Imperial’s night at the museum

Students pose for group photo at the Natural History Museum Party 2024

As the sun dipped below the horizon in South Kensington, the Natural History Museum closed its doors to the public. The museum came alive and transformed into a captivating venue, exclusively for Imperial College Business School students to celebrate the 2024 academic year kickstart. Held in the Hintze Hall, the event united students and alumni from across our programmes at the Business School. A neighbour to Imperial College London, the Natural History Museum provided a space that felt like a scene from a movie. As our students start a new academic term, they reflect on their experience so far and share highlights of this unforgettable event.

Students party under the big whale skeleton
Natural History Museum Party 2024 dance floor
Natural History Museum dance floor
Ballet performers, with LED fairy wings dance at Natural History Museum Party 2024

Mishaal Majeed

MSc International Health Management (now replaced with MSc Global Health Management)

Nationality: South African 

My first term at Imperial College Business School has been a memorable one. There has been so much learning and growth, not just through academics but throughout the entire student-life experience. It’s been a lot to get adjusted into, especially as an international student, but this has not been an unwelcome encounter. I’ve really enjoyed the friendly atmosphere and diverse environment and have been glad to be able to contribute towards it. Between balancing academics, career prospects, social commitments and personal goals, I also make time to reflect on the experience of being here – and I am grateful for this every single day. 

The combination of historical significance, architectural beauty, and the opportunity to explore the museum after hours made the Natural History Museum an extraordinary venue for the Winter Party.

What I was looking forward to at the Winter Party 

There was so much I was looking forward to – and it’s safe to say that my expectations were set quite high. Here are a couple of things I was keen to explore and experience: 

  • The museum itself: the world-famous Natural History Museum 

  • The entertainment: great music, a lot of dancing, and a heartfelt ballet performance.  

  • The interactions: getting to see everyone – the glitz, the glamour, the conversation and all the good times that came with it.  

  The event was truly spectacular and exceeded all my expectations. 

Stunning entertainment  

There was a variety of entertainment featured at the party. Earlier on in the night was a stunning LED ballet performance, and this was nothing less than exceptional. Furthermore, throughout the night, there was a mixture of amazing music being played by some very talented DJs – and this was accompanied, of course, by a great deal of dancing. There were also a number of photo booths situated throughout the museum where you could dress up (even more) and get some impressive photos taken.  

Mishaal Majeed on the right with her friend
Mishaal on the right with her friend
Students at Natural History Museum Party
Students enjoying Imperial's Winter Party!

Marco Wai

Full-Time MBA 

Nationality: Macau 

My first term has been truly phenomenal and transformational. Studying with my cohort coming from different nationalities, cultures and languages within the first 4 months has been eye-opening for me which I got to learn better on how to work in a global team. The wide ranges of courses such as Organisational Behaviour, Innovation Challenge, Data Analytics has trained me to solve a business case from a 360 all-round perspective and it has paved a great foundation for my future career upon graduation from Imperial. 

It is an unreal experience dancing under the 25-metre blue whale skeleton with a mixture of creative party anthems throughout the night. 

Meeting and networking with fellow students 

Before I joined the Business School, I was already looking forward to this event, especially the opportunity to dance under the famous blue whale. I was able to mingle with so many professors, staffs and students whom I haven’t had the opportunity to speak with in the first semester and met some of the weekend and global MBA students whom we have been taking classes together online, it is great to finally meet them in person. The event has been a great platform for like-minded people and fellow Imperial family to get together. 

My personal highlight 

As a Deans Impact scholarship recipient, I was invited to the VIP reception drinks  before the party. Here, I had the opportunity to meet professors, senior staffand alumni. I spoke with so many inspiring senior business leaders, learned from their experiences and built meaningful connections. I met Full-Tim MBA alumni, they provided useful tips on how to navigate the MBA. 

Amazing entertainment 

 DJ Tony Perry was the best entertainment at the night, especially with his skilful selection of music ranging from different countries, vibes and singers, which has made the night so enjoyable. It is an unreal experience dancing under the 25-metre blue whale skeleton with a mixture of creative party anthems throughout the night.  

The majestic LED Ballerina trio is amazing too, which blends very well with the entire setting of the museum.  

Natural History Museum Party 2024 DJ
Our DJ at the Natural History Museum
Students smiling and partying at Natural History Museum
Full-Time MBA students partying

Xiaolin Yao

MSc International Health Management (now replaced with MSc Global Health Management)

Nationality: Chinese 

My first term at Imperial College Business School has been truly enriching. I've had the pleasure of connecting with friends from diverse backgrounds around the world, and the energy and charisma of the teachers at the school have been truly inspiring. The experience has allowed me to broaden my perspective and learn to approach affairs in new and innovative ways. Overall, it has been a positive and transformative start to my journey at Imperial College Business School. 

The party that exceeded my expectations 

I can confidently say that the event not only met but exceeded my expectations. The Winter Party offered a fantastic blend of socialising, entertainment, and immersive experiences. Dancing beneath the awe-inspiring blue whale skeleton, interacting with the LED Ballerinas, and exploring the museum's exhibits created an unforgettable evening. The photobooths were a hit, providing an enjoyable way to capture moments with friends.  

My personal highlight 

The personal highlight of the Natural History Museum party for me was dancing beneath the captivating 25-meter blue whale skeleton in Hintze Hall. The combination of the atmospheric music curated by DJ Tony Perry and the majestic presence of the whale created a truly enchanting experience.  

The National History Museum, a distinctive party backdrop 

The iconic Hintze Hall, with its towering 25-meter blue whale skeleton suspended from the ceiling, provided a breathtaking and unique setting for the festivities. The grandeur of the hall, adorned with historical and natural wonders, added an awe-inspiring atmosphere to the event. The juxtaposition of the lively party elements against the backdrop of the museum's exhibits, including the Wildlife Photographer of the Year gallery and the Darwin Centre, created a one-of-a-kind experience.  

Students pose in front of photo booth
Students pose for photobooth
Ballet performers, with LED fairy wings dance at Natural History Museum Party 2024
LED ballet performer at the Natural History Museum

Rounak Mahakul

MSc Risk Management & Financial Engineering

Nationality: Indian 

Throughout my first term, Imperial College Business School has provided me a great platform to showcase and harness my leadership capabilities by making it accessible to various events ranging from social to career fairs to network with alumni better fostering a deeper meaningful relationship.  

I have found the classroom to have experienced professors that structure the programme in such a way that contrasts while mapping theoretical knowledge with practical implications relating to the applications used while delving deeper into the world of finance.  

An unforgettable event 

Prior to the event, I felt so excited to join a student event with amazing people with diverse background meeting new bunch of beautiful people bringing back to the Business School calendar. More than 500+ people joining  the party couldn’t have been more exciting moment to capture these moments in the middle of this intense one-year program. I remember before joining the Business School, students would always talk about this Winter Party as an unforgettable event.  

My personal highlight of the party 

Personally, being with the classmates, communities and bright minds at Business School enjoying this lively experience made this party eventful and full of life. Also, I had great moment to cherish with the people over clink of glasses and kickstart the year 2024 at the National History Museum party.  

Additionally, we were fortunate enough to meet with the Imperial alumni who were also invited to the party; I spoke to them to understand about their experience at Imperial and managing workloads this intense year.  

Student looking at photo exhibition
Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibit
Students pose in front off dinosaur exhibit
Student pose with dinosaur exhibit

My journey securing the LATAM Regional Scholarship

Andrea Gonzalez Imperial

Imperial College Business School take pride in pride in being a global institution, welcoming students from across the globe. To further enhance our international community, we extend scholarships to Latin American students whom we believe will enrich the Imperial community.  

Andrea Palacios Gonzalez, MSc Finance student shares her experience achieving the LATAM (Latin America) Regional Scholarship, what it means to her and her advice for prospective students. 

Education: CESI University – Economics Montpellier Business School – International Business Administration 

Nationality: Latin America 

Why I chose Imperial’s MSc Finance programme 

I selected the MSc Finance programme at Imperial College Business School due to the potential it offered for advancing my expertise in this field. With a background spanning private, public, and entrepreneurial sectors, I was keen to deepen my understanding of how global applications of corporate finance, private equity, and venture capital operate, reaching beyond the borders of Latin America. 

As a Latina, I value the opportunity to further immerse myself, becoming a voice for my community and actively promoting diversity in the finance world. 

My motivations for applying for this scholarship 

Acknowledging the congruence between my personal and professional trajectory and the specified scholarship criteria, I felt inspired to submit my application. As a Latina, I value the opportunity to further immerse myself, becoming a voice for my community and actively promoting diversity in the finance world.  

What Imperial’s LATAM Regional Scholarship means to me 

Securing the scholarship brought infinite happiness, gratitude, and a profound sense of motivation to commence my academic journey. The LATAM Regional Scholarship has not just unlocked new opportunities for me but has also played a substantial role in shaping my personal development. 

The transformative impact of this scholarship 

The scholarship has surpassed my expectations on multiple fronts. Academically, it has provided me with the knowledge I was eagerly seeking. On a personal level, the scholarship has not only given me access to outstanding networking events, but it has introduced me to intelligent and supportive classmates, offered insightful seminars and provided a fulfilling life in the vibrant city of London. 

My guidance for prospective scholarship applicants 

My advice is simple: Apply! It is truly the best step you can take. If you believe your profile aligns with the requirements, be confident in sharing your unique story and emphasise why you would be a valuable addition to the cohort. 

Unlocking opportunities: achieving Imperial’s Africa Regional Scholarship

Mishaal Majeed

Imperial College Business School takes pride in its diverse student body. In line with our commitment to fostering inclusivity and diversity, we are pleased to extend scholarship opportunities to African students whom we believe will enrich and contribute to the Imperial community. 

Mishaal Majeed, MSc International Health Management student (now Global Health Management) shares her experience achieving the Africa Regional scholarship, what it means to her and her advice for prospective students. 

Education: Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery (MBBCh), University of Witwatersrand.

Nationality: South African

My motivation for studying Imperial’s MSc International Health Management programme 

Having worked in an under-resourced and overburdened healthcare system of a developing nation, I have experienced first-hand the challenges that both patients and providers face when it comes to healthcare management. Through previous experience, I have developed an interest in branching out and understanding the more non-clinical aspects of medicine, as well as exploring the contributions I can make towards healthcare equality at a global level. The MSc International Health Management programme presented as the perfect opportunity for me to step into this learning curve and gain the necessary knowledge, skills and insight into global healthcare management. 

Imperial College Business School is pleased to announce the MSc Global Health Management has launched for September 2024 entry. The new MSc Global Health Management replaces the programme previously known as International Health Management.


What the Africa Regional scholarship means to me 

When I found out I received this scholarship, I was surprised, ecstatic and immensely grateful. I was thrilled to have been awarded this opportunity, and it honestly felt great to know that all my efforts were not just acknowledged, but also appreciated.  

In addition to the immense value contributed to both my academic and professional roles, this recognition holds particular significance in my personal life as well. My experience working as a doctor in a developing nation has inspired me to go beyond my geographical and clinical healthcare learnings. I’m motivated by the desire to both expand my knowledge on healthcare systems and contribute my own learned skills and understandings towards improving global healthcare. I am truly passionate about helping others.  My desire to improve health and wellbeing has progressively extended from service provision at an individual level to service delivery at a more population-based global level. This scholarship, offered by Imperial College Business School has encouraged the opportunity for me to step into this extension, and in doing so, has enabled me to pursue my passion with an even greater vigour. 


My motivations behind applying for this scholarship 

What’s great about this process is that I didn’t have to apply separately for this scholarship – by submitting my Master’s programme application within a certain deadline, I was deemed automatically eligible based on my South African background aligning with the scholarship’s set geographic criteria. 

Growing up in the multi-cultural country of South Africa, I have developed diverse comprehensions, as well as an eagerness to engage with and learn from individuals who hold thoughts, ideas and viewpoints that are different from my own. I believe that every interaction with someone is a chance for you to both learn something and teach something, and engaging with others from different backgrounds inspires a deeper, more educative and empathetic way of living. 

My motivation hence stems from wanting to contribute towards the cultivation of a society that is not just geographically and culturally diverse, but also one that is engaging, understanding, caring and curious. 


The impact of my scholarship on my academic and personal goals 

This scholarship helps support my personal goals – by allowing me to pursue my passion of helping others. Academically, it will allow me to gain knowledge and insight into global healthcare management and enable me to pursue a meaningful and fulfilling career in this domain. 

This scholarship brings plenty of networking opportunities. At the beginning of the term, there was a breakfast held for scholarship recipients which allowed us all to meet and get to know one another – it was a really nice experience. We had the opportunity to attend a ‘VIP’ reception before Imperial’s Winter Party at the Natural History Museum. This included scholarship holders and DSAC members. It was a great evening to network with other student peers.  


Advice for prospective scholarship applicants 

My advice would be to put forward your most authentic self. Think about what makes you unique – what features of your past, present and future you believe will stand out. You need to be able to communicate and express how you’ve shaped up to become the person that you are and what positive changes you want to bring to the world moving forward. 

Also – don’t doubt yourself! Take advantage of every opportunity and experience that comes your way and make the most of it. 

London: the perfect backdrop for your business education 

Richie Kim Imperial Student London

Studying in London, at Imperial College Business School offers a unique blend of academic excellence, cultural diversity, and vibrant city life, creating an enriching and dynamic educational experience. 

Richie Kim, a MSc Strategic Marketing student shares his experience studying in London, his favourite facilities at the Business School, and how this environment has propelled his personal and professional growth.  

My favourite facilities at Imperial 

Imperial College Business School's campus in South Kensington is a vibrant blend of modern architecture and historic charm which has made it an inspiring place for my education so far. There are so many resources and facilities available to make the most of your time studying here.  

The campus is always buzzing with energy, encouraging collaboration and innovation. It is nice to see a diverse student body and faculty bringing lots of different perspectives. There are always engaging workshops, networking events, and alumni talks that you can attend, complementing the academic programme.

The library has been a great place to go after classes to finish up some readings, work on papers, and even catch up on lectures. Various floors serve distinct purposes in the building. The first floor is great for collaboration, featuring large round tables with ample seating for group work. Meanwhile, other floors are designated as either silent or quiet zones, providing a relaxed environment for focused work when needed.  

The modern classrooms at the Business School have been another standout feature during my studies. Each seat is equipped with a power outlet, and the lectures are recorded, allowing me to review any material I might have missed.

Imperial classroom

Campus life at Imperial College Business School 

Studying on campus has become one of my favourite things to do since moving. Situated in the heart of South Kensington, the Business School is a short distance from Hyde Park, surrounded by diverse food options, and conveniently located near High Street Kensington for enjoyable in-between class shopping. 

The campus is always buzzing with energy, encouraging collaboration and innovation. It is nice to see a diverse student body and faculty bringing lots of different perspectives. There are always engaging workshops, networking events, and alumni talks that you can attend, complementing the academic programme. 

Must visit London locations 

London is so rich in history and culture and there is always more to explore and discover. Of course, we have iconic landmarks like Buckingham Palace and Tower Bridge, along with incredible museums such as the Victoria & Albert, Science, and Natural History - all just steps away from the Business School. Beyond that, there are vibrant areas like Spitalfields, Shoreditch, Soho and Borough Market which are must-visit areas for food enthusiasts who are looking to get a taste of London’s culinary scene. 

Soho has been my favourite due to its vibrant cultural mix, and plethora of restaurants, bars, and cafes to explore and indulge in. I have so many memories in this area, from trying new foods, to discovering hidden gems, and enjoying live performances at the iconic West End theatres. Soho caters to many tastes and interests, and it encapsulates the spirit of London.


My experience studying in London 

Studying in London is a very unique and enriching experience that goes beyond just academics. The city's diversity broadens your perspective and fosters a global mindset. Meeting people from all over the world, you learn so much personally which complements your academics.  

We are also in a city that is one of the largest and most impactful in the world. There are world-renowned businesses, financial institutions, and entrepreneurs throughout the city creating an unparalleled networking opportunity. The city’s cultural diversity is also mirrored in its neighbourhoods as each offers a different flavour, atmosphere, and experience.  

I truly believe studying in London ensures students not only gain a top-tier education but immerse themselves in a hub of innovation, culture, and business that makes the experience an unforgettable journey of growth and discovery.  

But I will say, you get what you put in. Studying in London is only as good as you are willing to make it. So don’t be afraid to reach out to people, make friends, explore new places, try new things, and be the one to message first! 

Richie Kim South Kensington

Choosing Imperial's MSc Business Analytics (online, part-time) 

Milton Caluya

My name is Milton Caluya, and I’m currently studying MSc Business Analytics (online, part-time) at Imperial College Business School. I’m originally from the Philippines, currently based in Singapore, and work as the APAC Commercial Excellence Data Analyst for Envu, an environmental science company.

I moved to Singapore initially with the goal of working and pursuing postgraduate studies. However, I eventually opted to concentrate solely on my career. It wasn't until late 2021 that the idea of returning to school re-entered my mind.

Why I chose Imperial College Business School

After researching analytics programmes at various institutions, Imperial’s MSc Business Analytics (online, part-time) stood out, and it was the only school I applied to. Yes, you read that right!

I created a simple scoring model to assist me in selecting a programme. However, it is not as advanced as the knowledge I will gain from my Business School modules. The core factors that contributed to my decision were the following:

  • Intersection of business and technology - it was important to me to find a Business Analytics programme that focused not only on tools and technology, but also offers a mix of business, and maths.
  • Online learning - I preferred an online programme as my wife and I both work in Singapore and relocating was not an option.
  • Flexibility - I needed to be able studying at my own pace and not have to attend all live classes. I didn’t want to undertake a programme that would majorly affect my personal commitments. Also, my work sometimes requires me to work extra hours.
  • Recognising work experience - I wanted to find a school that looks at my whole application, considering my work experience along with my admission tests and undergraduate studies.

The Business School's programme met all my requirements and was the perfect fit for me. Receiving the acceptance email felt like an old dream coming back to life, only bigger and better than before.

Milton Caluya with his classmates during Induction Week
Milton Caluya with his classmates during Induction Week


My programme so far

We completed our first term in December. We studied two core modules: Maths and Statistics Foundations for Analytics, and Data Structure and Algorithms.

During the middle of the term, I struggled to manage my time because of personal commitments and a heavy workload. If you don't plan ahead, the pace of the class can become overwhelming because you study a new lesson every week.

Thankfully, our learning platform, The Hub, has a timetable that allows us to see all module content and deadlines. This allowed me to make adjustments and catch up on lessons.

Despite challenges, I am enjoying the programme so far. The approach to studying probability, statistics, and linear algebra has been very eye-opening and increased my appreciation for these fields. It makes me chuckle when I think back to my undergraduate programme when I would question when I would use statistics in my career. In the end, I got a job at a statistical software company.

What makes the programme even more enjoyable is that my cohort is extremely supportive. We only met in September, but it feels like we've known each other for a long time.

