that your role isn’t over once you are finished talking. The presentation is a team effort, and you should be focussed on supporting the current presenter throughout using body language cues and gestures.

Learn more about the Performance Laboratory

Royal college music - student in the performance laboratory
Performer in front of virtual audience

Alumni reflections: my experience as a woman in finance  

Manushri Jain - Finance panel

Manushri Jain, MSc Finance (2022) offers an insight into her experience studying at Imperial College Business School. She shares how this Master’s programme has transformed her global perspective and cross-cultural competencies, as well as opening doors for her career in finance. Manushri highlights what being a woman in finance means to her; she touches on the drive and talents of extraordinary women in her Imperial cohort, providing a strong sense of community.  

As an ambitious young Indian woman, I aspired to have global impact in a future-oriented industry. The field combined my interests in mathematics, problem-solving, global affairs and strategic decision making.

Nationality: Indian 

Undergraduate education: BSc Finance, NMIMS, Mumbai 

Company and role: Ernst and Young LLP, Associate, Lead Advisory 

Why I chose Imperial College Business School  

I was always fascinated by London and the global possibilities it held, which motivated me to apply for my Master's there. Imperial College Business School is one of the most coveted choices offering not only a competitive start to my career but also the kind of multinational exposure I was looking for. Specifically, Imperial stood out to me for its excellence in finance education, its focus on responsible business practices, and its diverse student community. 

Additionally, studying alongside classmates from over 20 countries created an enriching cross-cultural experience that has helped me succeed in an increasingly globalised financial sector. I was able to gain diverse perspectives and build a multinational professional network. The collaborative environment also prepared me well for teamwork in fast-paced London. 


My post-graduate achievements  

Professionally, my MSc Finance has opened doors to respected finance roles, like my previous position as a Quantitative Analyst at Tudor Investment Corporation as well as my current post in the Lead Advisory division at Ernst & Young. In both jobs, I have developed specialised technical skills and leadership abilities that have accelerated my career within quantitative analysis and advisory services in the London financial sector. 

On a personal level, my degree truly transformed my global perspective and cross-cultural competencies. Studying alongside such an internationally diverse group of peers expanded my worldview. I learned to communicate, collaborate, and solve problems more effectively with individuals from varying backgrounds. This has served me well in succeeding within multinational corporations in London's diverse financial district. 

Additionally, through Imperial's focus on ethical business practices, I deepened my commitment to using my finance skills responsibly. As I progress professionally, I strive to bring both technical excellence and steadfast integrity to my work. Overall, my Master’s from Imperial College Business School has equipped me with the hard and soft skills to continue making positive impacts in global finance. 

Witnessing the drive and talents of these extraordinary women gave me a strong sense of community and reaffirmed my commitment to female advancement in the field. Although barriers persist, I emerged from Imperial College Business School feeling equipped, emboldened and responsible to champion women leadership in global finance.

What I valued the most 

What I valued most was the immense breadth and depth of financial subjects I was able to study. From corporate finance, investment banking, and financial econometrics to specialised topics like PE, VC, and M&A—Imperial offered an incredibly wide selection. I tailored my curriculum to pursue diverse facets of finance. 

This wide range of electives gave me versatility and allowed me to discover my passions within the field. Ultimately, it equipped me with multi-dimensional finance skills that set me apart in securing coveted roles. The vast finance education was truly invaluable preparation for leadership positions in global financial firms in London. I emerged ready to add value across banking domains—and that flexible expertise is what I treasure most from Imperial. 

Why I chose a career in Finance 

I chose finance  as a career because I have always been fascinated by financial markets and excited by the fast-paced, challenging nature of the industry. During my undergraduate economics studies, I discovered I had an aptitude for numbers, modelling, and data analysis. Finance built upon those strengths perfectly while allowing me to remain closely connected to business operations. 

Additionally, entering Finance opened doors to work internationally. As an ambitious young Indian woman, I aspired to have global impact in a future-oriented industry. The field combined my interests in mathematics, problem-solving, global affairs and strategic decision making. With possibilities to specialise across banking, investments, financial advisory and more—I knew finance could be dynamic and intellectually stimulating over the long run. 

