Using Peer Assessment at Imperial....

There are a number of options available for Peer assessment at Imperial, Blackboard has a built in peer assessment tool and FeedbackFruits has a tool for peer assessment called "Group Member Evaluation".



FeedbackFruits is a peer assessment collaboration tool which enables group peer assessment, peer to peer assessment and self-assessment to be carried out online.

FeedbackFruits allows for students to participate in Group Member Evaluation, a function which enables peers to assess each other on group work carried out. Groups assess their own members through a combination of predefined rubrics and free comments.



Blackboard Learn is the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) used at Imperial College. Staff and students automatically have access. You can use Blackboard to:

  • Deliver courses online
  • Communicate to staff and students through online discussion
  • Set and receive assignments, tests and surveys
  • Track progress and manage grades