I also learned more optimal Python coding methods from our professors. Being able to apply them immediately at work allows me to retain the knowledge better.

What makes the programme even more enjoyable is that my cohort is extremely supportive. We only met in September, but it feels like we've known each other for a long time. I’m looking forward to seeing everyone in-person again during our on-campus elective in June (it’s party... I mean study time!).

The second term has now started, and I’m excited about what’s ahead. I'm sure it will be a challenging yet rewarding learning experience.

Technology and innovation in the US: my Executive MBA international residency experience

EMBA cohort pose for photo at MIT

Executive MBA students complete a one-week international residency, visiting top business schools and organisations and gaining first-hand experience of international business contexts in other countries. In this blog, Executive MBA student Georges Panaghoulis shares his experience after attending the international residency in the US where the cohort visited MIT – Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston and Stanford University in San Fransisco. Georges reflects on the transformative experience of engaging with industry experts and professors and how the trip enriched his understanding of global business and leadership.  

Georges Panaghoulis

Nationality: French, Greek 

Education: Polytech Marseille 

Company and role: Island Oil, Head of Price Risk and Hedging 

My highlights of the residency  

The first segment of our Executive MBA's international residency took us to the United States, where we delved into the innovation hubs of MIT in Boston and Stanford University in Silicon Valley. These institutions are more than just academic powerhouses; they are dynamic ecosystems driving real-world innovation. Our residency melded theoretical knowledge with hands-on practices, illuminating the entire innovation lifecycle from ideation to execution. A pivotal insight was the cultural embrace of risk-taking and failure, not as setbacks but as integral parts of the innovative journey. Standout experiences included our visits to the SRI and Plug & Play Institute, where we observed how startups pitch to investors and how these institutions foster rapid innovation.  

“Residencies offer invaluable opportunities to witness innovation and business success across different cultures, particularly in the US. These experiences broaden your perspective, provide expert insights, and allow for personal and professional growth.” 

How this residency contributed to my learning 

The residency enriched my understanding of global business and leadership, especially in the context of American market dynamics. The key lessons included the emphasis on diversity, flexibility, and market orientation in U.S. companies, demonstrated during our visit to Sanofi and through interactions with venture capitalists. Stanford's sessions on innovation, risk management, and a workshop on business ethics provided new perspectives on leadership, stressing the importance of ethical decision-making and the power of a supportive network in fostering innovation. 

The opportunity to interact with industry experts and professors 

Engaging with experts like Phill Budden, Stuart Krusell, Fiona Murray, and Scott Stern at MIT, and Riitta Katila at Stanford, was enlightening. Their diverse perspectives on building successful innovation ecosystems, deep tech innovation, entrepreneurial strategy, and overcoming organisational innovation struggles provided invaluable insights. These interactions underscored the significance of collaboration, big-picture thinking, and creating safe environments for innovation. 

Tom Byers' course on entrepreneurial ecosystems and Brandon Farwell’s workshop on business ethics were particularly impactful. They provided deep dives into the essential components of successful ventures and the ethical considerations vital in today's complex business world. 

Students stand in front of decorative building in the US
Enjoying the sunny weather!

Exposure to the US business environment  

My exposure to the US business environment highlighted the importance of embracing risk, being agile, and market focused. Insights gained from practical experiences at SRI, startup pitches at Plug & Play, and discussions on innovation and venture capitalism emphasised the need for efficiency, strong networking, and the art of storytelling in business. 

Collaborative projects  

Participating in Dr. Jason Jay’s sustainability simulation, discussions with MIT EMBA students, and conversations on venture capitalism and innovation in Silicon Valley were transformative. These activities not only provided theoretical knowledge but also practical experience in problem-solving, collaboration, and understanding the venture lifecycle from idea generation to commercialization. 

Students gather around to listen to speaker
Students met with industry professionals
US skyline
US skyline at night
US beach
Students enjoy beach visit in their spare time

Exploring the US, outside the classroom  

The residency extended beyond academic pursuits, allowing me to explore various parts of the US. Our academic director, Ian Mackenzie, graciously guided us on an informative tour of Harvard, where he previously taught, and through the historic city of Boston. 

Our cohort embarked on memorable travels to Half Moon Bay, San Francisco and Napa Valley. These excursions were filled with a variety of social activities, including dinners, swimming, cycling, wine tasting and vibrant parties. My trip then concluded with a few days in Southern California.  

EMBA cohort dinner
The cohort enjoying a dinner together
US EMBA residency group photo
Georges on the left, with Executive MBA peers

My advice to future MBA students 

I strongly recommend embracing international residencies. They offer invaluable opportunities to witness innovation and business success across different cultures, particularly in the US. These experiences broaden your perspective, provide expert insights, and allow for personal and professional growth. 

Empowering women in education: My scholarship journey

Shauna maguire

The Imperial Global Online MBA Women’s Scholarships are awarded to women showing exceptional academic achievement and professional excellence, as well as a commitment to supporting women in business.