Most attractive, however, was finance’s potential for positive change on both micro and macro levels. Helping businesses grow sustainably, enabling trade across borders, designing inclusive financial products—the field facilitates economic prosperity. I felt called to be part of that. Finance empowers visionaries, uplifts communities, and transforms industries for the better. That ability to drive progress both locally and globally is what truly drew me in. 

Manushri Jain Imperial graduation

What it means to me to be a woman in finance 

Being a woman in finance fills me with a sense of responsibility to forge paths for other women and represent our capabilities within a male-dominated industry. I recognise the unique challenges women face regarding career progression, work-life balance, compensation equity and more in banking. And I aim to lead by example in overcoming systemic barriers. 

Seeing my classmates balance internships and family life while excelling academically motivated me to bring my best self as a woman forging new paths in the industry. Other peers went on to secure competitive banking and fintech roles, further widening the door for women in finance. 

Witnessing the drive and talents of these extraordinary women gave me a strong sense of community and reaffirmed my commitment to female advancement in the field. Although barriers persist, I emerged from Imperial College Business School feeling equipped, emboldened and responsible to champion women leadership in global finance. I strive to represent the capabilities of women in the industry and open even more opportunities for the next generation.  

Imperial’s support for my career ambitions 

Imperial College Business School supported my career ambitions in numerous impactful ways. Firstly, the rigorous finance curriculum and specialised concentrations prepared me with cutting-edge technical abilities that set me apart. Through electives in financial modelling, econometrics, risk management and more—I developed versatile skillsets tailored to thrive in London’s dynamic financial sector. 

Additionally, the Business School’s ties to top global banks and firms opened pathways to coveted internships and jobs. From resume workshops to exclusive networking events, I gained access to firms I had dreamed of working for. The career coaching also helped me articulate my value powerfully. Leveraging those connections and learning how to effectively promote my expertise were instrumental in landing roles after graduation. 

Furthermore, Imperial’s focus on holistic development made me well-rounded. Presentation trainings, leadership workshops, ethics cases and group assignments not only boosted my hard skills but also communication abilities, emotional intelligence and moral compass—qualities vital for impactful finance leadership. 

By fuelling me with multidimensional talents grounded in ethics, Imperial empowered me to bring technical excellence and compassion to advance responsible, inclusive finance globally. I emerged perfectly equipped to match the needs of leading corporations while staying true to my ambition of driving progress through finance. For nurturing that, I am tremendously grateful. 

My advice for women 

Firstly, have confidence in yourself and your capabilities. Imperial's programmes are rigorous, but if you have a strong quantitative background and interest in business, you have what it takes. Use the application to accentuate your unique passions within finance, whether in banking, sustainability, fintech or beyond. 

Additionally, leverage all the support available if admitted. Seek out mentors like the incredible female finance faculty who can offer insights on thriving in this space as a woman. Attend Imperial's career fairs and resume workshops to land competitive internships that open doors. And get involved with clubs like the Women in Business Society which provide community and empower you further. These clubs also offer opportunities to connect with peers from all our programmes and attend events hosted by inspiring female leaders. 

Finally, appreciate that you'll be forging new paths for other women. Finance needs more diverse perspectives and ethical leaders. Leverage this opportunity to find your voice and develop solutions to complex global issues. Let the women peers that inspire you motivate you to bring your best self. You'll face challenges but have an enormously powerful opportunity to turn them into triumphs. 

Ultimately, have courage in your talents and know that Imperial will equip you with the hard and soft skills to shatter ceilings. You'll emerge ready to advance as a woman in global finance while lifting others.

Imperial’s support 

To help towards closing the gender gap in business, Imperial offers a Women in Finance scholarship of £25,000 (for 2024 entry) to those demonstrating academic excellence and leadership potential. In addition to the financial reward, recipients gain access to networking events and can share their outstanding achievement with recruiters when applying for jobs. 

Finance is traditionally seen as a ‘male-dominated' industry, and as a result some women may have reservations about working in this area. However, this shouldn’t be the case as steps are being made to make the industry inclusive for all, beginning at institutions like Imperial. 

This award is available for all five Finance Master’s programmes at Imperial, which range from the broader to more specialised topics like fintech and risk management: