Posters and Videos

Click on the student's name to view the poster. All presentations can be found below. YouTube captions are available for these videos. If you have any questions about accessibility or find that content is inaccessible contact CEP.

1st Prize: Elsy Milan

Conceptualising a novel policy framework for de-risking investment in CCUs and blue hydrogen for decarbonising hard-to-abate sectors

2nd Prize: Jonathan Swinney

Doing business with nature: an investigation into the adoption of climate-smart forestry as a policy and practice innovation

Saeed AlKhoori

The potential of municipal waste management for achieving the decoupling required to transition to a sustainable circular economy

Olivia Crowe

Scaling Rangeland Restoration Fairly: investigating socially differentiated access, adoption and benefits in South Africa

Rongjin Gao

The role of system thinking in improving integrated urban water management

Anping Jiang

Integrating justice into urban climatic resilience: a just resilience assessment framework for nature-based solutions

Laila Kasuri

Increasing indigenous participation and inclusion in global water governance

Peter Kidd

Spatial indicators

Juliana Martins

Social and ecological implications of the traffic restriction of the highway BR-174 inside the Waimiri Atroari Indigenous Territory

Eirini Sampson

Freezing energy bills without freezing ourselves

Huan Sheng

Extension of MONET framework to consider CDR as an exchange-traded commodity

Julian Smart

Optimising carbon dioxide removal and carbon markets to stimulate policy towards climate resilience

Edward Sudall

How does government demarcate system risks and opportunities for net-zero transition?

Roselyn Yinglin Li

Assessing the implications of urban transport climate policies in cities on public health outcomes

Langqui Zhao

Transition to circular economy practice: an assessment of the policy and economic initiatives of circular public procurement strategies

Alan Zhenyu Tan

Accelerating the Market Uptake of Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles


Click on the student's name to view the oral presentation slides. All presentations can be found below. YouTube captions are available for these videos. If you have any questions about accessibility or find that content is inaccessible contact CEP.

1st Prize: Henry Grub

A comparison of approaches to badger vaccination against bovine tuberculosis

Runner up: Hannah Murdock

Prioritising health in mobility planning: assessing sustainable urban mobility plans across Europe