Shauna Maguire, Global Online MBA shares her experience achieving this scholarship, what it means to her and her advice for prospective students.

Company: SVP Commercial Negotiation & Execution, SMBC Aviation Capital 

Nationality: Irish 

Scholarship received: The Women’s Scholarship

How did it feel when you found out you’d secured this scholarship? 

I was absolutely delighted when I learned I had secured the Women’s Scholarship. I have been planning to pursue an MBA at Imperial College Business School for several years now and so, when I discovered that not only had I secured my place on the course but had also been awarded this scholarship, I felt grateful and truly excited to start on this new journey.  

What motivated you to apply for this scholarship at Imperial College Business School? 

I initially qualified as a lawyer and then transitioned to a commercial role in the aviation industry; both the legal and aviation industries are still some way off achieving parity of representation for women at senior levels and so, throughout my career, I have been keen to explore how best to attract and retain female talent within these industries. When it came to applying for my MBA at Imperial College Business School, I was keen to continue my commitment to women’s issues and I felt the Women’s Scholarship was the perfect way to advance that aspiration. 

What does this scholarship mean to you in terms of your academic and personal goals? 

This scholarship has boosted my opportunity to commence my journey in the world of business academia, which I believe will provide me with a sound basis of understanding across a broad gamut of business topics. This I see as key to my future success in a commercial role. On a personal level, the scholarship has enabled me to realise my ambition of pursuing a truly global MBA programme with a cohort that is diverse in terms of both location and business background. It has also given me the opportunity to attend a world class university that puts the student at the centre of the academic experience.  

What advice would you give to students who are aspiring to earn a scholarship? 

Reflect on your skills and experience and apply for the scholarships where you feel you have the best chance of success and that you believe reflect your values. Whilst some of the scholarships are more general in nature, others have a specific focus (e.g. leadership, diversity etc.) and so, I would encourage all students to consider what is the best fit for them. As scholarships are typically awarded early in the process, my advice to future students would be to apply for your course at Imperial College Business School as early as possible.

My MBA journey: securing the Dean's Impact Scholarship

Daniel Rubio Sanchez 

We aim to contribute to both business and society by harnessing the potential of innovative thinking. We are pleased to present the Dean's Impact Scholarship to individuals who showcase accomplishments and influence in five key areas, detailed in this blog. Daniel Rubio Sanchez, a Global Online MBA student shares his experience securing the Dean's Impact Scholarship, delving into its personal significance and offering practical advice for prospective students.

Nationality: Spanish

Education: Global Bachelor’s Double Degree in International Business and International Relations, Universidad Europea de Madrid  

Receiving the Dean's Impact Scholarship

I received the Dean's Impact Award (Technology and Innovation). It’s a scholarship meant to recognise candidates who demonstrate the biggest impact and achievement in any of the following five key areas:  

  • Entrepreneurship  
  • Technology and Innovation  
  • Sustainability  
  • Social Impact  
  • Leadership  

It is an application-based process, so you must really reflect on what your biggest strengths are and make sure they are clear to your reviewers during a short 3-minute video.   

Finding out I had secured this scholarship

I remember I learnt about the award on a Friday morning right before going to work. I was jubilant and excited about the opportunity and what this meant for me. I probably awoke half of my neighbours with my loud morning celebration. It was the time I realised I was going to be an Imperial student.  

My motivations for applying

I would have not had any of the opportunities I enjoy today if it were not for my parents. They have always seen the value of education to create future opportunities for me. When I was younger, I did not always understand it but now I see why they made such a big effort to help me get the best possible education.   

I have supported my education with scholarships since I started my undergraduate degree. My family could simply not afford the cost of my university education, so I worked hard to get good grades during my last years of high school. Due to that effort, I was able to receive a merit-based scholarship from my university since my first year. A year later, I also received an academic excellence scholarship from the Spanish government and additional support from the European Union (EU) for my Erasmus work experiences abroad.  

I believe going through those competitive processes made me more aware of the value of being awarded a scholarship by Imperial. In a way, receiving the scholarship helped me move on from the imposter syndrome and see that I was ready for the challenge.  

Daniel Rubio Sanchez  - Induction week
Global Online MBA induction week

What the scholarship means to me

The Dean's Impact Award has opened the opportunity of taking on a part-time MBA while working full-time for me. It is not an easy decision, but it certainly helps to take the leap and believe in yourself. If you think about it, Imperial College Business School is not just offering you a place in one of their top programmes, but also funding to support you along the way.   

The scholarship has also already been a great avenue to connect with other Imperial College Business School students from other MSc and MBA programmes.

For example, during our Induction Week the School organised a breakfast on campus for us to get to know each other. I am sure there will be plenty of opportunities to learn more about their experiences, careers, and ambitions.   

