Using coding based activities at Imperial....

Blackboard contains a MatLAB integration called "Matlab Grader" which can be used to assess students' MatLab code; Ed Discussion also integrates with Blackboard and lets students execute and experiment with code or tackle structured programming problems with code challenges.

Ed Discussion

Ed Discussion

ed discussion is a question and answer discussion board used for teaching and learning. It can be accessed through a Blackboard Learn course or directly through the ed discussion website, via the Imperial College single sign-on.

matlab grader

Matlab Grader

MATLAB Coding Problems can be created and linked to from a Blackboard course. Once added, staff and students that are enrolled on the course are automatically granted access to the coding problem. Features that MATLAB offers include:

  • Automatic problem marking
  • Real-time, contextual feedback provided for solutions
  • Function or script-based problem authoring
  • Multiple assessment criteria, including variables, loops and custom coded criteria
  • Options for both correct/incorrect and weighted grading
  • A library of reusable example problems
  • Rich text, images, hyperlinks, and LaTeX equations allowed in problem descriptions