My advice to those aspiring to earn a scholarship

Firstly, make sure you apply. I almost made the mistake of not submitting my application because I thought there was no way I would get selected.  

Secondly, take the time to really understand your strengths as an applicant and what might have convinced Imperial to offer you a place in the programme in the first place. You might be an entrepreneur, or someone who has made a significant impact on sustainability. Double down on that impact and connect it to a specific subcategory for the Dean's Impact Award.   

Finally, rehearse and rehearse until you make sure the main points (3-4 maximum) of your application come across clearly in the video assessment. Think about the kind of applicants the programme will get by reviewing the class profile and what makes you stand out. Imagine yourself being part of the selection committee, build a strong personal story that provides a common thread for your application and make it hard for them not to choose you. 

A day in the life of an Imperial Full-Time MBA student

Eva Look

Imperial College Business School’s Full-Time MBA is designed with our students in mind, providing core learning alongside options to personalise their programme, and transformational global and leadership experiences. Our London location provides our students with networking and career opportunities in Europe’s start-up capital and global business hub. Eva Look, Full-Time MBA student shares her experience studying in London and why she chose to pursue her MBA at Imperial College Business School. She also details a day in her life at the Business School, offering an insight in what it’s like to study at Imperial.   

Aside from my classmates and the location, one key aspect of Imperial‘s MBA programme that led me to choose this business school is the remarkable flexibility it offers. While we have compulsory modules in the first term, the programme allows us to select our own concentrations from a diverse range of modules.

A day in the life of my first term at Imperial College Business School

London is an exceptional city to pursue an MBA degree for several reasons. First and foremost, its diversity and vibrancy make it a delightful place to live. The city is filled with people from diverse backgrounds, which facilitates easy adaptation and fosters a rich cultural experience. Additionally, London offers a multitude of opportunities for personal growth and enrichment. Within a 30-minute walk, one can visit museums to expand their knowledge, explore art galleries to appreciate the latest artistic endeavours, unwind at bars, and find solace in parks for relaxation. 

Aside from my classmates and the location, one key aspect of Imperial‘s MBA programme that led me to choose this business school is the remarkable flexibility it offers. While we have compulsory modules in the first term, the programme allows us to select our own concentrations from a diverse range of modules. What sets this flexibility apart is that it doesn't require us to make a rigid decision from the very beginning. Instead, we have the opportunity to explore different areas of interest. For instance, I have been able to participate in workshops organised by the Enterprise Lab while also exploring ESG-related activities organised by the career clubs. This flexibility holds great importance to me as it enables me to thoroughly explore my interests and make sure I am fully invested in a particular subject before committing to it. 
7:00 am – I start my day by waking up at 7:00 am and following my regular routine. I get ready to leave my home at 8:00 am. I live in Stratford, and my daily commute to South Kensington station takes approximately 40 minutes. Once I arrive at the station, it's just a short 10-minute walk to the campus. 

8:50 am – Before heading to my 9:00 am lecture at Imperial College Business School, I make a quick stop at the MBA lounge to grab a cup of coffee. This is not only a chance to fuel up for the day but also an excellent opportunity to catch up with my classmates, engage in conversations, and enjoy a pleasant walk to the lecture theatre together. 

9:00 am – Today's lecture focuses on Strategy, and it's our designated day for group presentations. Our study groups have been assigned the task of analysing an industry, comparing the performance of three firms within that industry, and formulating strategic recommendations for the underperforming firm to gain or regain a competitive advantage. The class proves to be extremely insightful as we learn from the diverse range of presentations covering various industries.

Our group presenting on the fast fashion industry during the Strategy class
Eva's group presenting on fast fashion

11:00 am – It's time for lunch! Tuesdays are special because we have the Farmer's market conveniently located on Imperial College Road. We usually grab our lunch from there and head to our discussion room in the Business School to work on our group assignments. This session turns out to be highly productive, allowing us to complete and submit our assignment by the end of the session. 

1:00 pm – Following the lunch break, we have our Corporate Finance class. The lecture is delivered by Professor Franklin Allen, our Interim Dean of Imperial College Business School. Today's topic focuses on measuring risk and expected return for stocks and portfolios. It's a fascinating subject for me as I'm introduced to concepts such as the Capital Asset Pricing Model and its derivation.

Lunch of pork belly with a fried duck egg from the Farmer's market
Lunch of pork belly with a fried duck egg
ttending Professor Franklin Allen's engaging lecture in the Corporate Finance class
Franklin Allen's lecture in the Corporate Finance

3:00 pm – After class, I return to the MBA Lounge to enjoy a cup of tea and work on my individual assignments. This is also a time to socialise with classmates who use the lounge as a place to relax and recharge. Some of our classmates are also working on their group assignments during this time. 

5:00 pm – Soon, it's time for the careers event! As a committee member of both the 180 Degrees Consulting Imperial Branch and the Consulting Careers Club, I have organised a collaborative event with the Social Impact and Responsible Business Club this evening. The event brings together distinguished speakers from Deloitte, Archipel&Co, Pollination, and Dalberg, who share real-life case studies from their respective industries. The event draws a significant turnout, and during the subsequent networking session, participants provide positive feedback. 

lassmates collaborating on group projects in the vibrant atmosphere of the MBA Lounge
Students collaborating in MBA Lounge
Laura, an Imperial alumni, sharing a compelling real-life case study from Archipel&Co
Laura, an Imperial alum from Archipel&Co

7:30 pm – After successfully concluding the event, I make my way back home from South Kensington station. During the journey, I take the opportunity to catch up on the readings on my phone, preparing myself for the upcoming class later this week.  

9:00 pm – Upon arriving home, I freshen up and take some time to relax before bed. Engaging in gentle stretching exercises helps me unwind after a busy day. 

11:00 pm – I head to bed at around 11:00 pm, ensuring that I get enough rest for my class scheduled for the following day at 9:00 am. 

Full-Time MBA class of 2023-24 at the Imperial Innovation Challenge
Class of 2024 Full-Time MBA

Choosing Imperial's MSc Strategic Marketing (online, part-time)

Karolina Rogelj headshot

Our MSc Strategic Marketing programme (online, part-time) is a two-year programme that provides students with marketing fundamentals that intersect with the latest in technology and innovation. Delivered via The Hub, our bespoke virtual learning environment, this online programme offers a structured learning journey to guide you through each module alongside your classmates. 

Karolina Ruiz Rogelj, a MSc Strategic Marketing (online, part-time) student, shares her motivations for studying the programme, as well as her favourite aspects of the programme throughout her first term.

About me 

I am a part-time student under the MSc Strategic Marketing (online, part-time) programme and a full-time Product Communication Manager at Dynatrace. Having always been fascinated with human behaviour and technology, I pursued a degree in computational cognitive science as an undergraduate. Once I graduated, I started working in technology and I quickly discovered a new interest. As much as I loved technology, I was really fascinated by how that technology is communicated to the general population;…in other words how that technology is marketed!  

Having no background in business, I was tentative about applying to any marketing or business programme, but when I came across Imperial College Business School’s MSc Strategic Marketing (online, part-time) programme, I was immediately drawn to its mission:

“one where marketing fundamentals intersect with the latest in technology and innovation, and where marketing science is blended with data-driven decision-making for business.”

I knew then that I found a unique marketing programme that combines my love for data, technology and communication all in one package. Now having completed the first time, I can confidently say I made the right decision.

My three favourite aspects of the MSc Strategic Marketing (online, part-time) programme:  


Studying the part-time online programme has been a game-changer for me. I can comfortably complete the programme content and attend lectures from my home, in Barcelona. The programme does an incredible job in managing workload and time management. Live classes are offered in the mornings and afternoons, allowing me to choose the optimal  time  for me. Each module has an estimated completion time, which has helped me tremendously in planning and prioritising. 

In general, I would say I invest anywhere from around 10-15 hours a week into the programme, this includes the reading material, lectures, and team meetings. This flexibility and completion estimation, allows me to plan accordingly and work full-time. In turn, working full-time allows me to pay for the master’s, while also applying the skills I learn directly to my organisation to drive meaningful and innovative change.  

Learning from world-renowned professors  

Aside from the flexibility of the programme, not only has the material been meticulously crafted to combine the latest of technology and business, but the professors also make all of the difference.

The three modules I took fall quarter were ‘Consumer Behaviour’, ‘Strategic Market Management’ and ‘Digital Marketing’. Each professor had an incredibly interesting background and really practiced what they preached in their own career. For the Strategic Market Management module, our professor James Eteen not only presented his experience but also interviewed marketing icons in the field and how they used theories in the module to transform their organisations. That was one of my favourite modules because it reinforced the importance of learning from each other and mixing theory with creativity.  

Leadership and Entrepreneurship  

During my first term, I really wanted to get used to working full-time and studying part-time, now that I know what it’s like I aim to get involved in leadership and entrepreneurship. Although I’m working towards becoming a leader in marketing and communications in the technology space, I also want to nourish my own personal and creative projects. I believe that this programme will provide me with a foundation for both interests. For my corporate interests, for example, I’m really looking forward to taking electives such as ‘Leadership’, ‘Effective Crisis Management’ and ‘Emerging Technologies in Marketing’, which I believe will build a foundation for my leadership aspirations.  

I find it incredibly inspiring that there have been numerous students who have become leaders in their own business ventures using the skills and network from the programme. I strive to nurture both aspects through this programme.

Key Takeaways 

To future students reading this: take a chance, be yourself, and apply. It doesn’t matter what background you have, how old you are or where you come from, the cohort is a mix of people of all ages and backgrounds. From the people to the programme content, I can confidently say that it has been an incredibly rewarding and transformative experience so far and I know it will be for you too.